The swamp runs deep fren. Sometimes they slip through the cracks and blend in here pretty well. Future habbenings will draw them out though cause in the end, regardless of the divisive tactics they use, NCSWIC.
As easy it is to do this in Lebanon, it will be just as, if not more devastating in western countries. The ppl celebrating it now should be cautious cause what comes around, goes around
It’s called WAR for a reason. War is an armed conflict[a] between the armed forces of states, or between governmental forces and armed groups that are organized under a certain command structure and have the capacity to sustain military operations, or between such organized groups.[2] It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general.[3] Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant suffering and casualties.
By definition, total war only happens when all sides are willing to use the most destructive weapons -- nuclear, biological, chemical -- on a grand scale.
And you know what every war has? A civilian populace who necessarily reins in their governments to avoid senseless slaughter, and a care to avoid innocent lives being lost.
There is no justification for innocent collateral that you should ever accept. What if it was you? Your mother? Your child?
It would radicalize you.
This is exactly why Bush and Obama strategies of civilian collateral damage in the Middle East did nothing but radicalize entire generations.
Yes, but they did so by disrupting and harming civilians who had no fight. This is just the status quo, and people are eating it up because of who they SAY it's targeting.
Seems like it goes against what we're supposed to be doing here.
Remember, this .WIN is the public face of the Great Awakening, and, as a member here, you agree to represent the Great Awakening movement against Globalism, Communism and Progressive Insanity in the best, most positive way possible. NOTE: Your comments and posts may become news. Keep it classy!
The psychological impact is way more damaging than the explosives.
Any way you slice it, this is some seriously f'd up shit. There are some things, even in war, you just don't do...
I think the Palestinians knew that... and the blowback on Israel will be severe from now on - with similar dastardly fkd up shit headed their way... and even more innocents caught in the crossfire.
I don't give a shit who's "right" over there. You reap what you sow. This is way over the line. Again - I don't have a camel in this fight but my humanity takes exception to the violence on children on both sides. Imagine for a second if that's you as a kid experiencing this... fking hellacious.
What worries me is the people celebrating these murders might be the same ones who celebrated the 9/11 murders.
Yes, I don't get why some people here thinks it's good thing.
I'm sure the dancing Israelis are celebrating this as well.
The swamp runs deep fren. Sometimes they slip through the cracks and blend in here pretty well. Future habbenings will draw them out though cause in the end, regardless of the divisive tactics they use, NCSWIC.
As easy it is to do this in Lebanon, it will be just as, if not more devastating in western countries. The ppl celebrating it now should be cautious cause what comes around, goes around
It’s called WAR for a reason. War is an armed conflict[a] between the armed forces of states, or between governmental forces and armed groups that are organized under a certain command structure and have the capacity to sustain military operations, or between such organized groups.[2] It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general.[3] Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant suffering and casualties.
There is no actual total war happening.
By definition, total war only happens when all sides are willing to use the most destructive weapons -- nuclear, biological, chemical -- on a grand scale.
And you know what every war has? A civilian populace who necessarily reins in their governments to avoid senseless slaughter, and a care to avoid innocent lives being lost.
There is no justification for innocent collateral that you should ever accept. What if it was you? Your mother? Your child?
It would radicalize you.
This is exactly why Bush and Obama strategies of civilian collateral damage in the Middle East did nothing but radicalize entire generations.
I believe it was by design that they radicalized generations
Yes, but they did so by disrupting and harming civilians who had no fight. This is just the status quo, and people are eating it up because of who they SAY it's targeting.
We should not rejoice in the destruction of our enemies. I am learning this slowly as the story progresses.
I don't care about the enemies, I care that there is no reason to trust that only enemies are hit.
Then you have fucking retards justifying the deaths of innocents as collateral damage in war and brushing it off.
Which is the same side of a coin as the leftists who celebrate the death of an innocent hero because they are considering it a war against MAGA.
Proverbs 24:17
Mods why are we stickying this retard?
Seems like it goes against what we're supposed to be doing here.
Doesn't seem very classy to me, but...🤷♀️.
war with Lebanon??
Who had exploding pagers and walkie talkies on their card for September? Anyone?
September, 1993 👍🏻
Right? What decade is this?!
Watch out for your Walkmans...
There is no good side in this. Hezbollah is bad and so is the Mossad. All I can tell you is justice is coming and He will be riding a white horse.
Mods on here think its okay to celebrate the murder of "terrorists" in Lebanon (terrorist meaning anyone that Israel can arbitrarily label.)
But when I want to tell Americans to rise up and use the 2nd amendment the way our founding fathers intended, they hate that.
Why is this site full of nose suckers?
Always has been.
The psychological impact is way more damaging than the explosives.
Any way you slice it, this is some seriously f'd up shit. There are some things, even in war, you just don't do...
I think the Palestinians knew that... and the blowback on Israel will be severe from now on - with similar dastardly fkd up shit headed their way... and even more innocents caught in the crossfire.
I don't give a shit who's "right" over there. You reap what you sow. This is way over the line. Again - I don't have a camel in this fight but my humanity takes exception to the violence on children on both sides. Imagine for a second if that's you as a kid experiencing this... fking hellacious.
At least 3 people have no imagination or soul ...
Stick around this violent actions are coming to The USA
They got what they deserve 😂😂😂😂
How about the innocent children Israel is slaughtering daily?
Or when they murdered Americans on 911 and the USS Liberty?
Did they get what they deserved?
No they did not. I don't like any of this AT. ALL.
Hezbollah got what they deserve. Get over it 📟
There's fifteen dedicated terrorists to replace every casualty of this operation. Israel is blind to any consequences --- as always.
879 Hezbollah Terrorist dead***. 291 Senior Commanders dead****506 blinded 1,735 injured in reproductive organs *** 623 Permanent function damage from leaked Hezbollah intelligence documents from pagers explosions.
879 Hezbollah Terrorist dead***. 291 Senior Commanders dead****. 506 blinded 1,735 injured in reproductive organs *** 623 Permanent function damage **** from leaked Hezbollah intelligence documents from pagers explosions.
Ha-Ha-Ha.. veeeeeery funny..
You sounded just like The Count 😍