January 21st 2025 actually. Seems like the Virus release committee sent humans a diplomatic delegation to give us full heads up. The Virus is coming the Virus is coming!
It's amazing how they can create a story out of nothing and, with use of a few magic words, instill fear in the public. It's not as easy for them now, though.
Scarf wearing grifter pusher
Just in time for a Trump presidency. I am sure the timing is a coincidence.
January 21st 2025 actually. Seems like the Virus release committee sent humans a diplomatic delegation to give us full heads up. The Virus is coming the Virus is coming!
One of by land, two of by wet market.
Day of the rope couldn't happen quick enough for the class of 2020 -2025.- crimes against humanity
Will somebody please tie her scarf to a ceiling fan?
Around these parts We prefer doorknobs
When the enemedia shits on their behalf, listen.
Besides which, Peter Hotez has already helpfully told us that there's going to be a fresh round of pandemics starting Jan 21st.
The exact date.
He is psychic.
And just like that in the UK under the Kier Stalin regime
Never forget that EVIL DEMONS are loose in the world trying to work in concert when and wherever they can, and that we haven't defeated them yet.
Kek kek for your headline!
Are drones spraying shit?
Hans Brix! Oh no!!!
Waddaya gonna do. Write me a lettah!?!
The video start with “1st human case” and then at 1:10 the counter grows to 65 cases.
Then she says “asymptomatic”.
All playbook and buzzwords will fail. They can lie twice, exactly the same.
Other buzzwords-- "could", "potentially", etc.
It's amazing how they can create a story out of nothing and, with use of a few magic words, instill fear in the public. It's not as easy for them now, though.
They can't have Trump show how great our economy can be without the corruption.
Scarflett O'Hara.
That doesn't look or sound like her. They just yanked some blonde off the street and threw a scarf on her....
Yeah. I knew someone else noticed.
Who the fuck is that?
They should hang Fauci and Brix facing one another. 💋 🔥
Sling the scarf over a header. Tie one end to fauci, the other to brickshits, let them hang one another.
Trump just needs to expose some of the frauds from the previous scamdemic.
People will then deal with the new one accordingly. Even normies won’t believe it.
Thanks Debbie. Cee u next treason trial
More of this asymptomatic nonsense? I can’t with these liars!
Scarf wearing grifter pusher
HAHAHAHAHAHA ya right, brix. she told us they were "shooting from the hip," basically making stuff up as they went along....
how is the science of: masks working? 6 foot social distancing? efficacy of the death shot?
I ain't skeered ....
Since I've given up consuming dumb propaganda, I've never felt better
They're despiration is obvious. Their bird flu bullshit is not landing so they dust off this deep state cunt. Sorry faggot, nobody is buying it.