289 () posted 3 months ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid 3 months ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid +289 / -0 24 comments share 24 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Announce a 25% tax on all money sent from the U.S. back to Mexico.
See if that doesn't change things quicker.
rookie numbers! gotta pump those up!
Make it much higher. Get em all the fuck out of here.
That is not your cheese! Nacho Cheese! Tariffs, puta-madres! 10 feet higher - and you will pay for it!
Exactly, if not more
I think the real question is: Why is a so-called "friendly" country sending us their criminals and drugs in the first place?
Cartels were always a force we should have been focused on destroying instead of fighting each other and every single country on the eastern side of the planet.
Mexico is a what? Haha
—Donald J. Trump, The Art of The Comeback
Sounds a lot like Mexico is gonna pay for the wall.
It keeps getting better and better. So much winning starting tomorrow!
They should be penalized with it for 10 years for doing it any Way.
Only 25%?
Should be 250%
Should be at least 50% and while we are at it let's end all foreign aid until we have a balanced budget.
Do it anyway. Let's make it all here. Factory jobs with benefits. Not the worst thin that could happen.
can he charge tariffs to MX for all the illegals they are allowing to cross through their country and into ours?
Rookie numbers. 50%.
That should be bumped up to 500%. Overkill is underrated.
Sounds low.
Q Post 25