Gotta give it to you, that’s exactly what we’re looking at here. Regardless it’s an interesting coincidence. Thanks for giving us some insight into the situation queue-.
I see that you are referring to the "Sector search" and it can also be that but I don't think it is. The definition below does not include flying the "circular area" which is why I said comms and the pic looks like the nuclear symbol. Also each of those fan blades is 5+ miles. Again according to the definition, the sector search is applied looking for a small object in a well defined area. The plane only made one pass on each direction except for coming and going. Doesn't sound like a search to me.
A sector search, also known as a Victor Sierra (VS) by the US and Canadian coast guards is a search pattern suitable for a small object in a well defined location that covers a circular area centred on a reported position using a route made up of straight line segments that efficiently covers a circular area, and is adapted to account for drift. First the search vessel makes a measurement of the drift speed and direction, using a datum drift marker to indicate the drift in real time. The pattern is steered relative to the datum marker, and the track over the ground may look considerably different due to superposition of drift. By steering by compass and directly towards the drifting datum every third leg, the search vessel drifts the same amount as the datum, which is the assumed amount of drift for the target. If the initial sector search – often started in approximately drift direction – is unsuccessful, a second sector search can be offset by 30° to either side to give better coverage of the same mass of surface water.[1][2]
One of those CN35's flew over my neighborhood heading north yesterday. I'm not saying it was the same one, but I tend to listen for any out-of-the-ordinary planes because I'm a rookie PlaneFag (still in training).
The C-130's out of Quonset ANG will occasionally do REALLY low level (~1,000 - 1500 feet) terrain following (they shake the whole house) in the Blackstone Valley and practice touch-and-go's at the regional airports. I confirmed this with my retired AF buddy that flew the LC-130's (skibirds) out of Schenectady.
The Blackhawks from Otis AFB and Quonset often follow the highways, circle Boston or Providence and sometimes do tight circles over the ocean.
I've NEVER see an obvious ☢ pattern before.
EDIT : I sent this flight pattern to my normie retired AF Colonel buddy. He's fast asleep and dropped me a couple times from a group chat because I got too political and he prefers to live with his head in the sad (Might be a touch of PTSD after 26 years in the military).
I'll come back and edit this again if he has an explanation.
Seems to add some credibility to the nuke sniffing drones theory.
Also could be black hats trying to sell that story to us because we didn't just buy their story like we used to.
I think this is a typical pattern associated with search missions.
Nope. More likely comms.
Nope. These are valid search patterns over water.
Gotta give it to you, that’s exactly what we’re looking at here. Regardless it’s an interesting coincidence. Thanks for giving us some insight into the situation queue-.
I see that you are referring to the "Sector search" and it can also be that but I don't think it is. The definition below does not include flying the "circular area" which is why I said comms and the pic looks like the nuclear symbol. Also each of those fan blades is 5+ miles. Again according to the definition, the sector search is applied looking for a small object in a well defined area. The plane only made one pass on each direction except for coming and going. Doesn't sound like a search to me.
I agree with this analysis. The flight pattern is a known search pattern, but it doesn't fit this scenario, for the reasons you mentioned above.
It's a sector search. But with a circle around it.
Circle search is also a thing
Might be comms, or...
How about a training flight?
Why not both?
Coming in from the north to perform an almost 360 degree 16 mile arc around a fix.
Then, flying a course direct to the fix three times, 12 mile legs turning left so the next inbound leg is 60 degrees offset.
After the last turn they fly to the fix then turn west outbound past the arc and depart to the northeast.
That's Captain Fester Addams.
First hand account from New England here.
One of those CN35's flew over my neighborhood heading north yesterday. I'm not saying it was the same one, but I tend to listen for any out-of-the-ordinary planes because I'm a rookie PlaneFag (still in training).
The C-130's out of Quonset ANG will occasionally do REALLY low level (~1,000 - 1500 feet) terrain following (they shake the whole house) in the Blackstone Valley and practice touch-and-go's at the regional airports. I confirmed this with my retired AF buddy that flew the LC-130's (skibirds) out of Schenectady.
The Blackhawks from Otis AFB and Quonset often follow the highways, circle Boston or Providence and sometimes do tight circles over the ocean.
I've NEVER see an obvious ☢ pattern before.
EDIT : I sent this flight pattern to my normie retired AF Colonel buddy. He's fast asleep and dropped me a couple times from a group chat because I got too political and he prefers to live with his head in the sad (Might be a touch of PTSD after 26 years in the military).
I'll come back and edit this again if he has an explanation.
how hard is that to do? Honest question - not a pilot
Experienced pilots with GPS could pull this off with some effort.
If the plane has an FMS, which most do now days, there are search and rescue patterns they can load that the autopilot will follow.
See below.
Your tax dollars
at workbeing wasted on stupid shit to keep you confusedSeems likely. And some feds, or fed contractors, are laughing like shit at the reaction.
Yes...fed contractors
The "plausible deniability" workforce of phuckery incorporated...aka [DS]
"Oh it wasn't us was a third party engaged in some loophole"
Kinda looks like the r-active symbol ....things that make you go hmmmm..
Okay. I had to see it with my own eyes so looked up the craft and flight. Yep.
Thank you
It is this:
Deep state crew or whistle blower crew is the question.
Remember the Evergreen ship in Suez Canal. It did a doodle then blocked the canal.
They found Red October...
It’s literally in your face comms and we have people here saying it’s not??? Wow.
tracking a Poseidon device?
Is it Cape? Kennedy(s)?
Triangulating to find something.
What time did this happen, and did this plane go over the area yesterday as well? I think I've been hearing it. It has a distinctive sound.
6pm EST Dec. 18th, a friend randomly found it yesterday after work