WOW & WOW again...Epstein was taken and Killed in Prison...Same Prison that PDIDDY is IN...What are the odds that this cracker DOESN'T GET EPSTEINED due to the fact that EPSTEIN enrolled the HIGH ROLLERS NOT like PDiddy...
Need to compare the circles of people around both of these deplorable humans and make it like a VENN diagram...where the intersection lies is where the power is...OOOOOH MY!!!!! What a thought!!!
Exactly. That "suicide watch" is planting the seed so people aren't shocked and surprised when he turns up dead (or, some unfortunate lookalike turns up dead and he's spirited away to some private island). And the ones that grabbed all the evidence will "oopsie" accidentally have some fire that burns it all up.
She keeps saying “15 years” - but Diddy was doing this since the mid-90s. From my calculations that’s 25 years plus. He exploded around 97/98 and then quietly disappeared but was more powerful behind the scenes for the past 20 years. I 100% believe he was an extension of Maxwell/Epstein. He wasn’t the true shot caller, just a powerful lieutenant. For years rappers have been calling Diddy out for his deviant “recruiting tactics.”
If he gets “Epstein’d” it’s only cover to take him off the playing field to move him to GITMO so the cabal can’t get to him first.
As well as:
Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].
Let's hope it all gets exposed before the election
WOW & WOW again...Epstein was taken and Killed in Prison...Same Prison that PDIDDY is IN...What are the odds that this cracker DOESN'T GET EPSTEINED due to the fact that EPSTEIN enrolled the HIGH ROLLERS NOT like PDiddy...
Need to compare the circles of people around both of these deplorable humans and make it like a VENN diagram...where the intersection lies is where the power is...OOOOOH MY!!!!! What a thought!!!
I like the way you think, with that venn diagram idea. It's a good one.
Willing to bet P-diddles gets the Epstein treatment.
Who is he going to sing to? The FBI and MSM are part of the pedophile ring.
Now is the time to trust white hats in control. Crescendo building.
Exactly. That "suicide watch" is planting the seed so people aren't shocked and surprised when he turns up dead (or, some unfortunate lookalike turns up dead and he's spirited away to some private island). And the ones that grabbed all the evidence will "oopsie" accidentally have some fire that burns it all up.
Thanks for supplying this information.
"It's all gonna fall" makes me tingle inside.
Because they thought we’d “Follow the stars”…
She keeps saying “15 years” - but Diddy was doing this since the mid-90s. From my calculations that’s 25 years plus. He exploded around 97/98 and then quietly disappeared but was more powerful behind the scenes for the past 20 years. I 100% believe he was an extension of Maxwell/Epstein. He wasn’t the true shot caller, just a powerful lieutenant. For years rappers have been calling Diddy out for his deviant “recruiting tactics.”
If he gets “Epstein’d” it’s only cover to take him off the playing field to move him to GITMO so the cabal can’t get to him first.
Just look 👀 at them trying to muddy up the waters and get in front of this:
Just a side note/reality check - When has Trump EVER said ANYTHING that didn't ultimately turn out to be 100% true? NEVER....
Burn it all down and stomp the ashes!
Kambballah was the attorney general that let them all off
The better question is why is the MSM aligning with hollywood and why are they all vehemently attached at the hip
Epstein did not kill him self because Epstein isn’t dead.
When does a bird sing?…
Here’s a few…