Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I am convinced the celebrities deleting their X/twitter accounts and thinking it is all gone are akin to the folks on Facebook who annually post a privacy statement on their wall thinking it makes their account "private". So much stupidity in this world
Like the kids who close their eyes and assume no one can see them
2013 Shedding Light on Voodoo Rituals in Haiti
Quick question for yall i was wondering this morning, curious if anyone has some insight. Why do you think that catholicism bans abortion if they secretly perform them and are okay with with? Actually a better question is when was the line drawn, because very clearly to me, the top of the catholic church has been taken over by evil forces, but when did it happen? Abortion used to be a cardinal sin and now they are just kinda "meh" towards it. Dont get me wrong some cardinals have very clearly shared that it is evil. But the pope and some other cardinals will give comunion etc.... clearly there are good people in the rank and file of the church, it seems littered with bad actors tho. When did evil wrestle away the church from good, or was it always like that?
I think you have to go all the way back on how Catholic started. The first church is Orthodox in Greece , and then it broke away to Catholic.. now why? What happened to cause this? Deep down with guidance of Holy Spirit you'll get some answers from critical thinking and such. But maybe God also let it happened for a reason bigger than our mind can wrap around. To me personally, Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ, and a church should be more about discipleship so individuals are constantly growing spiritually and becoming better or made perfect by God.. not about hierarchy, doctrines, rituals, buildings..those are more like making a spot in society and political arena, and even colonization. Like I said, to me it's about personal growth and rship with Jesus Christ.. I haven't paid attention to outward appearances and what this or that stands for. Maybe one day after I'm done working w/ my own personal growth.
Well, since I am a bible believing Christian, and do not believe in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, I can say that folks are going to sin no matter what congregation they attend. If an abortion has been done by one who is a Christian, they should simply repent and ask forgiveness, and it will be given. We then strive to always do right.
I agree with you, but im talking about the top of the church. When did it go bad?
Since the very beginning - when the pope says that he stands in the place of Christ. The very beginning. The entire religion is built on a house of cards and idol worship.
“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,”
I Timothy 2:5 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/1ti.2.5.NKJV
That said… I’m not saying every Catholic is not saved. I’m just saying that in every church, there are people who claimed to be a believer who are not. I think there are many Catholics who we will see you in heaven. Catholic who believed that Jesus Jesus Christ died for their sins.
Want to see page after page after page of scripted gaslighting? (How appropriate)
Just search this term in your favorite search engine:
Muh winter gas...
Do you believe what the robot told you, human?
Donald Trump Jr + Jackson Lahmeyer | Sheridan.Church | Tulsa, OK 16,143 views · Streamed 2 days ago
I was digging on nuclear radiation and stumbled upon this... There's something to be said about using a PC with lan cable vs wireless and cell phone to browse "hot topics".
If true, it's downright evil... and you'd never know without specifically measuring the sites you visit...
All just a "conspiracy theory" ? You decide... I'd say it's within the realm of plausible...
Need I remind you we are at war against the evil one?
Video unavailable in my region so I can't comment.
Just for you Greekster: https://files.catbox.moe/27ltyi.mp4 😁😁😁
I have a hope that all these celebrities going down will play a part in de-programming the young women who have been brainwashed to be promiscuous.
I don't want to have to become a passport-bro.
I think part of the issue with that is the hyper-sexuality is profitable for them. Look at onlyfans: the site draws in like $15b a year in annual revenue, and the average age of the creators has gone down each of the past 3 years. Why should they get a part-time job at walmart in college when they can sell nude pictures online and make 3-4x as much for 1/10th the effort?
Not to mention the Onlyfans social engineering has made adolescent fads, interests, and fashions into a viable income method based on literal Fandom.
Oh you're in to anime? Dress up or down for money. Goth you say? There's a market for your vanity. Just a geeky gamer girl? Flick your bean while you flick your joystick on OnlyTwitch! More of a card and table top gamer? We got your bills covered if you simply uncover yourself for the incel subscribers.
IMO it's all just another cog in the sex machine that is perverting the easily malleable minds of the masses while simultaneously skewing their moral compasses.
ya i saw they can buy a house easily.
Why, if you are not popular with younger black males, would it be a good idea to have an event hosted by Oprah and have white actors? I know they are trying to gin up the poll numbers so they can steal the election but still are they that stupid? Camel toe is the worst candidate.
Praying in agreement with you 🙏
Yes. I believe in the power of prayer. And I believe He wants us to understand the impact that praying in agreement has. I believe He wouldn't have included the verse in Matthew 18:19 telling us about praying in agreement together if He didn't intend us to make excellent use of it. He is faithful, and I think you are right, we will have a blessed outcome.
Me too! I believe we will see His plan unfold in this lifetime. I have kids and grandkids that I pray will experience a Christ -centered world. How awesome to have this to look forward to!
There is hope for him if he's undecided. My husband's aunt was also old time Democrat and in 2020 she cast her vote for Trump, and then when she saw the demoncrat coup still the election and silence her vote, she is now wide awake and will never vote demoncrat again. She's one I never thought would change, but 2020 seems to have made a bigger impact on her than I would have guessed. If she can wake up, your pastor's father can too. Plant the seeds and pray for God to get it ready for harvest! : )
RIP Jaco Pastorious, 1951 to 1987.
I first learned of Jaco when he played with Weather Report.
In 1979 (I think) I went to see Joni Mitchell and was stunned to see Jaco in her band.
A great player and inspiration.
I read that Joni employed jazzers as rock musicians couldn't understand the chords she wanted them to play.
"No no no! A flat sus 9 with the B on bottom, then resolve to B flat on the next beat" (Joni wishing she was back looking at clouds).
Romans 13:11a - Besides this you know the time, the hour has come to wake you from your sleep. https://www.bible.com/bible/59/rom.13.11
Digging on this Kamal image that Trump truthed as suggested by @17ThankQ:
Event center where the photo was taken is where the poll watchers were thrown out. (Detroit TCF Center)
Are Fat Jokes an Existential Threat to American Universities?
120 Bikers Show Up at Lemonade Stand to Support 2 Kids After Thief Stole All Their Cash Last Summer
Everything Fell Right Into Place’: Volunteers Help Dog Reunite With His Owner After He Went Missing 2 Years Ago
Day in Photos: The Largest Beerfest, Overcrowded Prisons, and Unsuccessful Plans...A look into the world through the lens of photography.
LUX RADIO THEATER -- "STRANGERS ON A TRAIN" (12-3-51)...David Von Pein's Old-Time Radio Channel
Saturday Poem...JD Debris - Aparecida, Early Spring
The Worst Of Babylon Bee...Sunday Edition
Worship Leader Confident He Can Write Better Song Than Anything In Dusty Old Hymnal
Perfect Church Ruined After Being Attended By Human Being
'You Accept All Cookies Into Your Browser, But Do You Accept All Of Jesus Into Your Heart?' - OpEd By Chet Skatington
Vatican Installs 'Heresy Jar' In Pope's Office
After Reading Headlines, Pope Sentences Babylon Bee Writers To 7 Trillion Years In Purgatory
Perfect Church Ruined After Being Attended By Human Being
Hallelujah. Amen.