I won't comply this time either but I'm so tired of this crap now that I won't be nice about it this time around. They can kiss my ass for even thinking about it.
Yeah, they'll be hearing a lot more loud bursts of laughter this time if I get asked to wear a muzzle. Before, it was just a stern glare and a terse "No; doctors said not to wear it" as I breezed by.
It was doctors offices that gave me the most crap about it. My doc says no to me wearing a mask too. This time I'll tell them if they refuse to make a reasonable accommodation for my condition and if they refuse to treat me over it I'll call an ambulance chasing lawyer...the dirtiest one I can find.
The word no is a good start. But I’m not gonna support calls for violence on this board. It’s our lifeline. The Feds will pull every one of these posts and use it as an excuse to shut us down.
For me. I said no for 3 years. Didn’t work or travel. Game over.
We get it. But we know how the glow ops work. I’m not a speech police, but I don’t want this board being framed for propaganda. I’m aware anons aren’t violent folks. We research and make memes. But we also defend ourselves as a natural inalienable right!
If anyone knows of any doctors, MDs, DOs or Naturapaths that won't go along with this bullshit, please post their info so we can go to them. I've totally lost trust in doctors that demanded their patients be masked and couldn't wait to push the C19 poison into every arm, including pregnant women and kids. We need to boycott any docs that think all these vaccines are safe and support the ones that can think for themselves.
They are gonna do everything. Monkey Cocks, market crash, cultural enrichment riots, massive media propaganda push. What would you do if you saw Gitmo waiting for you if Trump wins. It’s gonna be all out.
If they think they're going to get lockups and muzzles and antisocial distancing in place again for this election, that is just a fucking joke.
Reeks of hysterical desperation, anything to remove democracy, to prevent the people from choosing their own representational leadership for our Constitutional Republic.
Two things. It Still says on every 3-M/ N-95 mask box 'warning, this dust mask will not stop a virus'. Next is the Fact that to eliminate all trace of monkey pox all that is needed is to turn MSM, OFF.
You know they're crazy and they've got nothing left to lose, so I suppose this time they"ll make it deadly and i don't care I still won't get vaXXinated and I won't comply period.
Last time monkeypox was in the news only gays and their dogs were getting it.
And then for no reason at all, it instantly disappeared from the news cycle. No reason as to why they stopped talking about it.
I won't comply this time either but I'm so tired of this crap now that I won't be nice about it this time around. They can kiss my ass for even thinking about it.
Still see losers at stores with masks on.
lol and now WHO declares homopox (monkeypox) a global public health emergency.
I still see them with masks on too. I saw one of the special ones a couple of weeks ago...mask on and in the car alone driving down the road.
They're deathly afraid of cross-contaminating themselves. Oh, . . .and don't forget the relentless virtue-signaling for the rest of us heathens.
Yeah, they'll be hearing a lot more loud bursts of laughter this time if I get asked to wear a muzzle. Before, it was just a stern glare and a terse "No; doctors said not to wear it" as I breezed by.
It was doctors offices that gave me the most crap about it. My doc says no to me wearing a mask too. This time I'll tell them if they refuse to make a reasonable accommodation for my condition and if they refuse to treat me over it I'll call an ambulance chasing lawyer...the dirtiest one I can find.
Fuk them.
We all need to stand up and tell them to go to hell.
I've been telling friends at work,that they will start all this shit again for the election. I've been calling it the election flu.....
will not comply fuk em... and FKH and her tampon
I'm open carrying. Fuck this noise.
Concealed is much better for numerous reasons. Recommend firearms trainer and retired cop John Correia's channel Active Self Protection on yt.
That’s exactly what the ds wants.
The DS wants capitulation. They want a lazy, frightened populace that refuses to fight and refuses to hold anyone accountable.
The word no is a good start. But I’m not gonna support calls for violence on this board. It’s our lifeline. The Feds will pull every one of these posts and use it as an excuse to shut us down.
For me. I said no for 3 years. Didn’t work or travel. Game over.
Violence is when someone attacks an innocent person. Justice is when that person fights back.
If I could upvote this statement more than once, I would.
I get it.
We get it. But we know how the glow ops work. I’m not a speech police, but I don’t want this board being framed for propaganda. I’m aware anons aren’t violent folks. We research and make memes. But we also defend ourselves as a natural inalienable right!
You're not defending yourself if you are too afraid to use your god-given rights the way our founding fathers intended.
If anyone knows of any doctors, MDs, DOs or Naturapaths that won't go along with this bullshit, please post their info so we can go to them. I've totally lost trust in doctors that demanded their patients be masked and couldn't wait to push the C19 poison into every arm, including pregnant women and kids. We need to boycott any docs that think all these vaccines are safe and support the ones that can think for themselves.
Source: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112960775343946368
WHO just declared Monkeypox as a global emergency. Yup, their next play is the ass virus LMFAO!!!
Sauce: https://archive.ph/Qt5Bu
Mr Slave from South Park agrees.
Jithzzzz chrithhhzzzz
Do you guys think they will try it this late in the game?
Maybe an "OMG Super-duper national emergency, have to shut down everything, including the polls / election!!!!"
They are gonna do everything. Monkey Cocks, market crash, cultural enrichment riots, massive media propaganda push. What would you do if you saw Gitmo waiting for you if Trump wins. It’s gonna be all out.
I can’t wait! u/#popcorn
For Monkey Cocks, or....? 😂🧐🙉😚
Ha ha - in 2 weeks it'll be September.
If they think they're going to get lockups and muzzles and antisocial distancing in place again for this election, that is just a fucking joke.
Reeks of hysterical desperation, anything to remove democracy, to prevent the people from choosing their own representational leadership for our Constitutional Republic.
Two things. It Still says on every 3-M/ N-95 mask box 'warning, this dust mask will not stop a virus'. Next is the Fact that to eliminate all trace of monkey pox all that is needed is to turn MSM, OFF.
And keep your penis and mouth out of other men’s anus. This always helps prevent Monkey Cocks.
Do not comply
Every four years we get summer Olympics, a fake pandemic, and a rigged presidential election. What fun!
And now they have said that Sloth Pox is spreading fast.
My brain hurts.
You know they're crazy and they've got nothing left to lose, so I suppose this time they"ll make it deadly and i don't care I still won't get vaXXinated and I won't comply period.
Your body your choice right?
To die is gain after all
Last time monkeypox was in the news only gays and their dogs were getting it. And then for no reason at all, it instantly disappeared from the news cycle. No reason as to why they stopped talking about it.
Good luck, fuckers.
I refuse.
We will not comply for a fake scamdemic. Monkeypox is nothing per the nih government site