I've been seen lots of comments from these types claiming none of this is happening. Yet, I've seen ZERO evidence from them to back up their claims. I think I'll take the word from the genuine citizens living in the area over a bunch of leftist goofs.
Well their "proof" is no widespread reporting that its happening. That ABC said there arent police reports confirming it. But the attorney general put out a statement saying theyre killing livestock and wildlife for food. A lot of those cats are outside cats and can be considered wildlife. Theres also the fact that eating cat is tradition in their country, so were expected to believe that these people are going to get rid of their tradition and respect our laws and communities when their very existence here is illegal on top of the insane increase in crime to the point where the attorney general needed to address it. Why might there not be widespread police reports when it happens? Well if its an outside cat the owner might not care enough to report it or might not notice right away the cat is gone. Also im sure a lot of people feel like the police just wont do anything about it, like its a waste of time when these people are protected from consequences
for the sake of argument, how does one know these are not psyop? it's a video of a woman crying about it but there's no other context. Who is she, verified citizen? where's picture of the dog head showing a street sign or geo location etc?
One of the peripheral reasons we have the 2A - self defense
“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson
“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” – Thomas Jefferson
“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.”
– Thomas Jefferson
“The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like law, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance ofpower is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves.”
– Thomas Paine
This poor young lady is scared out of her mind. Whatever percentage of the population that hasn't woken up yet -- probably never will. If it is a "movie" let it end already. Nobody should have to live in such terror in the United States.
Militia needs forming.
My thoughts- it’s wartime..
Please disregard this. She's obviously a White supremacist.
I’m crying with her.
I thought this was deboooonked….🙄
I've been seen lots of comments from these types claiming none of this is happening. Yet, I've seen ZERO evidence from them to back up their claims. I think I'll take the word from the genuine citizens living in the area over a bunch of leftist goofs.
Well their "proof" is no widespread reporting that its happening. That ABC said there arent police reports confirming it. But the attorney general put out a statement saying theyre killing livestock and wildlife for food. A lot of those cats are outside cats and can be considered wildlife. Theres also the fact that eating cat is tradition in their country, so were expected to believe that these people are going to get rid of their tradition and respect our laws and communities when their very existence here is illegal on top of the insane increase in crime to the point where the attorney general needed to address it. Why might there not be widespread police reports when it happens? Well if its an outside cat the owner might not care enough to report it or might not notice right away the cat is gone. Also im sure a lot of people feel like the police just wont do anything about it, like its a waste of time when these people are protected from consequences
for the sake of argument, how does one know these are not psyop? it's a video of a woman crying about it but there's no other context. Who is she, verified citizen? where's picture of the dog head showing a street sign or geo location etc?
Psyop from who? The left denies it.
Deboonked? We are watching her say it. So she said it. She doesn't feel safe.
One of the peripheral reasons we have the 2A - self defense
This poor young lady is scared out of her mind. Whatever percentage of the population that hasn't woken up yet -- probably never will. If it is a "movie" let it end already. Nobody should have to live in such terror in the United States.
This Haitian situation is being put in public spotlight.
Trump, today, announces that the Dems are running a human trafficking organization.
Add those together and it looks like the public is being prepared to be told about this… https://t.co/cj6RQ9OYHH
The zooming camera effect makes this look completely fake in my opinion.
If she was legit just sharing her opinion she wouldn't need to do that.
Someone probably post edited that in, may not be her doing
Okay, thanks fren. It does make it more interesting to watch, it just felt like someone was purposely trying to make it viral for views, etc.
Though, the username checks out for possible fakery
Just dropping this off in a couple of conversations. It connects the dots quite well:
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit https://rumble.com/v5esht5-jefferson-airplane-white-rabbit.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Simply put a few Haitian heads on your gate posts. Works like magic to keep them away...Tell them Screwface did it...
Go look at these search results...
See what conclusions you come to just reading the heading of each article:
Just scroll down the list and note the title and who's affiliated with it...
Fading in and out isn’t necessary! Her story is disturbing enough!
Psyop actor? Are we watching a movie?
Otherwise: What’s the point for the camera (filter?) going back and forth?
Hide imperfection of an amateur actor?
Increase emotions?