Bitch wont know God until he strikes her down. Asheville was hit really hard. Pretty fucking liberal there. But evil shits like her wish death on anyone not like them. Evil.
Social media has ruined so many women. There are way too many girls walking around with this snarky, condescending way of speaking, all while scrunching their noses and smiling. Run for your lives from anyone who talks like this.
And yeah, what she's saying is pure evil. Does she not realize there are black people in these towns, too?
Welp, she’s about to never get to walk down the street again! Does she have cats? Anyone know any hungry Haitians to send to her porch? How long until she deletes and locks her account? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. 😂😂
Even if she was my own kid, I’d possibly want to drive her into the middle of the mountains near a cliff, snatch her phone and get her out of the car, walk over and throw her phone as far as I could over the cliff, and calmly get back into my car, lock the doors and drive away. Give her a little taste of what those people are going through.
West side is the worst side. Lived 2 blocks from it and now I live in FL after experiencing way too many shootings way too close to my house. Firecrackers or gunshots was a several times a week discussion/running joke.
West side is fine, my sister lived there for a bit and I have a few pals in that area. South side is far worse. Unless you're talking out like east garfield, but even that is swinging around.
In General Asheville which went under water is a very liberal city. Yes, there are many conservatives who live in the mountains but even many mountain cities are blue (The city of Boone which also got hit may also be blue).
Bet her Haitian boyfriend leads her around by the nose chain... prolly chains that bitch to a pole outside 7-11 like the bitch she is, while he robs it ...
Remember babe, what goes around comes around. Shame on you for being a heartless b***ch. Most of these are innocent people, victims who never did anything to you. They may have been targeted by our very own government via DARPA. Nothing would surprise me anymore. There has been massive election interference thus far, this could be another event too. It is sad when you have been so brainwashed that you hate others with different opinions. Remember we all will be judged on Judgement Day.
CUNT, here’s one for you bitch I’m dedicating you my thoughts that you get gang rape by some illegal invaders and that you live though it to remember both moments.
Don't know who she / it / they is but I do know that there's a particularly hot spot in Hell reserved just for her and her kind.
That wrinkled nose is cringe
She's pretty though unfortunately
No one is pretty with a personality like that.
Who cares? It's all filters anyway.
The filters can't even keep up with her facial expressions. They're working overtime.
yeah, on this one it is
How can you tell? Who knows what is lurking behind that inch of warpaint and God knows how many filters?
She's probably not bad looking actually. Horrible personality though and awful mindset to have about people being hurt.
Probably has dragon breath.
Not THAT pretty?? Up your standards bud
Not gorgeous but not bad looking either
Pretty overweight.
She's using a filter on her face. Here she is.
This needs to be the top comment. She deserves to be doxxed.
Thanks for unmasking her! Now she can’t hide!
Bitch wont know God until he strikes her down. Asheville was hit really hard. Pretty fucking liberal there. But evil shits like her wish death on anyone not like them. Evil.
Huge witchcraft hub in Asheville too.
Evil cunt should be dropped into Haiti
Nothing behind those eyes. No soul.
Agreed. Evil shows itself.
One of Q's 4%ers.
Social media has ruined so many women. There are way too many girls walking around with this snarky, condescending way of speaking, all while scrunching their noses and smiling. Run for your lives from anyone who talks like this.
And yeah, what she's saying is pure evil. Does she not realize there are black people in these towns, too?
What kinda God’s work is that face filter covering up?
Possible she may work for Georgia Furniture Mart. Lets see if and how they respond.
what a nasty cunt
Welp, she’s about to never get to walk down the street again! Does she have cats? Anyone know any hungry Haitians to send to her porch? How long until she deletes and locks her account? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. 😂😂
Even if she was my own kid, I’d possibly want to drive her into the middle of the mountains near a cliff, snatch her phone and get her out of the car, walk over and throw her phone as far as I could over the cliff, and calmly get back into my car, lock the doors and drive away. Give her a little taste of what those people are going through.
Even the filters can't make her attractive.
My, my, what a sick person. I do believe that karma will get her. Horrible of her to say the things she said.
What a Hell Spawn.
Drop her off in the middle of Chicago. Bet she never says the word 'racist' again.
Middle of Chicago is fine. That's where all the tourists and finance workers are. It's only the southside of Chicago you have to worry about.
West side is the worst side. Lived 2 blocks from it and now I live in FL after experiencing way too many shootings way too close to my house. Firecrackers or gunshots was a several times a week discussion/running joke.
West side is fine, my sister lived there for a bit and I have a few pals in that area. South side is far worse. Unless you're talking out like east garfield, but even that is swinging around.
Also, firecrackers? That's just a loud toy lol
Karma will come calling for her. It's only a matter of time.
God's work,may get her....
I wonder if she's boosted?
Yep, and karma's a bitch 🥰 You reap what you sow, 10x. Love one another as I have loved you.
In General Asheville which went under water is a very liberal city. Yes, there are many conservatives who live in the mountains but even many mountain cities are blue (The city of Boone which also got hit may also be blue).
She speaks for all DS swampies, this is what they believe is the right way to be. I won't comdemn her, but someone far greater than me just might.
Bet her Haitian boyfriend leads her around by the nose chain... prolly chains that bitch to a pole outside 7-11 like the bitch she is, while he robs it ...
Remember babe, what goes around comes around. Shame on you for being a heartless b***ch. Most of these are innocent people, victims who never did anything to you. They may have been targeted by our very own government via DARPA. Nothing would surprise me anymore. There has been massive election interference thus far, this could be another event too. It is sad when you have been so brainwashed that you hate others with different opinions. Remember we all will be judged on Judgement Day.
Well, Shannon, it isn't God's work and you will be hearing from lots of offended folks. You will regret saying what you said.
What a wretched bitch! She is certain to create her own hell here on earth during her lifetime.
I give, who is she and where does she work?
She sucks but I can't condone adopting cancel culture.
CUNT, here’s one for you bitch I’m dedicating you my thoughts that you get gang rape by some illegal invaders and that you live though it to remember both moments. Employee Shannon
Let Hillary know, THIS is what a deplorable person acts like.
That is disgusting.
Mental destructive disgusting... she will see justice, God will not take this kindly.