Or even.. why would it matter if the passwords are leaked if the machines aren’t online and can’t be easily physically accessed at the terminals themselves?
She does, its the possession of greed and whatever spiritual load she harbors. Something about this picture made me figure out something... This is why men protect their women, and the women are easier to tempt. Adam and Eve. Without a strong man, many women are lost and that is why they push the feminism. These crazy lefty women are the real victims of genocidal mind control. How do we save them?
Yes but as she is also a proponent of the woke mind virus, I would suggest she be placed in a prison with biological males.
That will help her learn that men and women are not the same.
the better question is why isn't she in jail already?
As a Coloradan, I say UNDER the jail.....
Or even.. why would it matter if the passwords are leaked if the machines aren’t online and can’t be easily physically accessed at the terminals themselves?
Did she.. connect them to the interwebs?
Pardon Tina Peters and she can taker her cell
I like that.
Yes, Chick looks psycho as hell.
She does, its the possession of greed and whatever spiritual load she harbors. Something about this picture made me figure out something... This is why men protect their women, and the women are easier to tempt. Adam and Eve. Without a strong man, many women are lost and that is why they push the feminism. These crazy lefty women are the real victims of genocidal mind control. How do we save them?
She got them lefty-pilled up-crazy eyes
Teacher says every time a Democrat goes to jail a Demon gets his tail.
oh, my, George...
Hell yes.
As momma used to say....what's good for the goose is good for the gander....just ask Tina Peters.
Yes but as she is also a proponent of the woke mind virus, I would suggest she be placed in a prison with biological males. That will help her learn that men and women are not the same.
Let the bitch eat some BBC crow!
Bro......not even leftist women deserve miscegenation.....nor rape......come on......
Besides; she's cute!!! A good strong, straight, white alpha traditional conservative man could turn her into a TradWife in a month, tops!
Wifing her up isn't the answer. Even the Bible says Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
If she's crazy, quarrelsome will be the least of your worries.
Not just yes but hell to the fuck yes...
Bill Clinton enters the chat...
Seems a waste to throw away a perfectly good...uh... blue dress like that
Of course
Only after she's tried and hanged at GITMO for all the other crimes she's committed against the United States and the people of Colorado.
My god, look at those eyes! She's gotta be Chuckie Manson's daughter by some jailhouse groupie!
If Tina Peters got nine years, this Babylonian cunt should get 90.
I showed this to my wife, response, WHAT A WACKO
She looks kinda psycho.
look at those crazy mkultra eyes🤡👌🏻
Prison??? Consequences.
yeppers...definately...you're FIRED! you're ARRESTED!
For those of us who have pretty much been living under a rock; What exactly did she do? Leak voting machine passwords this year? 2024??
she helped get Tina Peters put in prison for somewhat similar thing.
Under it
9 years sounds good
Most of these people have already f*cked around now they'll find out.
An example must be set. No excuses.
That's election interference of the highest order - hellz yeah.
Yeah -- tranny freakizoid prison, so it's even worse!
She should at least get 9 years right?
No one is above the law!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking calirado.