He did unquestionably wear a pink dress in public, and they do very frequently have men wear dresses for whatever ritual, where a public dress isn’t much better than a private French maid skirt, and he did very openly say he was willing to do anything to be the first billionaire athlete, and Dwyane Wade’s son went trans, with Wade going big on trans activism.
The specific photo could be fake, but the direction looks true regardless. I do hope it turns out that LeBron was running deep cover or something at some point, but there are some definite bad look points.
For good indicators, he does run his own agency, and iirc, Kyrie Irving was on it before “going nuts”, so maybe the negatives have been bait?
I absolutely agree. LeBron is a sick, twisted, evil man, and as a former basketball fan, I hope ALL his crimes are made public and his reputation is COMPLETELY DESTROYED.
Dude is 39 years old. Most pro athletes are fucked up by that age. The body just can't take the beating it used to. I bet his knees are not so limber anymore.
Diddy worries?
I don't think it's a coincidence that this is all happening!
He played along and Kobe didn't...maybe he reap what he has sown.
Rumor has it he asked Ellen D if he could live under her stairs.
Yep - probably being told he needs to step down, and spill the tea. So he can get a lesser sentence
Because Jabs.
You spelled pu**sy assed bitch wrong.
LeBitch, KEK
I keep hearing that this pic is fake. That it's LeBron's head photoshopped onto someone else.
LeBron is evil, yes, but I'm not sure about this photo.
He did unquestionably wear a pink dress in public, and they do very frequently have men wear dresses for whatever ritual, where a public dress isn’t much better than a private French maid skirt, and he did very openly say he was willing to do anything to be the first billionaire athlete, and Dwyane Wade’s son went trans, with Wade going big on trans activism.
The specific photo could be fake, but the direction looks true regardless. I do hope it turns out that LeBron was running deep cover or something at some point, but there are some definite bad look points.
For good indicators, he does run his own agency, and iirc, Kyrie Irving was on it before “going nuts”, so maybe the negatives have been bait?
I absolutely agree. LeBron is a sick, twisted, evil man, and as a former basketball fan, I hope ALL his crimes are made public and his reputation is COMPLETELY DESTROYED.
This is personal for me. Fuck LeBron James.
I just had to nitpick about the maid photo.
You Win Wordsmith of the Day! Lord Kek! 👑
Seriously. I cannot tolerate that racist motherfucker. I hope his game continues to decline.
"Ain't no part like a Diddy party" is what this guy said on camera. Cannot wait to watch the stars fall...
Colby Covington asking why LeBron is at so many Diddy parties is exactly what needs to happen. Don't let these pedos sweep it under the rug.
Was coming here to say this. We need more brave public figures like Colby to call these sickos out.
Nothing like a Diddy party
Needs time off for his trial? TIme off to testify at other's trials?
Or told to get lost before his scandal goes full public?
Perhaps he's going back to where he belongs as part of Bye-Done's prisoner swap with Chinka...
Diddy parties worries.
Even the public is heckling him lol. Can't walk the streets lol.
Karma bitch!
Poor Leb. Ain't no fallout like the fallout from a Diddy party! LOL.
How many children did LeBron rape?
Hard to concentrate when your ass is about to sit in Gitmo for a long long time. Am I right?
I wonder if he's worried about a certain friend in a certain jail awaiting trial for certain crimes?
Emergency dress / high heels fitting?
He has to assembly his "team"! His legal "team"!
Legal team 😂😂😂
Mind is on something else?
Dude is 39 years old. Most pro athletes are fucked up by that age. The body just can't take the beating it used to. I bet his knees are not so limber anymore.
Yeah - spending all that time on his knees is probably painful now
LeFlop Jams
LeFlop 😂😂😂
He wasn't all that anyway. He was never even close to being as great as Bill Lambier. (probably spelled his name wrong).