They got away with an 'actor' biden in the WH, when anyone who is intelligent enough can look up a 1980s photo of Biden and see it was NOT Biden in the WH. The sheep in NY will believe anything.
Childish nonsense. Their eyes ( centers ) and ear lobe 'connections' do Not change. Obviously you are not intelligent enough to find to old pics of Biden. It is Not even close.
I agree they change, plus people are forgetting, Biden had plastic surgery. That is one of tbe reasons we saw him "campaign from the basement". That is why his earlobes looked different. They pull the face tighter.
I'm not saying they did not use a masked Biden at times.
I understand what your saying but that means the guy is smart and trying to not get caught. If he's not trying to get caught he would have also gotten rid of all the evidence. He wouldn't have kept it all on him days later. Shit seems really odd to me.
Did he really though? The police lie, the media lie…. Why aren’t we looking internally at the company he worked for. This whole story is sus and most Americans aren’t buying it. Look how the gov. suddenly had resources for an all out manhunt.
What people seem to forget is that this CEO was scheduled to be in front of congress this week. Something regarding insider trading, or the Health Insurance industry. Could it be that he was gonna blow the lid?
Just noticed no pocket flaps vs pocket straps, also black straps vs white on backpack. This is not the same guy unless he changed clothes and backpack.
Sleeve cuffs are different. I'm wondering about the time line. After the shooting and after he left Central Park, did the shooter go back to his house or did he just hang around the city? If he dumped his back pack was his laptop in the backpack? When did he pick up his laptop? When was the last time you saw a McDonalds employee even care about a customer, much less recognize minor data points on his face to alert the police? Usually the employees are running around trying to fulfill orders and make change at the register, they don't have time to look/stare at a customer and gaze into his eyes then come to the conclusion "that's the shooter". This is BS to keep normies away from a more important story, like the wrath Q is fixing to lay upon the Left.
Lol. These surveillance photos are completely different days. Top is at Starbucks day of shooting bottom is at hostel where he was staying for days. The light backpack with coat inside were dumped in Central Park.
Of course he's going to change clothes - he just killed a man on camera!!!
The manifesto thing has to be be a comms of some kind. I feel like it started back with the columbine school shootings. But yeah, if I were an Ivy League valedictorian the first thing I would do if I committed a crime is to lay low during a nationwide manhunt and then go to mcds (a trump endorsed establishment) WITH the incriminating evidence.
They got away with an 'actor' biden in the WH, when anyone who is intelligent enough can look up a 1980s photo of Biden and see it was NOT Biden in the WH. The sheep in NY will believe anything.
They don’t get taller.
They also don't grow ball sack chins, or have their ears transform.
Biden got a facelift. They sew your ears on after that. That’s why his lobes are attached now.
Observe carefully. Only one earlobe is attached.
What plastic surgeon would leave a facelift like that? Especially on a high-profile rich guy.
Their cheekbones don't get more prominent.
And no one EVER has one attached earlobe and one unattached earlobe.
Childish nonsense. Their eyes ( centers ) and ear lobe 'connections' do Not change. Obviously you are not intelligent enough to find to old pics of Biden. It is Not even close.
LMAO. 'authority'? I have eyes and if you would look at the photos that you refuse to see you 'should' see the obvious.
I agree they change, plus people are forgetting, Biden had plastic surgery. That is one of tbe reasons we saw him "campaign from the basement". That is why his earlobes looked different. They pull the face tighter.
I'm not saying they did not use a masked Biden at times.
Didn't kamala also have extensive plastic surgery prior to inauguration? Odd, no?
We never really saw the shooter from the actual shooting video. We could not see his face. That should always be kept in mind.
If it is a psyop, that is important to keep in mind.
All these other still photos are what we are TOLD is the same guy.
Are these pics above supposed to be within minutes of the shooting?
Because if on different days, he could have more than one coat.
But more than one backpack would be unusual.
For someone taking a bus and staying in a hostel, even more than one coat would be unusual. VERY unusual.
Taking multiple coats and backpacks is not exactly "traveling light."
Straps of backpack different.
It is amazing to me there was only ONE camera angle of the shooter in a city with more cameras than Hollywood!
I understand what your saying but that means the guy is smart and trying to not get caught. If he's not trying to get caught he would have also gotten rid of all the evidence. He wouldn't have kept it all on him days later. Shit seems really odd to me.
When I saw the pictures of "Mangione", my first thought was that's not the same guy. Not even close. WTF?
It's not.
Did he really though? The police lie, the media lie…. Why aren’t we looking internally at the company he worked for. This whole story is sus and most Americans aren’t buying it. Look how the gov. suddenly had resources for an all out manhunt.
The nose is a dead giveaway.
...exactly correct
The shooter and Luigi Mangione's eyebrows are different. Look up photos of both and compare. Luigi's a patsy.
Shooter vs Luigi Mangione:
What people seem to forget is that this CEO was scheduled to be in front of congress this week. Something regarding insider trading, or the Health Insurance industry. Could it be that he was gonna blow the lid?
Testify against Nancy Pelosi.
Both families are from Baltimore...Pelosi's Father was a mafia Don and Luigi's family are well to do real estate developers.
And Nancy Pelosi was involved in the insider trading!
Since the day of the shooting I have posted in comments that this may be a silence a whistleblower op.
No pull strings on the top guys photo but bottom one has them
Just noticed no pocket flaps vs pocket straps, also black straps vs white on backpack. This is not the same guy unless he changed clothes and backpack.
And changed his face.
Without even seeing this post, I could tell that the arrested guy had WAY bushier & black eyebrows. And that was without my glasses on!!
His name is Luigi who is a Plumber who's involved in Wet Works. This is the show. Understanding comms.
I heard his real name was Linguine Macaroni!
Sleeve cuffs are different. I'm wondering about the time line. After the shooting and after he left Central Park, did the shooter go back to his house or did he just hang around the city? If he dumped his back pack was his laptop in the backpack? When did he pick up his laptop? When was the last time you saw a McDonalds employee even care about a customer, much less recognize minor data points on his face to alert the police? Usually the employees are running around trying to fulfill orders and make change at the register, they don't have time to look/stare at a customer and gaze into his eyes then come to the conclusion "that's the shooter". This is BS to keep normies away from a more important story, like the wrath Q is fixing to lay upon the Left.
But why. Whats going on. This implies the gov offed him
AND: The shooter and Luigi Mangione's eyebrows are different. Look up photos of both and compare. Luigi's a patsy.
Shooter vs Luigi Mangione:
I heard, and dont remember where, that they recovered a jacket either with the backpack or somewhere. I wish they would show it to clear up this part.
Why he was cycling it:
Lol. These surveillance photos are completely different days. Top is at Starbucks day of shooting bottom is at hostel where he was staying for days. The light backpack with coat inside were dumped in Central Park.
Of course he's going to change clothes - he just killed a man on camera!!!
But he keeps the gun and a manifesto?
The manifesto thing has to be be a comms of some kind. I feel like it started back with the columbine school shootings. But yeah, if I were an Ivy League valedictorian the first thing I would do if I committed a crime is to lay low during a nationwide manhunt and then go to mcds (a trump endorsed establishment) WITH the incriminating evidence.