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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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Todays Meltdown special
Bringing you today's Lefties Losing It from Rita Panahi from Sky news Australia
Compilation of all the best meltdowns after Trump's victory
Anyone have experience with eczema, does ivermectin do anything for it?
Love the comments in this FBI POST.
Can someone with knowledge on the subject tell me if they expect gold to go up significantly during trumps presidency?
Everything I watch says it will, silver too.
If it says otherwise, I turn it off...
Nah, just kidding, but look at gold, all time high right now, no reason that trend shouldn't continue. Especially as the FRN looses more and more buying power.
Gold shall destroy the Fed!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It's only -30° F today. 😃
Hello! Welcome back to Prayer Garden Delaware! On this episode we speak with our friend Donaven. Come and hear about Donaven's coming to Christ moment during a time of loss, and how obedience and surrender brought Him closer to God in those moments. Listen to how Donaven is being transformed by Jesus and how that is showcased in his daily life, his new marriage, and teaching within the public school system.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
Email us! [email protected]
0:01 - Introduction
1:19 - Opening Prayer
2:33 - Bible Verse (Psalm 23)
4:52 - Announcements
5:21 - Start: Testimony Coming to Christ
8:20 - The Lukewarm Period
13:33 - Surrender During Loss
21:21 - Being Transformed in Christ
29:17 - Teaching By Example
36:44 - Newlyweds
40:52 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
Happy Thanksgiving to all 🦃🦃
Happy Thanksgiving friends. You guys are so important to me! I’m Very thankful to have found you guys for this journey!
Happy Thanksgiving GAW family! Love y’all!
I'm Thankful for your daily General Chat bb! Thank you! 👏
A song dedicated to digital warriors, and especially to those who have been in this for a long time, like from Voat, therefore this is a digital and violin theme song from the 1984 movie “Electric Dreams” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-P0pKSk0o0
The song is based on the classical song “Minuet in G” and in this rendition there is a duet or “The Duel” between a talented violinist and a computer synthesizing sound to go along with the violinist. “Giorgio Moroder - The Duel [2160p]” — brilliant imo for 1984.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I missed giving thanks at Canadian Thanksgiving last month. I only have 1 Canadian -born ancestor 180 years ago, but this family ancestor still counts!
Edit: Cello / cellist, not violin per correction, thanks!
Thanks for instrument identification, I did okay in Music 101, but not A+ level! Glad you liked the cello piece! It is the highlight of the movie in my opinion. The “how the science /researcher /computer guy” “won the cellist player’s heart” theme was alright, the Minuet in G rendition was the highlight.
Love Giorgio Moroder! Thanks Malachi! Hopefully you'll get to celebrate Thanksgiving today!
There's a wonderful movie being broadcast tonight about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow called, "I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day"
Known as America's Poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow leads an idyllic life, until the day his world is shattered by tragedy. With a nation divided by the Civil War and his family torn apart, Henry puts down his pen. The sound of Christmas morning reignites the poet's lost voice, and he discovers his rekindled faith.
Thanks Joys1Daughter for the H.W. Longfellow, happy Thanksgiving wishes for you too!
I don't have any meltdowns right now, but BIG NEWS of the day is DJT appointing Kellogg as Assistant to the President (and Special Envoy for Ukraine and Russia).
Wow. That's big!
There surely must be meltdowns from this appointment. Time to go hunting on reddit / twitter / etc!
Oh, the humanity! oh, the keks!
Happy Thanksgiving GAW frens!
I was watching some UFO documentary.. those spaceships are quick as lightning and inter-dimensional imo. Then I watched Elon's Space X rocket going up trying to break through the firmanent, slow and loud.. made me feel like we're the ancient civilization with ancient tech.. technically still cavemen and boy...millions of dollars spent just to make one rocket while UFOs are zip zapping left and right, laughing at us.. just a thought. But I'd like to be grateful for all we have this Thanksgiving.
Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I lack nothing
Amen! God bless you Bibloop!
Animal Antics:
Man Invites Cat In From The Cold, Gets Surprise: https://healthyhappynews.com/stray-cat-brings-joy-and-new-change-to-mans-life/
Hilariously Puzzled Dog Spotted This On His Morning Walk: https://healthyhappynews.com/dogs-hilariously-puzzled-look-as-he-spots-something-on-his-walk
Tortie Cat With Attitude Runs Rock Climbing Gym: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imeV5ckoO6A
1800 Pound Water Buffalo Cuddlebug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfYGf9DCu2Q
Asher House Horse Emergency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Rnv66ief8
Turkey Adopts Pigs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGwbDKbZzPk
Senior Dog Gets New Home, New Toys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A3HhNYkYo0
Odd Faced Cat Finds Her Drama Moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SispFL8-Whg
Cats On The Job: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOcsOfVwOrA
Sweetie The Cuddly Dog, Once Labeled Aggressive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV1rHYTUIUs
Precious! 💕
I wish we could all get along like turkeys and pigs!
or even some cats and dogs!
That's right! 🐈🐈⬛🐕🐕🦺✨💕
What an auspicious evening!
Thanksgiving's Eve
Who misses all the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and others gathered together this time of year?
I can remember a few of those prior to the Thanksgiving in 1963. It was never the same after then.
Kennedy was dead; for the adults it must have been like getting punched in the stomach. Personal "thankfulness" was overcome by national tragedy. For the kids, we just wanted to play.
I wish I could send my "today" self back to Thursday, November 28, 1963. I would tell my "then" self how world changing that event was, and how 61 years to the day later he would be witnessing the closing of the circle.
Robert Kennedy Jr. was almost 10 years old at the time. How do think he remembers Thursday, November 28, 1963?
The End meets the Beginning. Margin call Gentlemen. Time to settle up.
Yes, I miss the large family gatherings. What a different world we have lived in since then.
Yes... truly a life changing event for the world 💔
Thanks for that.
It's good to be locked and loaded.
May Florida and other states follow Texas and Oklahoma!
Love your beautiful heartfelt prayer Mary! ❤️
Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone! 🙏
AMEN. +++
Hey there -- Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!
I've continued to check in here daily, but I stopped posting / commenting almost completely due to severe burnout and a need to focus all my energy on getting my own health (spiritual and physical) back in order -- and to attend to a multitude of "real life" things that I'd let slip during our long Plandemic / Woke Saga.
Yes, God has Blessed us richly. I am grateful beyond measure and words.
Yes He has! 🙏🙌 Blessing to your family dear Tweety! 🤍
Happy Thanksgiving Frens
Just finished DEXTER the series. Any fans?
If you're into crime dramas with suspense, twists and turns. Really good watch. Streaming on Netflix in case you're looking for something to fill idle time during the holidays.
I watched a couple of seasons long ago, it was very interesting in the beginning but became a bit boring later on. Serial killer killing serial killers is pretty interesting concept. I wonder if there were any Q comms in it.
I am a fan. Currently catching Lincoln Lawyer the series on netflix. Was a Monk fan back in the day, but it kind of lost its appeal towards the end, I think they got tired.
On the other side of the pond there's Line of Duty, which is double-plus good. Also, Official Secrets
Also, I recenly found out that the well-memed Downfall drew heavily from David Irving's history of Hitler. He said very recently that that movie was mostly true, apart from some small details. So an interesting turn of events.
Wow, interesting that there is a movie based on this. I just started reading his Himmler book and even the beginning was quite eye opening. Cant wait to read the Hitler and Churchill books.
Yes, I have that movie on my re-watch list now.
I felt the same way about Monk near the end.
Loved Dexter for the first 5-6 seasons. Tied with Breaking Bad for best all time, but hated the way Dexter ended (like a lot of fans)...similar to Monk, steam rolling greatness but ran out of steam at the finish line. Whereas Breaking Bad just continually got better and better and ended at its pinnacle.
I've heard really good things about 'Line of Duty'. Can you share the premise without spoilers?
The premise is rooting out corruption in a Police force.
There are three main characters who develop their own understanding of the whole situation, and try to identify the head of the snake.