Earliest ‘Jesus is God’ inscription found — deemed ‘greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls’
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Ben Shapiro is screaming like Satan at the end of Passion of Christ.
This is nothing new. It is widely known that early Gentile Christians believed Jesus is God incarnate.
Stop looking for outside validation.
God is within you. On the other side of your eyes...
The Christ told you this multiple times... and yet, you keep looking everywhere but where he told you to...
There's knowing... and there's faith. Which one would you rather have?
John 20:29 - Yeshua said to him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed."
Knowing. IMHO knowing reflects objective, God-created reality. E.g., I know a zebra has black and white stripes; no act of faith is required on my part; the zebra exists whether I believe God created it or not; and it has the stripes whether I believe it or not. Faith, on the other hand, is subjective—dependent on each human individual's choices and actions.
Why do I say God created the zebra? Because I observe the objective fact that nothing creates itself or has ever done so. Some outside force, logically, therefore must have created it. There's no rational way to talk about an entity that exists outside the universe of all things that exist; so we anthropomorphize the Creative Force and name it God in order to discuss it.
However, since objectively knowing God exists and that the Christ-nature is within us is off the table, that leaves faith: belief without knowing.
Faith is believing what is not seen so it becomes seen. It’s the creative power itself within us. You were never meant to rely on the Christ who existed outside of you, but the Christ, the creative power, being your imagination, within you.
Which is why so many Christians live such mundane, miraculousless lives. They turned Jesus into an idol like all lost people before them and missed the point entirely.
Oh well. Someday perhaps.
What more proof do people need to verify that Jesus actually lived and walked among us?
None such proof exists nor can ever exist—there was no audio/video equipment back then—hence the need for faith
There are relics such as the crown of thornes, the shroud of Turin. There’s also the Spear of Destiny.
Yes but strictly speaking, those objects don't actually verify that Jesus lived. Certainly they point to it and bolster the faith of believers, which is all good. Just saying they don't prove it, which is expected: no concrete proof of it can possibly exist, hence the value of and need for faith.
Look at the science behind the shroud of Turin. The physical proof only further validates its authenticity.
That's why we all need 'faith the size of a mustard seed.'
Nor I can believe in your comment since 2/3 of internet content is created and posted by AI/bots.
Did I ask anyone to "believe in" a comment?
It was an observation of commonly understood fact. What about it don't you believe: that there was no audio/video in the first century A.D.?
Ha ha ha OK then, show us the audio and video from then.
You won't. So how do I know YOU aren't an AI or a bot?
LOL ya turkey...have fun eating yourself tomorrow :)
You sound like a relativistic fáɡɡοt.
There you go kek
You seem vaccinated.
Against stupidity.
You on the other hand...
After the Museum Of The Bible’s exhibition concludes in July 2025, the hallowed floor decor will return to Israel, where it will be showcased at the exact site where it was exhumed.
To believe Jesus is God in human flesh, one must also believe in the virgin birth. I believe both.
I met a woman who had no problem believing the universe was created by God, but thought the virgin birth was a myth. I think many people probably believe things like this, that there is a God so powerful that He could create the universe and everything in it, but not perform what are quite minor miracles by comparison.
valid point.
It’s all myth. But myth isn’t designed to be untrue. Just meant to teachyou truth about your creative power. Everything Jesus did in the stories about him, we can do. Whether he actually existed or not isn’t the point and is immaterial. Either he existed and simply realized the truth that God was within Him, as he said He was also within us, or someone else realized it and wrote the story to get others to awaken to their true nature. The point either way was to expand our imaginations/faith so that we could realize the same.
But alas, most are content with living the law of sacrifice only, and miss the point entirely.
The early disciples all died horrible deaths because of their refusal to recant what they KNEW to be true.
Are you…aware of what conversation we’re having here? You just encountered someone who said the entire Bible is mythical and then you cited the death of more characters in that book as evidence of…what exactly? Do you have any concept of what the person you’re talking you is even saying? Do you know what circular logic is? God it’s like you’re trying to talk to someone through a wall in another room who you think hasn’t read the Bible or something. Twilight zone moment here.
I'm trying to point out that there is ABUNDANT evidence of the truth of Jesus, and it is to your own peril to ignore it. Have a great day!
Oh gee what a necessary reminder in the place like this.
Many people believe in God, just not Jesus.
God makes more sense to me than the Jesus story.
Just a thought, how would one express themself to mankind if they were God?
God does express himself to mankind, through mankind. We are all creative beings. Whether Jesus was a real person or not is irrelevant, because what he realized about himself is true of all of us. The moment we realize we are creative beings capable of anything through imagination, the whole game changes. Jesus was only special in the fact that he realized this about himself. But the foolish masses idolized him instead of learning from him just as all the foolish masses throughout the Bible stories worshipped their own graven images. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and according to your faith is everything done to you. I’m starting to think mass printing the stories of the ancients was a bad idea. You present those things as factual history rather than psychological dramas designed to teach you about your own nature and the most interesting conversations on the topic become tripe about whether some death shroud was real or not. Ugh. Jesus gave us the secret to everything and this is where people choose to spend their time arguing. So tired of it.
I believe in Santy Claus as well.
That's nice. Hope he brings you lots of presents this year.
usually the mofo just eats my cookies and steals my good cigars...but maybe this year it will be different.
You should leave him a glass of the finest bourbon also.
Oh, look another amazing biblical find. That makes like 20 in the last few years. I'm not buying it. This is a psychological operation. I love God and believe but all if this is BS.
You don’t have to like it but most people need hope. It has always been an indisputable fact for me. I do the best I can and that is where hope and faith come in play, not that there is something after I have completed my tasks but that I’ve done good enough in his eyes to make it to a better place. All roads are paved with good intentions. I will have to reevaluate my stance on doctors and what I think should be done to most of them because it certainly is not Christian but I do think they need to be dealt with.
Faith is not a coping mechanism. It is human imagination, the Word, the Christ within us that creates everything we see and experience. So sad what the word has become among most believers.
Unless these finds have been suppressed and now WH are making sure the information gets out. Given the hard top down push away from God that would not surprise me.
Jesus is God…that’s Christianity. Nothing changes.
Carlos Campo? Frankly, that's an odd name.
Look who's talking, QUiaYDy92PxXeH2Yr.
If that IS your real name.
(I didn't downvote, went for the joke instead :)
That's his name on the planet where he comes from. It can't be pronounced in English :)