This is a wonderful speech, it highlights the fact the liberal government is our enemy. It also highlights the growing concerns of many Americans, chemicals in our foods and vaccines and RFK's promise to work within the Trump admin to eliminate these bioweapons from our lives. If you go to the 1:06 mark, he begins to explain the intentional chemical poisoning of the American people. At the very end, he speaks how it will be his and Trump's legacy to eliminate the biohazards from our lives.
Back when people were questioning Trump's connection to the covid vaccine rollout and trying to place blame for the mounting side effects, I saw what might be the shit hit the fan moment we all needed. You can't tell them, you have to show them.
I predicted the covid vaccine disaster would take us in a direction that saved humanity. We were being poisoned and we were poisoning our children, we needed something to slap us across the face and wake us up. Autism rates were creeping up very slowly, slow enough it didn't cause societal concern. However, each year the epidemic of Autism slowly and steadily climbed. This is the legacy of the current FDA, NIH and vaccine industry. Trump's legacy will be that he brough the temple down on their heads.
Here is my post from Jan 2022. RFK's speech today gives me hope for our future. I can stop worrying about my children's future and the ever-encroaching chemical soup they will be exposed to.
A big thank you to RFK, President Trump, the Q team and anons. Exposing the evil was the first step, makes cleaning it up that much easier.
God Bless!!
I'm watching this RFK speech and it's incredible. Like a breath of fresh air amongst a stagnant stench-filled sewer that is our political system at the moment. Where's the DNC's calling-out of our institutions? Nowhere to be found. Where's Kamala's scorching critique of the corruption within our government... our media... big pharma, etc.? Not a damn peep, or at least nothing that can be taken with any grain of honesty or conviction.
Meanwhile, the deranged bot network at Reddit is going crazy right now, and it shows the propaganda engine is working overtime trying to spin and suppress this. RFK has spent his life fighting against companies that put profit over people and endanger the lives of American citizens via greed and corruption. Having RFK in our corner is a massive win. I pray this is only the start of a new political paradigm for America. it's a shame he's older now, and doesn't have a lot of time left. RFK himself admits he has at most a decade to complete his life's ambitions.
As scary as the near future might seem, I think there's a lot to be hopeful for.
The obvious reason being because all that corruption benefits her and her ilk and she wouldn't exist without it.
Of course, Fren! Those were more rhetorical questions because we all know the reasons why it is this way, along with highlighting the stark contrast between the two campaigns.
Yes, the reality of the Establishment and the difference with real, honest, transparent engagement are becoming more and more pronounced every day.
Timing is everything, and it's very heartening to see the planning unfold like this.
The more I think about the comparison between the Republicans and Democrats at the current state, it is almost exactly like the "red pill/blue pill" choice given by Morpheus. Q even said "the choice to know will be yours." Meaning, if we pick Trump, we'll be shown how deep the rabbit hole goes.
This will give him the impetus to continue even right so many wrongs done to his family on a personal level and to us as a Nation...
NOTE: The "Deep States" always wanted this nation, us, to be divided along so many lines that we forgot to look and ask the questions that would help each of us to reach conclusions that were impactfull to us and then to the rest...
This is ONE ELECTION that is for ALL THE MARBLES IN THE BAG...and we can't LET ANY Org...screw with it up...
So honestly, as someone who's "only" 35.. and never cared about the bs game that is politics until the era of Trump came along - so, I dont really know about RFK - But, I definitely think its time to find starting out.
"Meanwhile, the deranged bot network at Reddit is going crazy right now,..."
Bill Clinton is younger than Trump! 🐑🐑🐑
But yeah, I see that part of the machine flailing too.
What about incredible few days this has been. God bless anons.
That's a big win.
good..whatever is for the greater good i'll take the win
People need to be executed for poisoning generations of Americans. One policy of China's I always liked, Corrupt corporate profiteers being executed for choosing money over people.
There needs to be accountability, but I think it's important to not lose sight of the real objective here: flushing the system and removing the corrupt, toxic control of the Cabal.
The saying goes, the best revenge is living well. if we can get this millennial satanic monkey swarm off our backs, then I care only secondarily about meting out justice.
You don't sidle up to and make deals with Evil. Evil must be destroyed. America got off the rails because evil was not punished. Let the next Would be Fauci sit at a desk upholstered with the flayed skin of his predecessor to remind him what the wages of sin are. That'd be a powerful deterrent.
Eye on EMFs, chemtrails (he talks about them), no vaccines, hopefully bans glyphosate and forever chemicals. Watch the autism rate drop to zero and overall health improve dramatically. These are some of the things Trump doesn't really talk about so RFK brings a lot to the campaign.
Yes. I truly hope Trump allows him to do what needs to be done.
POTUS can't talk about some things due to optics but he either drags them into the light to be revealed or appoints people to expose them...
I requested this to be stickied, Anon. Thanks for your perspective and ideas. God Bless you!
Thank you for that request Lord Kek and thanks to our great mods for the sticky! u/mods
Amazing post fren. I will be trying with my wife after the election and the vaccines, food poison and trans indoctrination are huge issues for me.
The so-called 1:22 in california for Autism is REALLY JUST RETARDATION.
Retarded population dropped over 3,000 percent. How? Simple... all parents in 2024 claim their retarded kid is "Autistic".
Autism in Caucasians MIGHT have gone up a little, but the vast majority were born retarded. Retardation can even be diagnosed 7 days after birth (many methods)
Day 1: Ban fluoride in water supply.
Yes, that is a must!! I'm tired of buying filters to get rid of it from my drinking water.
Autism rates in kids are now 1 in 36 nationally!!!!! This is INSANE!!!! In California, Autism rates are 1 in 22!!!
Europe is ahead of the US on this issue with food toxicity as well as the rest of the world.
US has slid backwards when it comes to food.
Charged backwards. I used to think it was slipping, but after Q and covid I finally got wise to the fact that it's all been intentional.
Wow, what a speech! Tucker did say that the Means siblings, who work with RFK jr, would change the world and now I see how. I'm so relieved that these issues of toxic medicine and food are being addressed. I hope we can reverse the "vaccine" adverse effects too.
I passed the Tucker/Means interviews to normie friends. I found it a good way to start the eyes-open process with quite a few. They actually started digging in on some of the points they brought up and are now starting to question a lot of things.
Never heard of autism when I was younger and now it’s so prevalent. From 1 in no one to 1 in 36 is malicious negligence.
Don’t forget chemicals being sprayed in our California sky!
This is such a great development. I too am very encouraged and filled with renewed hope. I know that DJT knows about the pharma agenda, about the damage of vaccines and the autism factor, but with RFK jr on the team, you KNOW this is going to be addressed. Hard.
Temple coming down indeed. For this, we should all pray, and lean in to the fight.
Don't forget all the chemicals in our cleaning supplies, Q called this out directly actually. And in all our soaps, lotions, shampoos. Lord, I pray we stop getting poisoned and can heal from the years of damage that have already been done.
Dear fren jhartz thank you for all of your thought filled posts. I'm excited whenever I see your name on a post because I know it will be something to look forward to.
I remember your previous post and you were on target as usual. You are wise and have foresight. POTUS did indeed "bring the temple down on their heads
We are blessed to be alive during such momentous times to witness history. I've been hopeful throughout our battle because I have Faith and can see The Plan working even when I didn't fully understand it, but tonight a YUGE section of The Plan came together in the most amazing way. I almost didn't believe what was happening in front of my very eyes.
Thank you for your beautiful post! 👏🫡
You are very welcome!! I had a chance to watch the Trump rally tonight while I was canning some more sweet pickles. When Trump called RFK Jr on to the stage and the crowd roared, it brought a tear to my eye, maybe both eyes.
Safe vaccine programs are most vital, ending the Autism, but cleaning up the toxic chemical mess we are forced to consume, drink and breath, this is the announcement I have been waiting my whole lifetime to hear.
I hope the direction they go is far and wide. End the GMO farming, end the glyphosate, end the fluoride in the water, end the cancer causing chemicals in our food, end the aluminum in the deodorants, end the lines in our skies, end the toxic chemicals in the vaccines.
I hope the truth comes out, that they have known for many years the vaccines cause Autism and every parent with an Autistic child can sue for damages. I saw a video a while back that said the medical agencies have never done a study that to rule out vaccines as the cause for Autism. They most likely knew the answer and were hiding the truth.
The pharmaceutical companies are protected by federal laws from product liability and being sued. However, if it is shown that they have been KNOWINGLY poisoning the American people, heads will roll. How many times did Q use the term "KNOWINGLY" when talking about covid vaccines? The media and the medical agencies hid and forbid prescriptions for drugs like Ivermectin. This is malpractice to the highest degree.
I rarely listen at length to speeches or interivews, etc, but this one is well worth it. I think the speech begins around 48 minutes in to the clip.
Below a few random notes that might inspire more interest
The template for democracy
The centre of the censorship industrial complex – CISA
The Issues: chronic disease, free speech govt corruption, breaking our addiction to war
Free Speech, War in Ukraine, War on our Children
Militarty Industrial Complex – Comic book justification for the war.
Tiny Ukraine is a proxy geopolitical struggle initiated by the ambitions of the US Neocons for American global Hegemony
US hostility to Russia
Ukraine war begin in 2014 when US agents overthrew the govt
Biden forced Johnson to Ukraine to tear up the peace agreement 2022
Ukraine is a victim in this war, a victim of the west
Squandering 200 billion which our suffering communities need
Our moral authority is in shambles
Trump say she would reopen negotiations with Putin and end the war overnight.
This alone would justify my support for his campaign.
One of the two candidates has adopted these priorities.
I was surprised to discover we are aligned on many of my priorities.
DJT's proposal that DJT and RFK join forces as a unity party: allow us to disagree publicly and privately on issues approaches upon which we continue to have serious disagree while working together on existential issues.
Ending the forever wars
Ending the childhood disease epidemic
Securing the border
Protecting freedom of speech
Unravelling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies
Getting the US intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveiling Americans & interfering with our elections
Kelly Mainz tucker Carlson – health issues
Thank you, yes it was an amazing speech, touched so many topics destroying our country, on so many different levels. I watched it in entirety as well. RFK will bring a wealth of knowledge to be utilized by President Trump. Winning big time!!!
I think Burning Bright made the most on point comment:
RFK jrs background connections and positions on some previous and current issues concern some MAGA voters. But we were never going to get all disaffected liberals to swing towards Trump by cloning him and setting him up on the opposite side of the info war.
DJT doesn't need those factions to win the election, not in 2016, 2020 or in 2024. But its not about winning rigged elections. It's about unifying America.
Characters lead the war of stories, the narrative wars.
Trump is THE symbol of the anti-Establishment on "the right". RFK jr is that but on "the left".
Pied pipers come in many forms.
Ca inflates these stats for federal $.
I have a post from even longer ago, too deep to find but there were so many points that point to this day & RFK did a wonderful job of explaining to his people & everyone exactly WHY he's endorsing Trump. Mind you some of these people believe some of the lies about DJT but RFK explains it with the issues that are important to them, to bring us all together to stop a common evil that awaits us all if we do not. This was a very important & well planed out segue & supposed split the two men supposedly had early in 2017, but it was really just a planed out 'divide & conquer' tactic against the cabal.
Yes, Trump - or maybe Q+ with Q team, like brilliant generals against an enemy many times as massive but not quite as smart made that decision as you say here. He let them have their vax but they pushed it faster & in that rush it would be, predictably, not as targeted over the mark as they wanted. As such it would be enough of a break from their plan that people would begin to see their evil plan & hence the great awakening (even into the liberal base) & etc
Point is, yes, Trump would be happy to come out looking like he made a mistake on the vax and hand that part of the game to RFK, if it meant saving humanity.. Heck, Trump would be happy to play Sampson if he had to in order to bring down the temple but hopefully this play with RFK is enough. See the 2 men met 3 days from when Trump took office in 2017. According to RFK, Trump called him in to talked about vaccines. I believe they did, of course, but it was more than that. Trump, obviously, knew about their covid / vax plan, He must of heard about RFK's work in vaccines & knew how key his family's history was to all this & etc. Yeah, they talked about vaccines alright/ Trump told him the cabal's plan & they worked out this plan (Of RFK bringing awareness of the vaccines & eventually running for President to eventually endorse Trump now, but there's much more to it than that) Both men are of course driven by the need to save humanity & they know what horror awaits if they can not. They both have their respective family histories & personal histories & like anyone else, would like to bring credit to them but at the same time, either would sacrifice any part of that glory to save humanity from peril.
After that meeting in early 2017 I heard people in my somewhat liberal but not vaxtarded circles criticizing Trump for calling RFK in, just for the photo shoots or what have you. As they claimed he seemed to give audience to RFK's concerns about the vax but yet 'did nothing' & just ignored RFK after. Both men, actually seemed to 'ignore each other' since it was the plan that they made to take down the cabal. If I would try to tell anyone in those circles that warp speed & bringing RFK in were part of Trump's plans to bring down the cabal they would just laughed at best.
Imagine meeting with Trump 7 years ago & being tasked with the job of running for president, to awaken as many as possible & then joining Trump's team as the anti-pharma czar, around the time the DNC convention ends! What a task & yes he did great at it! So yes, RFK had to go through this whole charade of running for president just to wake up some of the lefties.
Never been my dream. Liberals and me are diameteically opposed. Rfk is still a liberal. . He has realizes the dems are globalist shills and cheats. So his ideology is still 99 percent twisted.
Did you watch his speech where he suspended his campaign? He trashed the democrat party. He explained he left the party because it departed from the values he grew up with. He became an independent.
He explained how the democrat party was censoring him. His own party prevented him from his own Presidential ambitions.
Five of his brothers and sisters have came out against RFK for joining the Trump team. If he is willing to give up his family for the good of the country, I say we give him a chance. He is promising to bring change, remove the toxins from our food and improve the health of the nation. This is something he has been working on his entire life. He was the very person who exposed the truth on the covid vaccines.
Yes, I agree he has some questionable policies but we are only relying on his motivation to clean up the toxins in the products we consume.