"To accept all of the Bible as the "perfect word of God" is to promote another form of brainwashing that doesn't distinguish between good and evil. "
Do not be deceived. This man does not follow the teachings of Jesus. The ONLY reason I believe the Bible is the Word of God is because Jesus BELIEVED it. Jesus believed Adam and Eve were the first humans (Matt 19;4-5), he believed Noah and the worldwide flood (Matt. 24:37-38), He authenticated the Books of Daniel, Jonah and many others by quoting the scriptures. Jesus believed the Bible or He would have discredited it!
Well, there are some Biblical grounds for that idea. In Matthew 25:31-46, the story of the sheep and goats gathered from all the nations of the world, there's a possible implication that explicit recognition of Christ is not required for salvation, but rather sincere action according to Christ's commands of love and mercy for all humanity. And earlier in Matthew 7:15-23 Christ seems to emphasize salvation is based on the fruits of one's actions, and not the claiming of His name (of which He warns that many false prophets will adopt as wolves in sheep's clothing).
Salvation is a free gift given to those who believe Jesus is the son of God and that He died on the cross to pay for our sins and rose again on the third day just as He said He would. Jesus says in John 3:1-21 what is needed for salvation, specifically John 3:16. “Good works” come as a byproduct of a life transformed by God’s mercy by salvation through Jesus, but good works without belief in Jesus are “filthy rags” in the sight of God. Man will boast about his good works, but no one can boast about the gift of salvation because it’s offered to everyone who chooses to accept it. Salvation based only on works isn’t true salvation.
I see the theme of identity running through this...
Just a few chapters prior to 25, in Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus states the first and second greatest commandments are "love God" and "love others." Then, here in Matthew 25, he illustrates those two commandments. Those who love God (greatest commandment) are the sheep, and those who do not are the goats.
Likewise, Matthew 7:21 specifies "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." So, not all who claim their identity in Christ, but only the ones who are not wolves in sheep's clothing.
In either of these passages you cite, knowing Jesus is primary.
I’ve taken a much more action and works based approach to faith over the last few years, but it hasn’t been to win salvation or earn it, for I myself am but dirty rags, but at no point is it said that we should not do works or follow the law, but rather that salvation doesn’t come by either thing, but by grace.
Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Romans 5:20 - Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
Romans 6:1-2 - 1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Amen all great verses; what I love about this community those of us united in Christ have a forum to converse on. God bless you & have a wonderful Christmas celebrating our Lord and saviors birth.
And if you take that literally it would condemn everybody who has been born in times and places where he either has had no chance to ever hear of Jesus, or Jesus has been just the name of somebody in the religion of some foreign people they never learn much about. Most people stay in the religion their family and the people around them have and taught them, does that automatically make them evil or not worthy of salvation?
And that is the main reason why I am not a member of any Christian church. I believe in God, and Jesus, but I will not believe God would be that cruel.
I have had experiences with individuals claiming to be Christian then doing things that were definitely NOT. It shook me badly. When I would go to the Lord about it over and over the scripture “ you shall know them by their fruits” would come to mind. Personally I would be terrified to claim Christ while following Satan if I were his enemy-but I do think that there are those who are truly misguided ( as well as intentionally misleading others either for money or power) The misguided can be any of us. Our Lord is perfect but we are not and sometimes we don’t recognize when we have been misled. This imho is why it is so important to study scripture and maintain a strong prayer life. A twist here a turn there it has happened to me. A pastor took a few verses out of context added a narrative and before I knew it I was lost in a doctrine that truly shook my walk and made me question everything. The Lord says we will know his voice. In my experience that was definitely true but I had a hard time “hearing” him for all the noise. Thankfully I had incredible support in the person of older believers who knew scripture and helped straighten out how the word was being misinterpreted. To the point of the tweet - fear was used in that case as well. We all know that to control people the first step must make them afraid.
Correct...it can be a blurry line at times because as you stated we its easy to fall into that trap of "well at least I'm not like that person" or it appears there is no fruit there. For that reason we have to be vigilant not to be led astray, but also to make sure we allow our other Christian brothers and sisters grace (for those that truly repent), just like Jesus extended to us.
Unfortunately many abuse grace, and use it as an excuse to live in the darkness. This is why it is so important to know His Word; the only source of truth so we may discern good from evil and truly understand the concept of judging them by their fruit and as Jesus said, we recognize His voice.
Thank you so so much, you are a blessed person and God has giving you the wisdom to tell us these words. I know I need to listen a lot more of what he is trying to tell me, God is with all of the ones who want to get closer to him. He is always giving me signs through animals or in the sky. God is all love.
If God has used me to strengthen or encourage then I am very grateful. Heaven knows I have gotten it wrong enough that His grace and love has gone to a lot of trouble to keep me on his path. For me Grace alone his power not mine is a fact not a belief. It is in spite of me not because of me if I get it right lol
"I'm an American who grew up in Christianity and I know the Bible well, which causes problems for those who use Christianity as a false mask.
I keep coming back to the teachings of Jesus because it's relevant in these last day before the Shift.
Christians were once those who followed his teachings. Jesus didn't create a religion. A religion was created using him to honor the beliefs of his accusers and hide his teaching.
'Following the Bible' isn't the same as 'following Jesus'. Mainstream Christianity lost sight of the difference long ago.
The Bible was constructed from unrelated sources, from stories of contact with positive and negative beings, with humans often unable to discern the difference.
To accept all of the Bible as the "perfect word of God" is to promote another form of brainwashing that doesn't distinguish between good and evil.
There are people in scriptures accusing Jesus of being demon-possessed. Are they also speaking "the word of God"?
In the same way, entities calling themselves 'God' who command war, slavery and murder, aren't actually God but beings pretending to be God. We must discern by their actions.
If Christians don't 'know them by their fruits' and don't 'test the spirits', then what's the point?
Pay attention to those who see demons everywhere and can't find any angels. The most powerful disguise a demon can wear right now is a zealous Christian warrior promoting fear, blood sacrifice rituals to God, and the presence of demons over the power of angels and the teachings of Jesus.
Attacks against me and what I'm sharing will increase as we get closer to the Shift because there are demons hiding on Earth who are terrified about what's coming."
The more you walk with Him the more aware you are of sin in world & yourself through sanctification. Truthfully I believe there are more wolves in sheep's clothing than soldiers of God in most churches.
Not that it should deter us; but to your point our only remedy is to get into His Word, be vigilant and recognize evil for what it is by their fruit.
I pray for all our brothers and sisters of Christ that we can continue to fight the good fight for His glory
I recently came to the realization that I am not a "Christian" (religious), but a 'disciple of Jesus Christ.' Christians are often nothing more than people who are afraid of hell and want to think they have a golden ticket to heaven, while having little appreciation for the teachings of Jesus. At the end of the day, we can't even truly know that Jesus actually ever existed. But, the teachings are definitely real.
He starts with: I'm an American who grew up in Christianity and I know the Bible well..."
And then later states: "There are people in scriptures accusing Jesus of being demon-possessed. Are they also speaking 'the word of God'?"
To answer him, yes. The Word of God includes attacks against Jesus by his opponents. Anyone who thinks they can cite one "mUh CoNtRaDiCtIoN" and claim it as a "cHeCkMaTe, ChRiStIaNs" does not, in fact, know the Bible well.
The idea is that everything the Bible says is true is a red herring. The Bible isn't "true." The Bible is God's inspired Word, given to us so that we may know the nature of God, the nature of Man, and the nature of the relationship between God and Man. It's a tool. Tools can't be true or false. They can only be used.. properly or improperly.
** These are my own personal (non-comprehensive) beliefs, and I welcome any genuine questions, comments, or concerns. **
No, Jesus did not call the mainstream god Satan. And the Bible is not a jumbled mix of unrelated writings. It is a cohesive history of the Jewish people who had made a covenant with God to be His people, and He would bless the whole world through them. Which He did when Jesus was sent by God, and who fulfilled all the prophecies that had been given in scripture.
Jesus called out the hypocritical religious leaders of the time as followers of satan because they had perverted true word of God ( who Jesus called His Father) and true worship into mere legalistic ritual. The leaders were interested in personal power and money instead of repentant, obedient love for God.
This perfectly explains why I left organized "Christian churches" decades ago. I left it behind when I was 14. I'm 48 now. I had the benefit of growing up being mentored by the most devout Lutheran I've ever known. He was the lead Pastor at our church in Miami, FL. I became an Acolyte because of him and had many discussions on the nature of Jesus Christ and his teachings versus the nature of the organized churches preaching things that deviate from His teachings. Even though times Pastor was an ordained minister, he was definitely not in favor of a lot of the teachings the organized Lutheran Church was preaching.
When we moved to Volusia County, I couldn't find one church in Central FL who exposed the same t aching and beliefs the Reverend helped to instill in me. So, I left organized religion behind and started my own Journey in Christ.
Paul turned the teachings (spiritual understanding) of Jesus into the religion about Jesus. The earliest followers of Jesus were known as "followers of the way".
Blood Sacrifice to attone for MISSING THE MARK, original sin, God demanding worship, NOT taught by Jesus.
"To accept all of the Bible as the "perfect word of God" is to promote another form of brainwashing that doesn't distinguish between good and evil. "
Do not be deceived. This man does not follow the teachings of Jesus. The ONLY reason I believe the Bible is the Word of God is because Jesus BELIEVED it. Jesus believed Adam and Eve were the first humans (Matt 19;4-5), he believed Noah and the worldwide flood (Matt. 24:37-38), He authenticated the Books of Daniel, Jonah and many others by quoting the scriptures. Jesus believed the Bible or He would have discredited it!
^ well said.
Kabs words didn't sit well with me either, nor his comments.
He tells someone in the comments that following Christian principles is enough--that he doesn't need to be a follower of Jesus.
Well, there are some Biblical grounds for that idea. In Matthew 25:31-46, the story of the sheep and goats gathered from all the nations of the world, there's a possible implication that explicit recognition of Christ is not required for salvation, but rather sincere action according to Christ's commands of love and mercy for all humanity. And earlier in Matthew 7:15-23 Christ seems to emphasize salvation is based on the fruits of one's actions, and not the claiming of His name (of which He warns that many false prophets will adopt as wolves in sheep's clothing).
Salvation is a free gift given to those who believe Jesus is the son of God and that He died on the cross to pay for our sins and rose again on the third day just as He said He would. Jesus says in John 3:1-21 what is needed for salvation, specifically John 3:16. “Good works” come as a byproduct of a life transformed by God’s mercy by salvation through Jesus, but good works without belief in Jesus are “filthy rags” in the sight of God. Man will boast about his good works, but no one can boast about the gift of salvation because it’s offered to everyone who chooses to accept it. Salvation based only on works isn’t true salvation.
I see the theme of identity running through this...
Just a few chapters prior to 25, in Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus states the first and second greatest commandments are "love God" and "love others." Then, here in Matthew 25, he illustrates those two commandments. Those who love God (greatest commandment) are the sheep, and those who do not are the goats.
Likewise, Matthew 7:21 specifies "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father in heaven." So, not all who claim their identity in Christ, but only the ones who are not wolves in sheep's clothing.
In either of these passages you cite, knowing Jesus is primary.
One of my favorite verses...always humbling and reminds me that it is grace alone and not works and the blood of Christ which gives us the way to Him.
I’ve taken a much more action and works based approach to faith over the last few years, but it hasn’t been to win salvation or earn it, for I myself am but dirty rags, but at no point is it said that we should not do works or follow the law, but rather that salvation doesn’t come by either thing, but by grace.
Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Romans 5:20 - Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
Romans 6:1-2 - 1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Amen all great verses; what I love about this community those of us united in Christ have a forum to converse on. God bless you & have a wonderful Christmas celebrating our Lord and saviors birth.
But in context, those people were identifying with Christ, but they were trying to do it their own way, not God’s way.
Thats me screwed then.
Except Jesus stated that He was THE way and no one would come to the Father except through Him. John 14:6.
And if you take that literally it would condemn everybody who has been born in times and places where he either has had no chance to ever hear of Jesus, or Jesus has been just the name of somebody in the religion of some foreign people they never learn much about. Most people stay in the religion their family and the people around them have and taught them, does that automatically make them evil or not worthy of salvation?
And that is the main reason why I am not a member of any Christian church. I believe in God, and Jesus, but I will not believe God would be that cruel.
Question is: What does "follower of Jesus" mean?
That is not what he is saying.
I have had experiences with individuals claiming to be Christian then doing things that were definitely NOT. It shook me badly. When I would go to the Lord about it over and over the scripture “ you shall know them by their fruits” would come to mind. Personally I would be terrified to claim Christ while following Satan if I were his enemy-but I do think that there are those who are truly misguided ( as well as intentionally misleading others either for money or power) The misguided can be any of us. Our Lord is perfect but we are not and sometimes we don’t recognize when we have been misled. This imho is why it is so important to study scripture and maintain a strong prayer life. A twist here a turn there it has happened to me. A pastor took a few verses out of context added a narrative and before I knew it I was lost in a doctrine that truly shook my walk and made me question everything. The Lord says we will know his voice. In my experience that was definitely true but I had a hard time “hearing” him for all the noise. Thankfully I had incredible support in the person of older believers who knew scripture and helped straighten out how the word was being misinterpreted. To the point of the tweet - fear was used in that case as well. We all know that to control people the first step must make them afraid.
Correct...it can be a blurry line at times because as you stated we its easy to fall into that trap of "well at least I'm not like that person" or it appears there is no fruit there. For that reason we have to be vigilant not to be led astray, but also to make sure we allow our other Christian brothers and sisters grace (for those that truly repent), just like Jesus extended to us.
Unfortunately many abuse grace, and use it as an excuse to live in the darkness. This is why it is so important to know His Word; the only source of truth so we may discern good from evil and truly understand the concept of judging them by their fruit and as Jesus said, we recognize His voice.
Thank you so so much, you are a blessed person and God has giving you the wisdom to tell us these words. I know I need to listen a lot more of what he is trying to tell me, God is with all of the ones who want to get closer to him. He is always giving me signs through animals or in the sky. God is all love.
If God has used me to strengthen or encourage then I am very grateful. Heaven knows I have gotten it wrong enough that His grace and love has gone to a lot of trouble to keep me on his path. For me Grace alone his power not mine is a fact not a belief. It is in spite of me not because of me if I get it right lol
God bless you
"I'm an American who grew up in Christianity and I know the Bible well, which causes problems for those who use Christianity as a false mask.
I keep coming back to the teachings of Jesus because it's relevant in these last day before the Shift.
Christians were once those who followed his teachings. Jesus didn't create a religion. A religion was created using him to honor the beliefs of his accusers and hide his teaching.
'Following the Bible' isn't the same as 'following Jesus'. Mainstream Christianity lost sight of the difference long ago.
The Bible was constructed from unrelated sources, from stories of contact with positive and negative beings, with humans often unable to discern the difference.
To accept all of the Bible as the "perfect word of God" is to promote another form of brainwashing that doesn't distinguish between good and evil.
There are people in scriptures accusing Jesus of being demon-possessed. Are they also speaking "the word of God"?
In the same way, entities calling themselves 'God' who command war, slavery and murder, aren't actually God but beings pretending to be God. We must discern by their actions.
If Christians don't 'know them by their fruits' and don't 'test the spirits', then what's the point?
Pay attention to those who see demons everywhere and can't find any angels. The most powerful disguise a demon can wear right now is a zealous Christian warrior promoting fear, blood sacrifice rituals to God, and the presence of demons over the power of angels and the teachings of Jesus.
Attacks against me and what I'm sharing will increase as we get closer to the Shift because there are demons hiding on Earth who are terrified about what's coming."
I’ve seen 7 year old Pt’s I thought with psychosis who said they’re responding to demons to kill their parents.
I’ve also had 18 month old who said she saw winged people in the clouds. She calls them cloud people…
The more you walk with Him the more aware you are of sin in world & yourself through sanctification. Truthfully I believe there are more wolves in sheep's clothing than soldiers of God in most churches.
Not that it should deter us; but to your point our only remedy is to get into His Word, be vigilant and recognize evil for what it is by their fruit.
I pray for all our brothers and sisters of Christ that we can continue to fight the good fight for His glory
God knows His own.
No one is not God's own.
They may try to hide, or reject, or surrplant, or deny. Nothing and no one is outside of God.
I recently came to the realization that I am not a "Christian" (religious), but a 'disciple of Jesus Christ.' Christians are often nothing more than people who are afraid of hell and want to think they have a golden ticket to heaven, while having little appreciation for the teachings of Jesus. At the end of the day, we can't even truly know that Jesus actually ever existed. But, the teachings are definitely real.
He starts with: I'm an American who grew up in Christianity and I know the Bible well..."
And then later states: "There are people in scriptures accusing Jesus of being demon-possessed. Are they also speaking 'the word of God'?"
To answer him, yes. The Word of God includes attacks against Jesus by his opponents. Anyone who thinks they can cite one "mUh CoNtRaDiCtIoN" and claim it as a "cHeCkMaTe, ChRiStIaNs" does not, in fact, know the Bible well.
The idea is that everything the Bible says is true is a red herring. The Bible isn't "true." The Bible is God's inspired Word, given to us so that we may know the nature of God, the nature of Man, and the nature of the relationship between God and Man. It's a tool. Tools can't be true or false. They can only be used.. properly or improperly.
** These are my own personal (non-comprehensive) beliefs, and I welcome any genuine questions, comments, or concerns. **
Awakening to our divine nature and spirit.
No, Jesus did not call the mainstream god Satan. And the Bible is not a jumbled mix of unrelated writings. It is a cohesive history of the Jewish people who had made a covenant with God to be His people, and He would bless the whole world through them. Which He did when Jesus was sent by God, and who fulfilled all the prophecies that had been given in scripture.
Jesus called out the hypocritical religious leaders of the time as followers of satan because they had perverted true word of God ( who Jesus called His Father) and true worship into mere legalistic ritual. The leaders were interested in personal power and money instead of repentant, obedient love for God.
This perfectly explains why I left organized "Christian churches" decades ago. I left it behind when I was 14. I'm 48 now. I had the benefit of growing up being mentored by the most devout Lutheran I've ever known. He was the lead Pastor at our church in Miami, FL. I became an Acolyte because of him and had many discussions on the nature of Jesus Christ and his teachings versus the nature of the organized churches preaching things that deviate from His teachings. Even though times Pastor was an ordained minister, he was definitely not in favor of a lot of the teachings the organized Lutheran Church was preaching.
When we moved to Volusia County, I couldn't find one church in Central FL who exposed the same t aching and beliefs the Reverend helped to instill in me. So, I left organized religion behind and started my own Journey in Christ.
Jesus gave humanity a free pass. If anyone believes they can achieve salvation on their own is a fool.
I read through a lot of that thread and this guy claims we are all gods because we are called sons and daughters of God and were made in his image.
He lost me at that point.
I suggest that people look up familyoftaygeta.com and look for the person there known as Kab, but is a female
Paul turned the teachings (spiritual understanding) of Jesus into the religion about Jesus. The earliest followers of Jesus were known as "followers of the way".
Blood Sacrifice to attone for MISSING THE MARK, original sin, God demanding worship, NOT taught by Jesus.