For them to change batters now, they would have to postpone the election to be able to print up new ballots, wouldn't they? Or we could just go on to vote and at the voting places the workers could just scratch out Camela's name before handing the ballot to people, lol. She doesn't need to be on the ballots, lol.
They would just mass produce a bunch of commercials of trannies skipping into the polls proudly scratching out Kamala's name & writing in Hillary's or Big Mike's name, maybe create a catchy jingle and call all of us weird for not getting on board.
Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress
and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.
Yes, write in would be the only way. But what I've learned from the demonrat fraud is that the demonrat voters are to retarded to properly do mail in ballots so there is no possible way it would work. Not to mention there are not enough to even remotely fraud their way into a win
A remote viewing yt channel I follow said a week or two ago that newsome was going to be swapped in. Future forecasters. They hit on a lot of stuff, it's impressive
I looked at their video list. Several videos about the rapture when the rapture isn't real and not mentioned in the Bible. I have a hard time believing these guys are legit.
That is just an ignorant statement that is easily refuted if you actually researched it.
It is in the Bible. Period.
Get a new false teaching to latch onto. That one is debunked. Your opinion on the Bible isn’t legit. Read it yourself. And pray that the Holy Spirit will give you discernment. You need it.
It might be in the footnotes of the Scofield Study Bible, but it isn't in Scripture. Dispensationalism and the pre-tribulation rapture are zionist psyops written by a con man and distributed by jews to subvert Christianity. No Christian for almost 2,000 years believed that we need to bless, fund, and defend a zionist ethnostate.
Rapturo is not a footnote, Harpazo is not a footnote.
There are over 40 verses about the rapture. And call it whatever word you want to, the concept is biblically sound as it is corroborated by multiple books and authors.
The rapture gives hope to Christian believers. The Synagogue of Satan is not nor have they ever spread the idea of the rapture. The Synagogue of Satan is absolutely behind the idea that the rapture isn’t real.
You don’t have a clue what the Christians for almost 2000 years believed. What a ridiculous statement. But guess what? I know for a fact that the very First Christian’s including the rock that Jesus built his church on believed in the rapture. Because it’s in their own writings, in their own books! Jesus himself believed in the rapture because it’s in his own words. But maybe you don’t consider Jesus a valid source? Is he just a man to you, a prophet?
This teaching you espouse is from your father, the great deceiver, the father of lies, the Synagogue of Satan. You both have very limited if not zero biblical knowledge. And just like so many people in this age, you bleat arrogantly in your ignorance. How woke of you!
Blessing and funding a Zionist country run by the Synagogue of Satan is a completely different subject. And a very complicated one through history.
Even though we should stand against the Satanic Jewish element that runs most of the world we should never forget that the true Israeli people are Gods people and he has vowed to protect and avenge them.
But you go ahead and stand against Gods people. See how that works out for you.
You should instead stand up for God and his truth. And stop listening to people that hate God. You will earn their same judgement.
The Elect, the people of Israel who believed the Word of Jesus did hide in the hills when Christ returned to destroy Jerusalem in 70 AD. The tribulation happened to the same generation that saw Him crucified, as prophesied.
Jesus is the seed of Abraham and His
Church is Isreal, with whom God's everlasting covenant remains.
Those who say they are jews and do lie stand with all other nonbelievers against God and will be judged accordingly.
Yeah, I'm the ignorant one. It didn't exist in any Christian literature till 1830. The majority of Christians in the world today do not believe in a rapture.
That is 100% ignorance. You’ve been told this is the case by other sinful ignorant people. You haven’t researched any of this yourself.
You know nothing of the Latin and Greek language translations of the Bible, obviously. You should cut off whatever source told you this bald faced lie.
Rapturo in Latin is in the Bible. Harpazo in Greek is in the Bible. They both mean to be caught up, taken away. The very concept of the rapture is in the Bible in multiple books.
There is legitimate Biblical debate about the timing of the rapture. Pre trib, mid trib, post trib. But there is no legitimate arguement that the rapture isn’t in the Bible. That is a lie from the pit of hell.
Luke 17:34-37 ESV
I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.” And they said to him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”
1 Thessalonians 4:17 ESV
Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord
Fascinating. Perhaps why the polls have now flipped so that when its announced it lets the demonrat tards down a little easier knowing she was going to lose anyways.
If she drops out I bet Killary would gladly take her place. Doin't know how she'd get on the ballot UNLESS they have a big event planned and will postpone the election. Something big like a bomb triggers the San Andreas fault and hundreds of thousands of people die. That would create enough distraction to get her on the ballot and have the election in April.
Don't worry about reprinting new ballots. Just get a campaign going to educate folks to fill out the "write in" candidates name. How hard could that be to accomplish? Oh, I forgot, Lefties don't know how to use a pencil to write in a name, plus they probably would scrawl BIG MIKE instead of Michael LaVaughn Robinson.
Says who, besides this random guy?
As a random guy I can confirm that is a random guy.
sorry Qtoad, you are not random enough to qualify. where as I? I like pie..
Me Too.
Phil Godlewski has predicted this as the October surprise about a month ago. Trump may win unopposed.
I don't believe she is cunning enough to be the lynchpin for anything except kneeling at a glory hole.
Glory Glory! Hallelujah! I'm not putting my dick in there!
She will unburden you from what has been. 😁
Oh god. Rusty BJ
rumor is 2 weeks.....kek
no way
For them to change batters now, they would have to postpone the election to be able to print up new ballots, wouldn't they? Or we could just go on to vote and at the voting places the workers could just scratch out Camela's name before handing the ballot to people, lol. She doesn't need to be on the ballots, lol.
They would just mass produce a bunch of commercials of trannies skipping into the polls proudly scratching out Kamala's name & writing in Hillary's or Big Mike's name, maybe create a catchy jingle and call all of us weird for not getting on board.
So Big Mike would be staring in that commercial? I could just see his thigh slapper swinging while skipping.
Imagine all the trannies that cut their dicks off asking why does the 1st "lady" get to keep "her" dick?
I know a lot of upper middle class white suburban people with Kamala yard signs are gonna be pissed lol
Heh, like my stupid and weird neighbors up the street. We seldom talk, but I might make an effort to if Kamala dropped out, just to hear them whine.
I would make an effort to point and laugh at them the next time you saw them, if in fact Kamala drops out
Anybody can say anything for their 15 minutes of fame. No sources either. Not even a "I know someone from Washington DC." Just "trust me, bro."
I'm not going to do my happy dance,quite yet.....
Dave at X22 Report is also saying this. She will be replaced by big Mike. Don’t know how- don’t know when… but it’s also his theory…
Too late to introduce a new candidate.
Well, we know they don’t follow rules…just sayin’
It's not too late. The DNC changed their rules to allow them to appoint a new candidate.
Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.
Edit. Pg. 20 G.
not sure a new candidate can get on the ballot in most states at this late date. regardless of congressional authority.
I agree. The ballots would be the biggest, if not impossible hurdle.
Edit. I guess there is always the write in possibility.
Yes, write in would be the only way. But what I've learned from the demonrat fraud is that the demonrat voters are to retarded to properly do mail in ballots so there is no possible way it would work. Not to mention there are not enough to even remotely fraud their way into a win
Exactly, THIS was my point, not what the Demwit Party rules are. I'm not sure the states could accommodate a new candidate at this point.
Plus, voting has already begun in many states!
When do Dems follow rules? Or Dem Secretaries of State?
Since when do the DS follow rules?
Not buying it. They can't replace her. She might drop out or be forced out,rather than face a beating.
Sounds like the paytriots are being fed information in their group chats. Now if it doesn't happen the for profit show should stop posting.
Yea.... I'm gonna be waiting 48-72 on this guy's word...
Maybe even until after the next debate, which is also rumored to be in the works.
I can't stop laughing at this.
A remote viewing yt channel I follow said a week or two ago that newsome was going to be swapped in. Future forecasters. They hit on a lot of stuff, it's impressive
I’ve listened to these guys on Sarah Westall. They are impressive!
I looked at their video list. Several videos about the rapture when the rapture isn't real and not mentioned in the Bible. I have a hard time believing these guys are legit.
That is just an ignorant statement that is easily refuted if you actually researched it. It is in the Bible. Period. Get a new false teaching to latch onto. That one is debunked. Your opinion on the Bible isn’t legit. Read it yourself. And pray that the Holy Spirit will give you discernment. You need it.
It might be in the footnotes of the Scofield Study Bible, but it isn't in Scripture. Dispensationalism and the pre-tribulation rapture are zionist psyops written by a con man and distributed by jews to subvert Christianity. No Christian for almost 2,000 years believed that we need to bless, fund, and defend a zionist ethnostate.
Rapturo is not a footnote, Harpazo is not a footnote. There are over 40 verses about the rapture. And call it whatever word you want to, the concept is biblically sound as it is corroborated by multiple books and authors. The rapture gives hope to Christian believers. The Synagogue of Satan is not nor have they ever spread the idea of the rapture. The Synagogue of Satan is absolutely behind the idea that the rapture isn’t real.
You don’t have a clue what the Christians for almost 2000 years believed. What a ridiculous statement. But guess what? I know for a fact that the very First Christian’s including the rock that Jesus built his church on believed in the rapture. Because it’s in their own writings, in their own books! Jesus himself believed in the rapture because it’s in his own words. But maybe you don’t consider Jesus a valid source? Is he just a man to you, a prophet?
This teaching you espouse is from your father, the great deceiver, the father of lies, the Synagogue of Satan. You both have very limited if not zero biblical knowledge. And just like so many people in this age, you bleat arrogantly in your ignorance. How woke of you!
Blessing and funding a Zionist country run by the Synagogue of Satan is a completely different subject. And a very complicated one through history. Even though we should stand against the Satanic Jewish element that runs most of the world we should never forget that the true Israeli people are Gods people and he has vowed to protect and avenge them.
But you go ahead and stand against Gods people. See how that works out for you. You should instead stand up for God and his truth. And stop listening to people that hate God. You will earn their same judgement.
The Elect, the people of Israel who believed the Word of Jesus did hide in the hills when Christ returned to destroy Jerusalem in 70 AD. The tribulation happened to the same generation that saw Him crucified, as prophesied.
Jesus is the seed of Abraham and His Church is Isreal, with whom God's everlasting covenant remains.
Those who say they are jews and do lie stand with all other nonbelievers against God and will be judged accordingly.
Yeah, I'm the ignorant one. It didn't exist in any Christian literature till 1830. The majority of Christians in the world today do not believe in a rapture.
That is 100% ignorance. You’ve been told this is the case by other sinful ignorant people. You haven’t researched any of this yourself. You know nothing of the Latin and Greek language translations of the Bible, obviously. You should cut off whatever source told you this bald faced lie. Rapturo in Latin is in the Bible. Harpazo in Greek is in the Bible. They both mean to be caught up, taken away. The very concept of the rapture is in the Bible in multiple books. There is legitimate Biblical debate about the timing of the rapture. Pre trib, mid trib, post trib. But there is no legitimate arguement that the rapture isn’t in the Bible. That is a lie from the pit of hell.
Luke 17:34-37 ESV
I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.” And they said to him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”
1 Thessalonians 4:17 ESV
Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord
Etc, etc.
Cool. You are free to believe what you want. I'll be with the majority.
Fascinating. Perhaps why the polls have now flipped so that when its announced it lets the demonrat tards down a little easier knowing she was going to lose anyways.
If she drops out I bet Killary would gladly take her place. Doin't know how she'd get on the ballot UNLESS they have a big event planned and will postpone the election. Something big like a bomb triggers the San Andreas fault and hundreds of thousands of people die. That would create enough distraction to get her on the ballot and have the election in April.
Don't worry about reprinting new ballots. Just get a campaign going to educate folks to fill out the "write in" candidates name. How hard could that be to accomplish? Oh, I forgot, Lefties don't know how to use a pencil to write in a name, plus they probably would scrawl BIG MIKE instead of Michael LaVaughn Robinson.
Hey - don't insult lefties. Don't you know we're the only ones in our right mind?! Kek
lol :)
They'd have to kill her. Then demand a delay in the election.