posted ago by swimkin ago by swimkin +89 / -0

My niece (early to mid 30’s)got married to a Marine who only recently just stepped down from serving. He has a Purple Heart from being wounded and medivacated (spelling?) from Iraq after being hit by an IED awhile ago. He continued to serve even after recovering from his non-life threatening wounds. I assume bc he was still active duty up until getting married that he was vaxxed at least 3X during his stint.

My niece was a State Policeman who served during COVID. She was one of the first responders who got jabbed in the first wave of COVID vaccines. She had the second jab and at least one booster that I know of. She is still currently working in a police department but no longer is on a regular beat. .

My sister called yesterday to tell me my niece went into see the doctor Friday for a second check up for a pregnancy. However, at this visit the doctor couldn’t hear a fetal heart beat.

Both my niece and her husband, of course, are devastated.

I know she was still in her first trimester and these things do happen to many couples even before the COVID jabs, but given the circumstances of today’s post jab society, it makes one wonder

Then I got another call from a different sibling who told me her husband’s friend’s best friend’s son’s child, a 9 year old boy (who was likely jabbed) was just diagnosed with cancer in his brain. It’s attached to his brain stem and is inoperable.

Sadly, we may never know how many people have been affected by the jabs.