Reagan worked for HW Bush, the Rockefellers and the Deep State. That is why MSM has been televising his speeches for the past 40 years. 40 years of indoctrination. FACTS & RECEIPTS:
#1 Raped Cathy O’Brien child sex survivor when she was a child in the CIA MK Ultra Program:
#2 Regularly attended the Bohemian Club: And:
#3 Included in the Washington DC, child sex scandal:
#4 Middle East When Reagan was president he and H.W. Bush paid the Iranian's to not release the hostages in order to prevent the re-election of Jimmy Carter in 1980. The hostages were released as promised as Reagan was sworn into office. Reagan then secretly sold chemical & biological weapons to Iraq.
#5 Central and South America
- In Central America, Reagan-Bush ran a massive criminal operation that imported hundreds of tons of cocaine into the US and shipped arms illegally to the terrorist Contras that Reagan affectionately called "Freedom Fighters".
- In South America his puppet military dictators abducted, tortured, murdered and mutilated close to 200,000 civilians in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in the name of 'democracy' and fighting communism.
#6 Satanist
Much of the activity of the Reagan years can be explained by the fact that Ronnie and Nancy were devout supporters of Satanists. So devout that they insisted the head of the satanic Temple of Set, Colonel Michael Aquino, visit the White House wearing his satanic high-priest robe. With Reagan's support Aquino was able to get Satanism recognized as a protected religious belief in the military. Aquino was investigated by the military as well as the San Francisco Police Dept. when children identified him as head of a "Devil Worship Club" that ritually molested, murdered and cannibalized children. But the case was dismissed under pressure from the highest levels.
#7 Franklin Scandal
Daughter Maureen Reagan was close to Larry King, head of the failed Franklin Community Credit Union, Republican darling and leader of a child abduction, pornography and prostitution ring. King was involved with the satanic CIA child abduction and mind control program that kidnapped Johnny Gosch while he was delivering newspapers.
#8 Collapse of the Savings and Loan
America's worst financial disaster since the Great Depression occurred under Reagan with the collapse of the Savings & Loan system. Nearly $500 billion was looted from thousands of Savings & Loans by a criminal ring that included the Mafia, CIA and the Bush family.
#9 Environment
EnvironmentReagan's real views on the environment became clear during his Presidential campaign when he claimed that trees caused more air pollution than cars. During his criminal reign of terror he systematically dismantled environmental protection laws and rolled back decades of hard-won progress to protect the Earth and the health of its inhabitants.
#10 Really worked for HW Bush and the Rockefellers, not the American people.
The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978 Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of Reagan era documents.
#11 Controlled by the Rockefellers
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
- Rockefeller:
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
#12 Responsible for “Trickle-down Economics If there’s one person most often associated with the origins of of trickle-down economics, it’s President Ronald Reagan: “money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes it would trickle down to the needy.” This did not happen. The rich kept all the money for themselves.
#13 Created Mentally Ill Homelessness He closed down mental institutions, saying mentally ill people should live at home with their own families and attend outpatient mental programs in the cities. The result was a sharp increase in homelessness, many of whom were mentally ill and dangerous.
#14 - Reagan fires 11,000 striking air traffic controllers, Aug. 5, 1981 changing the workplace forever.
Don't forget he gave immunity to VAXX manufacturers.
Right. That was HUGE.
Deep State did that. Forgery of Reagan signature suspected as this was in 1986 after the July 14, 1985 by Bush Sr./CIA soft coup that removed all of Reagan’s actual power.
That is just a theory. The fact is it transpired under his watch and the blame will forever rest with him. There is a lengthy statement released which states the same old bullshit they always use as to why vaccine manufacturers have complete immunity:
"The administration has been greatly concerned for some time that unpredictable tort liability has caused many vaccine manufacturers to abandon production of childhood vaccines. "
Correct. And that was and is the point. The Deep State does nefarious things under a populist/popular President precisely so the media can rewrite the history as “his fault”. We saw so much of this under Trump’s first term. This is a standard CIA psyop, don’t fall for it. Look deeper. Who is really pulling the strings of the puppet master?
Historical precedents (last 100 years) where POTUS blamed by intel agency/media to ruin reputation:
Deep State activity blamed on POTUS under Roosevelt (Pearl Harbor), Truman (“nuking” Japan), Eisenhower (attempted WW3 with China by NSC), Kennedy (Bay of Pigs), Nixon (Watergate), Reagan (Iran-Contra), Trump (Russia collusion).
If all this is true, why the assassination attempt two months into his first term? Just asking.
One additional point that you could have made is the amnesty granted illegal aliens in 86.
Perhaps that's how they got him to comply.... I previously thought President Trump had about 30 assassination attempts on his life. Someone corrected me and said it was closer to 70.
Either way, these are true facts, and Reagan was a horrible president and a weak, evil man. HE WAS ACTING.
I voted 3rd party in 80 after voting for Carter in 76. I just remember the economy under Carter and how hard it was to get a job, and how I had multiple job offers during the end of Reagan’s 1st term. I voted GOP from 84 until GWB’s 2nd run in 04. That’s when I began to see the problems in the GOP.
That's nice you had a good experience. I didn't.
And the info listed in the original post are facts with receipts.
I’m not arguing those.
If these are the facts, then Reagan was an evil man and horrible president.
When I see Reagan speaking with his head tilted to the side and shaking, or Biden "running" I feel like throwing up.
Reagan Admin purpose was to 1. counter the attempted Soviet Communist takeover that started with the stolen 1976 election and ended with Mondale getting demolished in 1984 election, 2. Prevent WW3, and 3. Complete the breakup of CIA asset AT&T started under Nixon admin.
Mondale was the leftside NWO leader just like Bush Sr. was the rightside NWO leader. After the election rigging was halted in 1984 and Reagan won again, they pulled a Continuity of Government maneuver (suspected of being creation of Corp Chairman above POTUS) on July 14, 1985 to effectively neutralize Reagan. “Medical procedure” was used as public excuse to force Reagan to give up power to Bush Sr./CIA/COG. It does not appear he ever got it back.
Number 13 is pure bullshit.
Regan shut down Federal facilities and gave that money to the states to do as they please.
As usual, the states chose to squander that money and not use it as intended.
Mental illness should be a state issue, anyway, not a federal one.
The others may have merit, but that one is pure BS.
And firing the air traffic controllers was about federal workers striking. It was illegal and the issue of federal workers, paid by the unlimited revenue from taxpayers, was different from private industry where unions and companies needed to negotiate with the reality of survival.
It's been scrubbed now, but after he fired the traffic controllers there was a significant increase in aviation accidents. I cannot find anything about that on the internet now, but I REMEMBER that happened.
And all of a sudden your workload increased at your job from feeling manageable and satisfaction to DREAD. Employers knew they could put the screws to you for more profit, and they did.
That does not explain raping Cathy O'Brien who was a child sex slave for the CIA's MK Ultra program. In fact, Cathy was evaluated to be a "Presidential Model". She was also raped by Gerald Ford, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton and others. Does not dismiss the Franklin scandal of call boys being flown to the White House or Satanic worship.
I disagree. Reagan wanted the mentally ill to live with their families and attend outpatient therapy. Honestly, how would that ever work? Families don't want the mentally ill at home. Some of them would actually murder the family members or burn down the house.
Would you want a mentally ill person to live with you if they weren't safe? No, they need to be in a facility under paid observation, with boundaries.
And mentally ill people will not attend outpatient mentally ill programs because they are mentally ill.
Whatever the reason, or whose responsibility it was, crazy homeless people on the street exploded.
Even if it were not true, which I believe it was, what about the other FACTS?
As a method of destroying more families, his idea about crazies living at home was effective.
I will never ever forget my neighbor running down the street pursued by her own grown son screaming she was about to die. She was sheltered into a neighbor's home and cops came. Having him live at home was not working out well.
It's hard to get a good night's sleep when a family member says they are going to kill you, and you know they're not kidding.
I think the homeless epidemic started because it fed into their satanic ritual/human trafficking agenda. They can go in and clear out a group of homeless and none would be the wiser. No one would miss them and they would have fresh bodies for what they do with them.
That's a good point. I think it was mostly financial, but your idea makes a lot of sense. In fact, they do that. They gather the homeless, mentally ill, etc. and do whatever they want with them - depopulate, use for experiments, etc.
Read about the Regan - Cathy O’Brien connection back in 2016. Rabbit Hole runs deep. Full Disclosure HAS to come out for our Nation to heal.
I agree. I don't think even President Trump knows what he was all about when he compliments Reagan.
This is probably true even if he did not fully comprehend the enemy power structure. However, there is lots of evidence that he was not voluntarily working for them and WAS attempting to exercise his executive authority, something NOT ALLOWED by the Deep State.
Reagan’s clashes with National Security Council (NSC) who effectively (and unconstitutionally) usurped C-I-C authority under Eisenhower (via Dulles bros) were just as legendary as those reported by Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Nixon admin officials. This is THE KEY thing that Trump removed (exact details unknown), but it appears to be through a COG process/processes of some kind. Effectively Trump did to “Biden” what Bush Sr. did to Reagan AFTER potentially executing Bush Sr. for treason in 2018 (why it is important).
It is suspected that whatever COG position Bush Sr. was holding on January 18, 2017 when appeared to have been arrested, was taken over by Trump (after Bush Sr. public death) or his proxy as current C-I-C and/or most recent living C-I-C (position created by Bush Sr. appeared to be a “lifetime position” of some sort).
Thank you for posting this, fren!
You're welcome, fren. Thank you for being open-minded.
Reminds me of the idea, our minds are like parachutes, they only work when they are open. I give all credit to our Savior, Creator, and the Holy Spirit for our open minds. ❤
I appreciate your open mind. 🌷
Reagan is like Ghandi and the Dalai Lama who are both sexual perverts. MSM has taken propaganda and drilled it into our heads for decades. Then we admire someone, and we don't even know why.
Yep , I didn’t know about most of this , but I knew enough ! He was evil! Just the No fault divorce , and closing the hospitals and putting mentally ill on streets was the start of a lot of destruction and homelessness problem in America ! His big ,,, tear down the wall is the same joke as Bush at 9/11 mouthing off on the bull horn . This is all the normies remember and was enough for them to close their ears and eyes to anything else .
It makes me sick when he is held up as a great president. He was an actor. An actor that gave good speeches. He was an evil man and a horrible president.
Ronald Reagan—No Hero
Let us remember Reagan as he really was... * Liar
Thank you DocMcCoy ! Myself and PBman have made mention of this a few times on here , I believe you commented with us as well . There is a lot of push back, but your thorough post I believe , will put an end to that . Yes , the ones who were exaulted as friends are some of the worst demons! Not sure he’ll ever be truly exposed , for God sakes we’re still trying to get Killery and ODemon exposed to public . I do pray all our true history is laid out and the truth will be known and no longer hid ! Ty for all the truth that you exposed , it’s needed !
You're welcome fren. I lived, felt and remember what happened under Reagan.
This is the mother of all battles:
We will triumph.
Well well , even anons on here don’t want to believe facts . I see you got ( me too ) that push back I mentioned ! Reagan is the one who gave vaxx companys immunity .. just that alone is enough , let alone all the other facts u have on him . The mentally ill situation was bad , I remember that . He was an actor . Never saw his movies, but , I saw his performances in Washington ,, my mind will never be changed , he was bad !!! As far as the assassination , I think it was bogus !
40 years of the MSM showing good speeches. That's a lot of brainwashing:
Reagan earned the nickname “the Gipper” for his first big role as an actor portraying gravely ill football player George Gipp in the 1940 film classic “Knute Rockne, All American.” Gipp was in his hospital bed, when he asked coach Knute Rockne to have the team “Win just one for the Gipper.”
Clown man:
Thanks for exposing the truth.
Welcome fren.
I remember after he became president the workplace suddenly changing for the worse.
Before Reagan, I remember working hard and feeling satisfied and fulfilled with my job at the end of the day. You knew you accomplished something and felt proud of your work. Sometimes, we would have wine and cheese parties after work.
After he became president and fired all those air traffic controllers, work became Hell. The workload increased and everyday you felt like you were hit by a train. And it's never gotten better. Just worse.
Looks like there a few Reagan fanatics.
If all I ever saw/knew about Reagan was his inspiring speeches, I'd probably be a Reagan fanatic too.
I have to admit they are great speeches. But he didn't walk the talk. He was just acting.
The government and MSM has been pushing Reagan speeches for 4 decades. 40 years of Reagan indoctrination.
He worked for HW Bush, the Rockefellers, and the New World Order. That's why the government and MSM supports him and keeps posting his speeches. This kind of information is shocking to most people.
And his relationship with Margaret Thatcher has a lot to explain his outlook, she also believed in the trickle down theory but could not believe that the bankers squirreled the money away into offshore accounts. But she didn't stop giving them money.
She was responsible for a bit of Ronnies ideas, plus she was a lot smarter than Reagan, which isn't difficult.
July 14, 1985 transfer of power to George HW Bush Sr. from Ronald Reagan in a CIA orchestrated “soft coup” using COG:
All legislation “signed” by Reagan after this date is either coerced or forged.
Monday, March 30, 1981 attempted assassination on Reagan by Bush family friend’s son and likely MK Ultra’ed CIA asset (exactly 69 days into Reagan Presidency):
So Reagan was forced to rape Cathy O'Brien and traffic boys through the White House? Was he forced to go to the Bohemian Grove? whether it was willingly or forced, life declined under his presidency. Is that why he embraced Satanism? I have bad memories of him.
Look at all the facts listed. Would you participate in all of them to enjoy the status of being President of the United States and save your own ass? I wouldn't.
Fake rape allegations are a standard disinfo tool because some people are actually being forced to do rape with a gun to their head (literally) so it can be used as blackmail-control file. If they don’t do it they get killed and replaced by body double or person in a mask. We saw this exact same play (fake rape allegation) deployed against Trump with the E. Jean Carroll operation (funded by CIA/Mossad asset Reed Hoffman).
It is easy to setup a trafficking operation through the White House and then document it to blame it on POTUS, especially given what we now know about the corruption of Secret Service and the tunnels under the White House. And the reality is that it doesn’t even matter if it is true. This is a “limited hangout” intel op intentionally amplified by CIA-controlled media, but likely being pinned on someone not really running the trafficking specifically to ruin his reputation and deflect the blame from the very same CIA. Cui bono? George HW Bush Sr. and his cronies, obviously.
-Anonymous British Intel official
Believe what you choose.
The MSM has been playing his speeches on TV for the past 40 years. That in itself is suspect.
We should find out some more truth on Reagan with declas soon. There was lots of weird stuff with Reagan after the assassination attempt. Note that there was also lots of weird stuff with George HW Bush Sr after his Jan?1992 vomiting incident in Japan. We may find out that both these guys got replaced at least once with body doubles. Then we will have to sort out what actions are attributable to which version of the person. Real history is going to be really difficult to sort.
All I know is life went to shit under Reagan, "The Great Communicator".
MSM has been replaying his speeches for the past 40 years. Now why would MSM do such a thing? Yes, they are good speeches. Yes, they made sense. But Reagan did not walk the talk.
Think of it. We were programmed to admire Ghandi and the Dalai Lama. Both turned out to be pedophiles and sexual perverts.
Agreed. We are being "selectively programmed" by the media, even with content that may have been intended to DEPROGRAM. The power of CIA Mockingbird media in conjunction with flouride and vaccine dumbing down is quite powerful, indeed.
When I was going door-to-door in LA for Ed Clark's 1980 Libertarian campaign for President, against Reagan, one guy slammed the door in my face after telling me that Reagan was "as good as Jesus Christ."
I've seen allegations and sauce about Reagan's (apparently) true character and actions before, and I believe they are generally true.
But it's worth mentioning that Q not only quotes Reagan a few times (which doesn't conflict with the Evil Reagan theory at all) but also, in #2807, calls him an outsider, like Kennedy and Trump (italics added):
(#2807 is a long one, with much else besides the text above)
IDK what that means -- about Q, about Reagan, or anything else -- but it's an anomaly we should probably keep in mind.
Well, if you wanted to use a former president as inspiration, a good choice would be one of Reagan's speeches. I think Reagan was an outsider until the assassination attempt. Then he complied. But when you dig deep, you find the skeletons.
Trump was shot in the face and never complied. All assassination attempts are not made public. I thought they were about 30, but someone else said it was 70.
I've heard the "30" estimate before -- scary enough -- but not 70. Wow. Hard to believe that many serious attempts have been successfully thwarted, but what do I know?
CIA Bush undermined Regan from beginning to end. Nearly everything you attribute to Regan was mostly Bush-CIA agenda items, not Regan.
And, here is how Bush was forced onto Regan for VP. The media was hard pounding against Regan prior to the election because their narrative claimed that Regan was unfit to be president due to lack of national security experience. The MSM beat that drum daily. Finally, the GOP found a guy with natl. security experience to pair up with Regan to silence the critics- George Bush Sr., Head of the CIA. And just like that, the MSM ended its anti-Regan crusade.
When you examine all of the shady stuff that went down while Regan was in office, you will see time and again the fingerprints of CIA skulduggery- the Bush fucker.
I am not going to try to change your opinions of Regan, but I will suggest that you examine his legacy with a bit more of an open mind regarding what Regan was actually responsible for, and what was more likely Bush, CIA, GOP meddling.
I see your point. Does it excuse his pedophilia or Satanic worship? Would you carry out all these orders because you felt you had to obey your boss?
Whether responsible or not, it happened on his watch. I do not have fond memories of his presidency. I cringe whenever MSM replays his speeches.
Correct. Nearly all nefarious activities attributed to Reagan was actually Bush/CIA “dirty-ing” Reagan/Nancy up or directly undermining him. It is possible that Nancy was “a handler” via family or Hollywood ties just as Jackie Kennedy is suspected of being JFK’s “handler” (possibly involuntarily). Reagan did not do as he was told, thus the assassination attempt and Bush/CIA soft coup on July 14, 1985 stripping him of all real power.
Note that is was July 14, 2024 in Switzerland at the exact time they tried to take out Trump.
Shit. How incredibly disappointing.
That's why the MSM has been pushing his speeches for the last 40 years.
That's almost all of what most Americans know about him.
It's good to dig, and bring up info against the narrative. But you're wrong. Go deeper and you'll realize that despite being elevated by the cabal's evil system, as all celebrities have been since the federal reserve, he went against them as president. That's why they tried to kill him. And in his term the DS unfortunately won the round.
Also, not sure if you're watching current education trends, but the history of his good works has been absolutely buried by corrupt textbooks. I'm sure that varies by state, though. If someone else wrote his speeches, can anyone blame him for that? He decided to use those writers and gave excellent delivery; and he was good at impromptu as well.
And fwiw, Q said he wasn't cabal.
I appreciate your open mind. The facts speak for themselves.