A small tent that pops up is good in the house. If the temperature drops, you can sleep in a tent that is warmer than the house. Flash lights and a radio that works on batteries. Plus plenty of books to read assuming the Internet is down.
Context: the purpose of this post is to both inspire others to make some mild preparations and to share ideas. Nobody thinks of everything and two heads are better than one.
10 days ... Ten gallons of gas and a generator.
For all your battery charging, phones, flashlights and refrigerator (off at night).
Garbage bags, bucket if water sewers out.
Solar microwave
Coleman gas camp stove (we have electric only so when electricity is out we get out our two burner camp stove!) BBQ grill (extra propane gas bottle)
Digital TV antenna....plug in to generator.
I've done this for 7 days so far. My spouse loves to be prepared. We live where we get frequent hurricanes.
If you are on a budget,buy a cheep harbor freight jump battery. They even have USB ports on them,and will charge your electronics for a week or two.
Also a Coleman stove and adapter to run it on 5 gal propane tanks.
A gal of fresh bleach and a eye dropper 9 drops per gal for regular dirty water and 18 drops for very dirt water,let it sit an hour and it's safe to drink.
No just make sure it has USB ports and such. Harbor freight will only have one or two choices. I paid about 50 dollers for mine,and am very happy with it.
If your not on a budget,their are lots of better ones out their.
Similarly-minded family, friends and acquaintances.
A versatile skill set.
A pack of hunting dogs. Try to keep back up 1 month of dog food in aluminum garbage cans.
Try to keep a stash of liquor stored but somehow it always disappears. KEK
Thanks for this thread. Made me realize we’re in pretty good shape but some items would be a reall pain in the ass not to have. I think I’ll go buy some more dog food. Maybe stop at the liquor store, too.
The use for blue tarps is one I has not considered, thanks for that tip. Other than that I think we are prepared in most ways as you are. Funny you mentioned the disappearing liquor - I still have a full bottle of Old Crow that none of my kids would drink and water down as teenagers - they are in their 40's now so try that! No one will drink it except as last resort!
My pleasure. You must’ve read the long version I wrote before I deleted a big chunk of it. I just felt I was being verbose and didn’t want to come across as a braggart. But I have lived semi-rural my entire life so a lot of what wrote is standard operating procedure. KEK, 40 years?!? I’d say that’s some potent antiseptic!
Have some jumbo size blue tarps enough to cover the roof with should a Maui-type situation arise, God forbid. Already had them, actually, for other projects but decided to set the blue ones aside in an EZ to grab location just in case.
I hear ya - I deleted a bit of mine before posting too. Have also lived rural most of my life and am thankful for it. It would be much harder to prepare living amongst hundreds or thousands of unknown people. Being self sufficienct is a passion of mine - I can carry on at great lengths when given a chance! Two is one and one is none - you know what I'm talking about
4 cords of wood in the basement, wood stove, first aid and meds , dog and feed for 1 month, hay is already in the barn for the goats, batteries for all size lanterns and headlamps and transistor radio, lots of those ice packs frozen and the freezer food will be eaten first, will stay good for about 5 days. turkeys in freezer frozen solid, will take 4 days to thaw, eat last. Bleach, peroxide by the gallon jug. Drinking water enough for 10 days, other bottled water kept in used soap and clorox bottles, spare bottles for washing up. Water purification tablets, we live near a clean water source, activated charcoal, vitamins and supplements, months worth, bottles of booze for bartering, silver stacked, 300 troy oz. Ammo, 3 cars always topped off, what am I forgetting? Lots of books for reading, the Bible of course, but others too. Deck of cards and board games to amuse.
I live close to the Canadian border,in New England, wood was delivered in June, sat out for 2 months drying a bit, got it stacked inside, have not needed it for warmth, we get snow every Halloween, nights get cold, but this was about prepping, we can cook on the stove, no need for electricity or gas to cook, can heat hot water for washing up, doing dishes etc. And yes, by mid October will probably need to light it at night to warm the house up. It's been 40 at night already.
Solar battery chargers and rechargeable batteries, solar garden lights that can be brought in at night.
All extra freezer space filled with water in juice jugs will keep food cold longer and can be melted for cooking water.
Filled empty bleach bottles, laundry soap containers, etc with water for nondrinkable purposes like hand washing, etc,
All vehicles full of gas every day. Bicycle tires all good.
OTC medicines and full first aid kit with good how to instructions. "Where there is no Doctor" is a book we keep on hand as well as other more basic info.
Bear spray and beyond for defense. All cleaned, equipped, ready to use if needed.
agree with all comments/suggestions...would like to add one: i use peppermint oil in spray bottle, about 1oz peppermint oil to about 12 oz water...i have used this in my car, around house door areas, other places, to keep out mice, snakes, bugs and other critters...best to spray areas where your pets cannot come into direct contact, and don't need much spray at all so you don't "gas yourself"...
👍Great tip. Rodents quickly spread all manner of disease. Reminds me I need to slice up bars of Irish Spring soap and place them inside machinery and in and around woodpiles.
This is more of a tip/info- have an extra bucket for spare water rather than letting used water/bath or hand washing go down the drain. You can pour water right into your toilet and cause it to flush. You do not need to pour into the tank at the back 👍
And for all of you, don't forget to pray and plead the blood of Jesus over your homes and families. When this happens, I will pray for all of you! God Bless.
Portable toilet with A water flush. Extra t.p. amd a bottle of bleach to have sanitizing water bucket for hand washing. Plus all the other shit people mention on here.
hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol and bandages, like vetwrap kind that sticks to itself...also, cotton tampons can be used to plug a hole temporarily, jic you happen to get one...
Costco has a great set of bandaids! I cut myself all the time. I work IT so I have soft hands but I always am doing some sort of project around the house, yard work, construction stuff, auto maintenance etc…
An adapter for refilling 1 LB propane canisters from 20 pounders works great. Follow the directions for bottle temps and it’s done safely and fills the pounders just about full.
We have a garden, from which I can. We have tomatoes, salsa, green beans, peaches, a selection of jams. grape juice, pears, corn, applesauce and potatoes.
I have seeds for coming gardens, have planted fruit trees (apple, cherry, and peach), we have rhubarb, asparagus, horshradish, black berries, grapes, raspberries, strawberries annually and right now we are harvesting tomatoes, winter squash and brassica of all kinds, and potatoes.
I am dehydrating onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, red/yellow/green peppers, and mushrooms. We have dried beans (navy and kidney) and rice.
We have gallon jugs of water, bleach to we bought two rain water collection systems, a water filtration system, and bleach (if needed), a solar/crank radio, extras of our scripts, bandages, pain meds, and misc other meds such as ivermectin, antibiotics and ect.
We have two standing freezers full of meat (beef, chicken, pork and fish), peas, corn and asparagus. Pet foods and medications for the dogs.
We have collected a large sterlite box of canning supplies (cheesecloths, lids and certo), and yeast, 25lbs of flour, and 25 of sugar for baking breads or treats. Coffee and tea.
We have installed a wood stove, and have a everal cords of wood ahead and a free place to cut. We have multiple cans of propane for the grill, matches, lighters and candles, batteries and rechargeable lights, (solar doesnt work very well, the beam is not directed) We have a generator, oil lamps and oil. (need extra wicks), hand tools and 55 gallon drums of gas.
We got 5 gallon buckets and a wagon to haul water.
Extra blankets, working outside and hunting clothing, boots, shoes and socks.
Extras in shampoo/conditioner, soap, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, rubbing alcohol and peroxide. I even bought some heavy period pads and cloth diapers in case someone gets hurt badly. We have ratta tat tats and things that go in them. JIC too. Hunting and fishing supplies.
We have an old CB if we still have power but no communications.
We bought a supply of paper products like cups, plastic silverware, plates and bowls. Cuts down on dishes and therefore water. Although I bought extra cleaning supplies too. extra laundry supplies and a new plunger in a bucket to wash clothes and dryer racks (inside and out)
I purchased wild harvesting books (identification, harvesting and using) I already know how to hunt, clean and cook wildlife.
Also have fabric, thread and yarn for who knows what will be needed. We already cook mostly in cast iron but I did buy a cast iron Dutch oven for soups and to use like an oven.
This is by no means exhaustive but hope the details gives others ideas that they may have forgotten.
Edit: Forgot to add I also updated my baking supplies, seasonings, and essential oils.
Bible: it can be your priority or not, but biblical times call for .. bibles.
Money: Bullion, Bitcoin, Bullets
Food: 10 Days or More of extra food, Trail mix, camp food meal packets, Nuts, bleach and eye dropper (for water purification), liquor, berkey water filter (at least a sport bottle with several replacement filters), water purification tablets, coffee, filters, 25-100lb flour, 25-100lb beans, 25lb sugar
Health: Full first aid kit, antiseptic, antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol, bandages, vetwrap, cotton tampons, activated charcoal, vitamins, supplements, “where there is no doctor” book, valleyvet.com, horse paste
Shelter: small tent, medium/large tent
Utilities: Flash lights, solar stove, gas stove, cast iron skillet, saw, knifes, machete
Defense: bear spray, pistol + 100-250 rounds
Communications: digital tv antenna, battery/solar/cranked radio, ham/cb radio
Information / Entertainment: books (practical and novel), games (cards), “Renovation” 5th edition book, harvesting books
Energy: ten gallons of gas, generator (dual fuel and/or solar), propane tanks, jump battery, AVR/UPS battery backup, wood cords, rechargeable batteries, solar battery chargers, rechargeable plasma lighter and manual flint lighter, 55 gallon drum gas, learn to make ethanol
Sundries: Garbage bags, 5gal buckets, blue tarps, solar garden lights, toilet paper, shop towels, microfiber rags, { peppermint oil and a spray bottle, Irish spring soap (anti pest treatments) }, workshop, larger buckets, portable toilet, refreezeable ice packs, milk jugs frozen with water taking space in freezer, laundry soap, spare bicycle tires, large backpack for bugout, cigarettes for barter, shampoo/conditioner, soap, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, disposable dishes, fabric, thread, yarn
Animals: dogs, 1 mo dog food in aluminum can, 1 year deworming meds
$$$ Cash on hand for electronic systems going down.
Cash will be worthless without wheelbarrows. Buoillion
10 Days or More of extra food.
Trail mix and camp food meal packets. Nuts.
A small tent that pops up is good in the house. If the temperature drops, you can sleep in a tent that is warmer than the house. Flash lights and a radio that works on batteries. Plus plenty of books to read assuming the Internet is down.
Games are good to have also. Just bought a backgammon set on eBay for that purpose.
Context: the purpose of this post is to both inspire others to make some mild preparations and to share ideas. Nobody thinks of everything and two heads are better than one.
10 days ... Ten gallons of gas and a generator. For all your battery charging, phones, flashlights and refrigerator (off at night). Garbage bags, bucket if water sewers out. Solar microwave Coleman gas camp stove (we have electric only so when electricity is out we get out our two burner camp stove!) BBQ grill (extra propane gas bottle) Digital TV antenna....plug in to generator.
I've done this for 7 days so far. My spouse loves to be prepared. We live where we get frequent hurricanes.
What’s also great about a grill is you can cook with cast iron on it if you don’t want to necessarily grill something.
I’ll cook with cast iron on my wood stove in the winter too.
If you are on a budget,buy a cheep harbor freight jump battery. They even have USB ports on them,and will charge your electronics for a week or two.
Also a Coleman stove and adapter to run it on 5 gal propane tanks.
A gal of fresh bleach and a eye dropper 9 drops per gal for regular dirty water and 18 drops for very dirt water,let it sit an hour and it's safe to drink.
Pbman2 Any model to recommend for the jump battery?
No just make sure it has USB ports and such. Harbor freight will only have one or two choices. I paid about 50 dollers for mine,and am very happy with it.
If your not on a budget,their are lots of better ones out their.
You can also get a larger AVR/UPS battery backup if you have a computer store nearby.
They won’t run a fridge, but they’ll run anything with a lower wattage draw for quite a while.
Similarly-minded family, friends and acquaintances. A versatile skill set. A pack of hunting dogs. Try to keep back up 1 month of dog food in aluminum garbage cans. Try to keep a stash of liquor stored but somehow it always disappears. KEK Thanks for this thread. Made me realize we’re in pretty good shape but some items would be a reall pain in the ass not to have. I think I’ll go buy some more dog food. Maybe stop at the liquor store, too.
The use for blue tarps is one I has not considered, thanks for that tip. Other than that I think we are prepared in most ways as you are. Funny you mentioned the disappearing liquor - I still have a full bottle of Old Crow that none of my kids would drink and water down as teenagers - they are in their 40's now so try that! No one will drink it except as last resort!
Blue tarps are a good thing to prevent spontaneous roof combustion.
KEK! 🤣That’s a great way to put it, yes.
My pleasure. You must’ve read the long version I wrote before I deleted a big chunk of it. I just felt I was being verbose and didn’t want to come across as a braggart. But I have lived semi-rural my entire life so a lot of what wrote is standard operating procedure. KEK, 40 years?!? I’d say that’s some potent antiseptic!
So, what were you saying about blue tarps?
Put it on the roof to prevent getting Maui’d.
This. 👍
Have some jumbo size blue tarps enough to cover the roof with should a Maui-type situation arise, God forbid. Already had them, actually, for other projects but decided to set the blue ones aside in an EZ to grab location just in case.
I hear ya - I deleted a bit of mine before posting too. Have also lived rural most of my life and am thankful for it. It would be much harder to prepare living amongst hundreds or thousands of unknown people. Being self sufficienct is a passion of mine - I can carry on at great lengths when given a chance! Two is one and one is none - you know what I'm talking about
💯 o7
4 cords of wood in the basement, wood stove, first aid and meds , dog and feed for 1 month, hay is already in the barn for the goats, batteries for all size lanterns and headlamps and transistor radio, lots of those ice packs frozen and the freezer food will be eaten first, will stay good for about 5 days. turkeys in freezer frozen solid, will take 4 days to thaw, eat last. Bleach, peroxide by the gallon jug. Drinking water enough for 10 days, other bottled water kept in used soap and clorox bottles, spare bottles for washing up. Water purification tablets, we live near a clean water source, activated charcoal, vitamins and supplements, months worth, bottles of booze for bartering, silver stacked, 300 troy oz. Ammo, 3 cars always topped off, what am I forgetting? Lots of books for reading, the Bible of course, but others too. Deck of cards and board games to amuse.
Why would you need wood in oct. it’s literally 105 where im at. Can’t imagine anywhere in America would need warmth in a month
Uhm, it is only getting to 45 degrees today where I am in Alaska…
I wear tank tops in colder weather snowboarding
Braver than me! The ride up the mountain gets kinda blowy😅
I live close to the Canadian border,in New England, wood was delivered in June, sat out for 2 months drying a bit, got it stacked inside, have not needed it for warmth, we get snow every Halloween, nights get cold, but this was about prepping, we can cook on the stove, no need for electricity or gas to cook, can heat hot water for washing up, doing dishes etc. And yes, by mid October will probably need to light it at night to warm the house up. It's been 40 at night already.
God bless you
Junk silver coins helpful in barter situations
Have done most of what others posted. Also
Solar battery chargers and rechargeable batteries, solar garden lights that can be brought in at night.
All extra freezer space filled with water in juice jugs will keep food cold longer and can be melted for cooking water.
Filled empty bleach bottles, laundry soap containers, etc with water for nondrinkable purposes like hand washing, etc,
All vehicles full of gas every day. Bicycle tires all good.
OTC medicines and full first aid kit with good how to instructions. "Where there is no Doctor" is a book we keep on hand as well as other more basic info.
Bear spray and beyond for defense. All cleaned, equipped, ready to use if needed.
Toilet paper 😅
OMG, yes! How could we ever forget?!?
10 Days or More of extra water.
Buy the book “Renovation” 5th edition is out now so you can do your own home repairs.
agree with all comments/suggestions...would like to add one: i use peppermint oil in spray bottle, about 1oz peppermint oil to about 12 oz water...i have used this in my car, around house door areas, other places, to keep out mice, snakes, bugs and other critters...best to spray areas where your pets cannot come into direct contact, and don't need much spray at all so you don't "gas yourself"...
👍Great tip. Rodents quickly spread all manner of disease. Reminds me I need to slice up bars of Irish Spring soap and place them inside machinery and in and around woodpiles.
Besides the obvious…
A full working - workshop, to be able to provide services for trade!
This is more of a tip/info- have an extra bucket for spare water rather than letting used water/bath or hand washing go down the drain. You can pour water right into your toilet and cause it to flush. You do not need to pour into the tank at the back 👍
Bible. The sword of Salvation will win the day.
And for all of you, don't forget to pray and plead the blood of Jesus over your homes and families. When this happens, I will pray for all of you! God Bless.
Portable toilet with A water flush. Extra t.p. amd a bottle of bleach to have sanitizing water bucket for hand washing. Plus all the other shit people mention on here.
hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol and bandages, like vetwrap kind that sticks to itself...also, cotton tampons can be used to plug a hole temporarily, jic you happen to get one...
Costco has a great set of bandaids! I cut myself all the time. I work IT so I have soft hands but I always am doing some sort of project around the house, yard work, construction stuff, auto maintenance etc…
Valleyvet.com is the elastic self adhesive wraps. They’re cheap and work well. Stock up on horse paste at the same time from them.
So many animal meds are exactly the same as the human meds but packaged differently and less expensive.
https://emj.bmj.com/content/35/8/516.responses# Second paragraph.
Just stocked up on small propane canisters for using with Colman planters. Heading out for coffee, extra filters for our overs, and dog food.
An adapter for refilling 1 LB propane canisters from 20 pounders works great. Follow the directions for bottle temps and it’s done safely and fills the pounders just about full.
You can also buy the adapter to run the stove strait off the 20 pounder. That's what I did,if I don't need to bug out,it will be a lot easier.
Yep - just needed some to refill! Gave half of the ones I had away to a neighbor in need when their power went out.
Lots of glow sticks from the dollar tree.
Carton of smokes for barter
Airplane bottles of booze for barter
I have lots of doggie poop bags because my dog died and I thought I might need them if the water goes out.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog u/Hope4Gaiarestored.
What was his/her name?
Y'all don't REALLY think I'm going to say what I just might have, do you?
We have a garden, from which I can. We have tomatoes, salsa, green beans, peaches, a selection of jams. grape juice, pears, corn, applesauce and potatoes. I have seeds for coming gardens, have planted fruit trees (apple, cherry, and peach), we have rhubarb, asparagus, horshradish, black berries, grapes, raspberries, strawberries annually and right now we are harvesting tomatoes, winter squash and brassica of all kinds, and potatoes. I am dehydrating onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, red/yellow/green peppers, and mushrooms. We have dried beans (navy and kidney) and rice. We have gallon jugs of water, bleach to we bought two rain water collection systems, a water filtration system, and bleach (if needed), a solar/crank radio, extras of our scripts, bandages, pain meds, and misc other meds such as ivermectin, antibiotics and ect. We have two standing freezers full of meat (beef, chicken, pork and fish), peas, corn and asparagus. Pet foods and medications for the dogs. We have collected a large sterlite box of canning supplies (cheesecloths, lids and certo), and yeast, 25lbs of flour, and 25 of sugar for baking breads or treats. Coffee and tea. We have installed a wood stove, and have a everal cords of wood ahead and a free place to cut. We have multiple cans of propane for the grill, matches, lighters and candles, batteries and rechargeable lights, (solar doesnt work very well, the beam is not directed) We have a generator, oil lamps and oil. (need extra wicks), hand tools and 55 gallon drums of gas. We got 5 gallon buckets and a wagon to haul water. Extra blankets, working outside and hunting clothing, boots, shoes and socks. Extras in shampoo/conditioner, soap, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, rubbing alcohol and peroxide. I even bought some heavy period pads and cloth diapers in case someone gets hurt badly. We have ratta tat tats and things that go in them. JIC too. Hunting and fishing supplies. We have an old CB if we still have power but no communications. We bought a supply of paper products like cups, plastic silverware, plates and bowls. Cuts down on dishes and therefore water. Although I bought extra cleaning supplies too. extra laundry supplies and a new plunger in a bucket to wash clothes and dryer racks (inside and out) I purchased wild harvesting books (identification, harvesting and using) I already know how to hunt, clean and cook wildlife. Also have fabric, thread and yarn for who knows what will be needed. We already cook mostly in cast iron but I did buy a cast iron Dutch oven for soups and to use like an oven.
This is by no means exhaustive but hope the details gives others ideas that they may have forgotten.
Edit: Forgot to add I also updated my baking supplies, seasonings, and essential oils.
You have a salsa plant? Kekek
lol I sure do! Its a combo plant. I fertilize it with my brothers recipe. The heat depends on how many jalapenos I get by harvest! Lol 😉
Bible: it can be your priority or not, but biblical times call for .. bibles.
Money: Bullion, Bitcoin, Bullets
Food: 10 Days or More of extra food, Trail mix, camp food meal packets, Nuts, bleach and eye dropper (for water purification), liquor, berkey water filter (at least a sport bottle with several replacement filters), water purification tablets, coffee, filters, 25-100lb flour, 25-100lb beans, 25lb sugar
Health: Full first aid kit, antiseptic, antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol, bandages, vetwrap, cotton tampons, activated charcoal, vitamins, supplements, “where there is no doctor” book, valleyvet.com, horse paste
Shelter: small tent, medium/large tent
Utilities: Flash lights, solar stove, gas stove, cast iron skillet, saw, knifes, machete
Defense: bear spray, pistol + 100-250 rounds
Communications: digital tv antenna, battery/solar/cranked radio, ham/cb radio
Information / Entertainment: books (practical and novel), games (cards), “Renovation” 5th edition book, harvesting books
Energy: ten gallons of gas, generator (dual fuel and/or solar), propane tanks, jump battery, AVR/UPS battery backup, wood cords, rechargeable batteries, solar battery chargers, rechargeable plasma lighter and manual flint lighter, 55 gallon drum gas, learn to make ethanol
Sundries: Garbage bags, 5gal buckets, blue tarps, solar garden lights, toilet paper, shop towels, microfiber rags, { peppermint oil and a spray bottle, Irish spring soap (anti pest treatments) }, workshop, larger buckets, portable toilet, refreezeable ice packs, milk jugs frozen with water taking space in freezer, laundry soap, spare bicycle tires, large backpack for bugout, cigarettes for barter, shampoo/conditioner, soap, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, disposable dishes, fabric, thread, yarn
Animals: dogs, 1 mo dog food in aluminum can, 1 year deworming meds
Garden: https://greatawakening.win/p/1994kKTvDG/x/c/4ZDuNQ6nxSf
Learn how to make ethanol. Serves multiple purposes including sanitation, fuel, bartering and of course personal consumption…