He thinks we're stupid because he has gotten away with everything he's done including being impeached and is still on the job taking advantage of our stupidity.
I can agree with #1, govt owned or controlled. While the remaining two arguments are possible (especially #3 is definately what they believe. 🤔🤣), I believe it's more than what they are revealing. We are 30+ days from Trump from taking control. The DS will do anything to keep him from 20 January 2025. Here's my theory on this:
Height of cold war USSR Russia had Nukes in Ukraine, mostly to counter NATO/European aggressions. IF I recall from my active duty days, we were informed that number to be 80 or more. So along comes Sir Ronald of Raygun and economically crushes the USSR and has Gorbachav tear down the wall. Shortly afterwards USSR collapses and freedom is given to the Eastern European territories or country's. One of them being Ukraine and as a result there was great concern on the warheads and who had control of them. Like anything else, another FF or two were staged so as to redirect the MSM item of interest/concern and the warheads are forgotten about. So... where am I going with this? Fast forward the Wayback Machine to today...Think Qs "Sum of All Fears" drop......
IMHO, I think the drones (which are operating IAW FAA regs [lights, etc.]) are up for monitoring purposes not for nefarious purposes, but for other reasons. That reason to me would be "sniffing" for a "lost" or "missing" item of interest (Nuke/Chem/Bio agent) as well as hunting for or monitoring known bad guys who have infiltrated our open borders under this current administration.
I believe the drones are in WH control and the DS are panicked because their evil plans are being challenged. So in order to counter this panic, they bring out the Stooge of stooges, Mayorkas, to spin the public to be fearful and start demanding more govt control with the associated public restrictions that go with the control.
Again this is my opinion on what I believe based on what I know (experience), see and read.
Wait till they start suckin em into airliners engines and take out whoever they want, didn't we hear that most airplane crashes were on purpose/hit jobs?
8/18/2024 - Julian Assange: The Truth Behind Project Blue Beam
The crux of Project Blue Beam is the creation of a “New World Order” through the manufacturing of a global threat – an alien invasion. It’s a textbook case of problem, reaction, solution. Create the problem, manage the public’s reaction, then offer the solution, which invariably involves the expansion of their control and power.
But they can pat us down, make us take off our shoes, and look through our clothes at the airport. OK . . .
We are not limited in our authority.
Close down the airspace and when unauthorized giant drones Breach the closed airspace, shoot down drones, and dissect them for Intel.
Why does Secretary Mayorkas think we're stupid?
He thinks we're stupid because he has gotten away with everything he's done including being impeached and is still on the job taking advantage of our stupidity.
He’s on the other team.
Such bullshit. Covid op all over again.
YEP! This guy is full of it.
That’s the most slapable face I’ve ever seen.
Yep. Came here to primarily say that's one of the most punchable faces in existence today. (Well, maybe next to John Legend's...)
It's a pretty big field of contestants though.
IMO, this is the entire reason behind the drone 'invasion.'
They do it because it’s worked in the past. But the over reach during Covid woke up a lot of people. Hopefully enough that it won’t work again.
I can agree with #1, govt owned or controlled. While the remaining two arguments are possible (especially #3 is definately what they believe. 🤔🤣), I believe it's more than what they are revealing. We are 30+ days from Trump from taking control. The DS will do anything to keep him from 20 January 2025. Here's my theory on this:
Height of cold war USSR Russia had Nukes in Ukraine, mostly to counter NATO/European aggressions. IF I recall from my active duty days, we were informed that number to be 80 or more. So along comes Sir Ronald of Raygun and economically crushes the USSR and has Gorbachav tear down the wall. Shortly afterwards USSR collapses and freedom is given to the Eastern European territories or country's. One of them being Ukraine and as a result there was great concern on the warheads and who had control of them. Like anything else, another FF or two were staged so as to redirect the MSM item of interest/concern and the warheads are forgotten about. So... where am I going with this? Fast forward the Wayback Machine to today...Think Qs "Sum of All Fears" drop...... IMHO, I think the drones (which are operating IAW FAA regs [lights, etc.]) are up for monitoring purposes not for nefarious purposes, but for other reasons. That reason to me would be "sniffing" for a "lost" or "missing" item of interest (Nuke/Chem/Bio agent) as well as hunting for or monitoring known bad guys who have infiltrated our open borders under this current administration.
I believe the drones are in WH control and the DS are panicked because their evil plans are being challenged. So in order to counter this panic, they bring out the Stooge of stooges, Mayorkas, to spin the public to be fearful and start demanding more govt control with the associated public restrictions that go with the control.
Again this is my opinion on what I believe based on what I know (experience), see and read.
Wait till they start suckin em into airliners engines and take out whoever they want, didn't we hear that most airplane crashes were on purpose/hit jobs?
This is Fast and Furious with gubmint flooding Mexico with guns to show need for draconian gun laws, now they’re doing it with gubmint drones.
This is why after a Presidential election they should be in charge the next day.
Could the drones be setting us up for:
8/18/2024 - Julian Assange: The Truth Behind Project Blue Beam
The crux of Project Blue Beam is the creation of a “New World Order” through the manufacturing of a global threat – an alien invasion. It’s a textbook case of problem, reaction, solution. Create the problem, manage the public’s reaction, then offer the solution, which invariably involves the expansion of their control and power.
And there it is.
This 9/11-Patriot Act template to tyranny rings true. This and sniffer drones both seem plausible.
And whichever is, they have our attention focused like a cats to a laser pointer. Confusion is their ally. We cant let ourselves be manipulated.