Keep in mind they’ve been saying the 20 million figure since the early 00’s. There’s been at least another 20 million or so since Biden took office, along with the overstayed H1b visas, and anchor babies.
Trump doesn’t even have to have the military physically remove them all. Just the most dangerous and all the most recent ones like the Haitians and Somalis. Once Trump cuts off all the freebies, such as rent and housing, schools and hospitals, sending our money to family back home, places of business being punished for hiring them, they’ll all self deport.
Then you have the war against the Mexican Cartels Trump plans on engaging in and completely ending their reign of terror in Mexico. If it gets bad enough, Mexico might have its government reformed under Trump’s America’s supervision. At that point, the rest of the Mexicans and Hispanics will self deport back to their now safe home country with plenty of opportunities.
This would completely reverse the planned demographic decline of Whites in America, dramatically reducing the prices of apartments and homes to historic levels, while raising their availability, job opportunities dramatically increase, crime and general number of cars on the road plummets to historic lows, and everything else you can imagine when +40 million extra people are gone.
I’ve explained some of these things to people in my life and they’ve all said I’m likely on to something with these possible outcomes.
The positive effect it would have on the economy, without even touching the FED would be dramatic. Now add auditing and closing the FED/ going to a gold standard on top of everything I’ve already said too.
I don't mean to doom but...These peoples were lured here with promises. The Haitians and Somalies didn't swim to get here, they were flown in. There is no "self deport".Many Latinos, if they are not felons, have left everything. There is nothing to return to. If food and aid is cut off we will have 20 million hungry, homeless desparate victims. And I say victims because I believe most of them are honest family folks who saw a way out of their communist sh*thole countries. They didn't realize they were going to be used as cannon fodder to destroy the last remaining beacon of independance in the world. If you think they are eating animals now, just wait until they become hungry fugitives. The Deepstate wants a one world government, they want to be in control as evil always does and the USA is in the way.
since DC isn't part of the USA, just put a huge stockade fence around it, "deport" the illegals to DC, plenty of soon to be former govt bldgs empty to house them in, and start the sort/return process...just a pre-coffee thought...
Love this idea
An aside regarding Somalians: It appears Amazon is hiring them as drivers. Was walking our neighbor’s dog as a favor when an Amazon truck turned down the lane. Yes, lane, we’re somewhat rural. I had to step aside to let the van pass by and in a brief few seconds I caught the driver’s eyes and they were soulless. Seriously gave me the creeps. I swear he was an exact match for the Somalian pirate who says, “Look at me, I am the captain now” in the movie, “Captain Phillips.” The dog I was walking weighs about 120 pounds, a big ole herding mix breed. He apparently caught the vibe, too, because he lunged off leash and barked the truck down the lane. (Thattaboy!) Came back soon enough, no biggie, but in that brief encounter it occurred to me what better way to scope out comfy residences for potential future break-ins, (or worse) than to be an Amazon driver? Me—I built a large delivery box and put it at the end of my long driveway next to the cattle gate. “Please leave delivery packages here.” In bold letters. Come up my driveway and let’s see what happens.
It's irrelevant to me how they got here, or why. Playing the Blame Game doesn't change the cold fact that they all need to go, now.
Give them a month's worth of freebies to board the plane or bus. Then make sure they actually leave.
Still a big savings in the long run.
Indeed, they’ve already taken so much, why not give them just a little more of it means they’re gone for good?
Especially if the economy, jobs, manufacturing, and energy production explodes under Trump like he says it will. We could afford that cost.
Oh fucking well.
The “original” illegals will self deport as well. These are the ambitious people their own countries actually need to make Mexico (or wherever) great again. Takes a lot of courage to leave your family to pursue a better life. Mexico may well have had another revolution if not for their welfare program. (Having them come here)
And PLEASE take these jackass neighbors who insist on having 1,000,000 lumen aircraft landing lights on all night and yards full of concrete block, old building materials and other trash. Poor is not a fucking excuse to live like a pig.
this is a thing? kek
Yes. Usually a couple of non running vehicles at the least. Scrap that junk holmes.
Thanks for putting together this post. I believe you are right. Cut off the freebies and jobs, and the whole Illegal Immigrant thing starts falling apart.
Some people have commented that this could leave a lot of desperate people wandering around. For this there is this answer: ACTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT. And how many illegals want to cut off their chance of ever being legal by getting arrested and forcefully deported?
"Some people have commented that this could leave a lot of desperate people wandering around."
Isn't that what we have right now?
True. And nowadays eating cats.
Wages, beautiful wages, everyone will be valuable and people will be paid a real wage. A high-school graduate will be able to have a home, a large 7+ family, a car, all on a janitors pay. Welcome back to AMERICA with collage education costing only ten grand for four year degrees. NO WOKE BS, just reading, writing, and arithmetic. The hunger and need to succeed ALL ON MERIT, no more admissions on skin color.
... $0.39 cheeseburgers made with real beef and real cheese on a natural wheat bun with non-GMO vegetables free of Monsanto poisons ...
You mean besides finally understanding what the cooks are saying in the chow line?
That’s greatly simplifying it but yes
This country sacrificed exploring the solar system so we could babysit the flotsam of humanity.
This is a profound statement!
Not far from right..
But let's make sure we do deport them all.
Deportation of all the illegals will have a tremendous beneficial ripple effect through out our country. Robots with many hands will replace them in the fields and teenagers will be recruited for entry level jobs. City youth will have jobs instead of joining gangs.
Inflation will drop, class sizes will get smaller, property taxes will stop rising, crime will fall, insurance rates will fall, emergency rooms will not be overwhelmed, rent prices will drop and availability will go up, maybe we won’t have to push one for English, traffic will be reduced, blue states will lose a lot of Congressional seats and electoral votes, etc.
50 million and all their DACA spawn, send them back with the skills they may have leaned here to rebuild their home country so I can visit and tourist and maybe get cheap real estate once the CIA cartels are disabled
I have a feeling if he ends mortgages and rent for illegals they will have to prove citizenship or the heat will come down on the providers. So the shit will get cut off and if a renter, kicked out. It will literally force them to 'self deport' (anyone who's been here for some time). They'll be wandering the streets basically flagging they are here illegally and their lives will become bobbing and weaving ICE basically on foot. I bet Trump will have a "program" for them that if this happens they can go to X Y Z station and we'll gladly bus them back 'home'.
Annex mexico. It will happen eventually. We could save a lot of money on wall costs if it only had to block central america.
To paraphrase a line from the movie Braveheart,
The trouble with Mexico is, it's full of Mexicans.
American culture should be encouraged to thrive rather than subjecting it to further degradation. Third world values must be eschewed, not embraced.
Yeah i know.... But look at that tasty land bridge. Kek
If it was saturated with neutron bombs prior to infusing it with the best of Western culture and values, it could then very well end up being a positive acquisition.
But the damage done by the spanish must be remediated first.
I have a better one. To quote Nicolas Cage, “FUCK MEXICO”
Oh ouch ... Never the fuck mind fuck all that! Thanks winn
kek. Yw fren 👊
Self deport? Good luck with that.
They will fight to stay, and they will kill to stay, because they're already doing that now. When they're backed into a corner for the first time in this country, they won't give up without a fight.
Hispanics are cowardly, take out and deport the criminal elements first, and the rest will fall in line and run with their tail between their legs.
Rental prices will collapse School attendance of illegal children will bring school populations back into control Drug use will go down Gang activity will implode Taxes will decline, employment wages will increase. Production will increase and taxes will drop significantly
You won't need bilingual teachers that have to take time away from teaching to teach kids to speak English.
You won't have jobs that need bilingual workers just to interact with customers.
If you don't speak English get on the fucking boat or plane, you're not staying, and I don't give a shit how long you've been squatting here.
If you’re able to take vacations back to your home country while being a “refugee”, than it’s safe for you and your extended family to go back home!
When income is cut off many seeking refuge will not have the money to self deport. Criminals will not self deport. Those with families will not self deport. Military age men with other plans and paid to come will not self deport. It is not going to be pretty. It will be up to the military.......
What part of “the dangerous ones will be deported first” did you not understand?
"When income is cut off many seeking refuge will not have the money to self deport.?"
How much money did it take them to get here?
This is a dream, hope its true, stillhave to prepare for the worst.
I hope it doesn’t stop there. All the fucking h1b and clearly foreign Chinese need to go I don’t care how much fucking money they have. (I’m Asian American btw). All foreign nationals not American should fucking go unless they’re on a less than 6 month vacation
Yeah but how do you prevent the multinational conglomerates from buying up all those drastically reduced-price houses and turning them into rentals so we will own nothing?
Like Trump doesn’t already have a plan to account for that already?
Come on, what is this the Q board or PDW?
The last bit of our tax money that we will spend on them will be flying them back
Liberia. Founded by Americans after the Civil War as a place freed slaves could go to. Seems to me we could make good use of a place like that today. Check out their history and their flag.
Liberia flag:
Please forgive me, but that’s too much hopium for me. But I do hope I’m wrong.
Okay, you're wrong.
And shuts down leftist operations against we the people.
There must be a plan in place to mitigate the harsh reality that the US’s service industry is flooded with illegals. Yeah,,, they definitely shouldn’t be there but I can tell you with firsthand knowledge that if this happens abruptly you will see restaurants closing until they can fill those positions.
We all like to believe that US citizens will step in and cover those spots but there’s nowhere near enough qualified US citizens to cover those vacancies.
I’d love to be able to say “screw them let them close”, but that will affect the rest of the staff that are citizens and if they lose their jobs we all will be affected.
Whatever’s best should be done, but don’t be surprised “if” restaurants start closing in-mass.
We could offer free plane rides home, some would go now because their lifestyle has gotten worse here in California. They were made big promises and were led to believe Americans wanted them to come.
I have dream of it and think about it every day. I see a brave new world. Well after the sentencings.
Those 40 million aren't "contributing to the economy." On the contrary, they are a huge drain on it, as well as being an enormous social disruption.
Hmm, Q. Do you believe in minimum pay? How do you think small businesses survive having to pay 20.00 an hour. A. They don't., your equality is causing disparity and damaging the market. Imagine hospitals having to compete for your patronage. It works just get special interests out of the way.