There is no role or position of Pope in the Bible.
Neither the Pope or any Catholic priest meets the biblical requirements for a pastor or elder of the church as laid out by 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:5–9.
There is zero examples of praying to ANYONE besides God in scripture. Catholics pray to Mary and saints.
The Catholic Church was persecuting and executing people for translating scripture into English so the common people could read it. (Faggot gatekeeping)
Catholics will always say "MuH tRaDiTiOn!" which is the same argument that the Pharisees used and Jesus rebuked.
(God's Word is our standard and we are instructed to test everything with scripture)
I could go on and on but IMO I think the Protestant Reformation was the the faithful church went in large part. Coincidentally In large part the people that founded this great nation.
Fair enough, I'm not great at apologetics nor do I post often so here goes:
There is no role or position of Pope in the Bible.
The office did not exist at this time, so yes this is true.
Neither the Pope or any Catholic priest meets the biblical requirements for a pastor or elder of the church as laid out by 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:5–9.
You're referring to celibacy of the clergy. This was not mandated at this point, of course even Peter was married. Celibacy has never been stated as a dogma, doctrine, or tenet of the faith. It's a discipline which was adopted over time.
Besides, these are pastoral letters and not the words of Jesus himself. The entire bible is Divine Revelation, and you don't get to follow just the parts of scripture that fit your own beliefs.
There is zero examples of praying to ANYONE besides God in scripture. Catholics pray to Mary and saints.
mUh CatHOlIcS woRsHip MaRY. Do you talk to grandma, dead friends, etc. whom you assume to be in heaven? So why is it a problem to talk to the Mother of God, or someone who lived a saintly life? Are they not good examples of Christian living?
The Catholic Church was persecuting and executing people for translating scripture into English so the common people could read it. (Faggot gatekeeping)
Translations have never been banned, the requirement was that it needed to be approved by the bishops to ensure bad actors (Calvin, Jews) weren't changing things. The bible has always been translated back to antiquity.
Catholics will always say "MuH tRaDiTiOn!" which is the same argument that the Pharisees used and Jesus rebuked.
OK, so where do you draw the line at when tradition stops being a good thing?
(God's Word is our standard and we are instructed to test everything with scripture)
See my comments re: the pastoral letters, again you're cherry picking what fits your narrative.
I could go on and on but IMO I think the Protestant Reformation was the the faithful church went in large part. Coincidentally In large part the people that founded this great nation.
How can you call a group who's name means "protest" and broke away from the church, faithful. Yes the church was in need of reform then, and it was largely underway. Luther himself wasn't looking to break off and start a new church. It was all about GREED, the greed of the nobility that wanted to get their hands on church property. It took on a life of it's own. The persecution under Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and the Vendee all speak for itself. The entire thing was a massive transfer of wealth.
For the most part I don't doubt the good intentions of prots. They're taught 30 or 40 verses, no history, and no context. They deploy the same easily debunkable falsehoods over and over, which are misconceptions at best and lies at worst. There are a hundred other things to say here but I'm not going to convince anyone. I would just say to treat this like any other rabbit hole you see around GAW. Check out Candace's conversion story, and read City of God or Belloc. Consider that when someone leaves the church they are >90% of the time pissed off and angry; yet when someone comes TO the church it is said they are coming home and have found peace.
When Jesus told Peter, "And upon this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), the "rock" He referred to is best understood in the context of Peter’s confession of faith and the broader teachings of Scripture. Here’s a breakdown:
Peter’s Confession of Faith
Just prior to this statement, Peter declared, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).
The "rock" is Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. This faith in Christ is the foundational truth upon which the church is built.
Christ as the True Rock
Throughout Scripture, Jesus Himself is repeatedly referred to as the "rock" or cornerstone:
“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11).
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22; Ephesians 2:20).
“That rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4).
Thus, the ultimate "rock" is Christ Himself.
Peter’s Role
The Greek wordplay in this passage is significant. Jesus says:
"You are Peter (Πέτρος, Petros, meaning ‘stone’), and on this rock (πέτρα, petra, meaning ‘large rock or bedrock’) I will build my church."
Peter (as an apostle) plays a foundational role in the church, but the "rock" is not Peter himself, as he is a fallible man. Instead, his role is tied to proclaiming the truth of Christ, the true foundation.
The Church’s Foundation
The church is built upon the apostles and prophets with Jesus as the cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). The "rock" signifies the truth of Christ’s identity and mission, revealed to Peter by God (Matthew 16:17).
The "rock" Jesus referred to is the truth that He is the Christ, the Son of God. While Peter was instrumental in the early church, Christ Himself remains the ultimate foundation and cornerstone upon which the church is built. This interpretation aligns with the rest of Scripture, which consistently points to Christ as the unshakable foundation.
To be fair I have a very customized and trained LLM / AI that I have made just for theological discussions and inquiries that I used to generate that.
It saves me time and helps me explained and spread solid theology. has some custom ones that you can step right into and get the perspectives from theological greats like Spurgeon and otherwise if you take a look. They're not perfect but they're better than chat GPT
Came here to say this. I'm deaf, if that isn't obvious with my screen name, but yes you're right, that's the "I Love You" sign, the one where you stick out your thumb, index finger and pinky finger out, while your middle and ring fingers are retracted into a "fist".
The reason why we do this is because in sign language, the letter "I" is signed with the pinky finger sticking out only, the letter "L" is signed with both the thumb and the index fingers sticking out only, and the letter "Y" is signed with both the thumb and the pinky fingers sticking out only.
With the thumb joining the middle and ring fingers in retracted form, to form the "horns" sign (only the index and the pinky fingers are sticking out), that's like the "rocker" or the "longhorns (Texas)" sign but yes I know, it has been used to symbolize the Devil as well.
They don't listen. Catholics are obliged to pray for everyone's soul, Jews Prots and Muslims alike. Prots on the other hand are for the most part nasty and judgemental towards Catholics, yet tolerant of Jews and Muslims. Go figure
2 pope hand-sign images/vids are offered. The first where pope is next to another man making the same sign- that's the i love you.
The next where pope is behind the pulpit- no thumbs out. Satanic Church symbol.
yes, i've had this discussion with people before. imo, 'they' hijack everything good and pure and turn it evil. could be innocent, it might not be.
before the Alphabet group hijacked the rainbow, i would see kids wearing it and think aww. but now when i see it, my mind goes right to the Alphabet people and what they stand for.
this is another reason people think anons are crazy or conspiracy theorists because we see what 'they' are doing to our regular every day symbols and making them evil. this is just my opinion.
When "Romanism" entered the church ---about 400 AD---the church incorporated every pagan festival into the Roman Church. When Constantine was the Roman Emperor and made Christianity the state religion, his Empire had many Pagan religions and as a good statesman, he had the Church incorporate all the festivals of thes Pagan religions into the NEW state religion like Saturnalia--Christmas, and Easter--a fertility festival--in place of Passover, the "Mother" goddess of Mary, all the sacraments. It is a Universal religion and is becoming more universal every year. The Pope said there are many ways to God going directly against what the Bible teaches.
The fake pope is evil. Your misinformation helps the evil. Please look into "what Catholics believe," for the history of holy days and symbols because it will surprise you. There are quite a few things that the early church was doing that got co-opted by others later. Nothing replaced Passover, that's ridiculous. The Last Supper WAS Passover, every Christian knows this. Well, every Catholic at least. Kek. You're going to have to defend your position with things that didn't exist when some Holy Days were established.
I love how GAW encourages free thinking, skepticism, and doing research for oneself; yet so many alleged free thinkers around here yell "GOTCHA" any time they see something they don't like from the Vatican. No outrage though for bad behavior from prots.
People see what they want to see. BTW anyone who thinks Christ INTENDED for the 12 to all go their separate ways and teach their own individual message is a fucking retard. Here's an idea, next time you want to deploy one of the 40 or so verses Pastor Jeff in his gay ripped jeans has taught you, how about reading the entire chapter for some context.
I don’t bother arguing with Prots online anymore. Anyone who can’t recognize the fact that Sola Scriptura is a basic circular logic fallacy isn’t worth engaging with. Debates between Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism however, I find pretty interesting.
"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing."
"As a matter of fact, if we Catholics believed all of the untruths and lies which were said against the Church, we probably would hate the Church a thousand times more than they do."
"If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hates. Look for the Church that is hated by the world, as Christ was hated by the world."
Yes, but this concept is widely misunderstood. It does not apply to his conduct nor off the cuff comments. It applies to matters of doctrine faith and morality.
The pope is human and sins just like everybody else. How many times did Christ rebuke Peter? Here is something that will explain it better that I can.
Praise King Jesus! Amen & Amen! HalleluYAH!
Fun facts Catholics hate:
There is no role or position of Pope in the Bible.
Neither the Pope or any Catholic priest meets the biblical requirements for a pastor or elder of the church as laid out by 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:5–9.
There is zero examples of praying to ANYONE besides God in scripture. Catholics pray to Mary and saints.
The Catholic Church was persecuting and executing people for translating scripture into English so the common people could read it. (Faggot gatekeeping)
Catholics will always say "MuH tRaDiTiOn!" which is the same argument that the Pharisees used and Jesus rebuked.
(God's Word is our standard and we are instructed to test everything with scripture)
I could go on and on but IMO I think the Protestant Reformation was the the faithful church went in large part. Coincidentally In large part the people that founded this great nation.
I noticed a downdoot without a comment.
Proves your point IMHO.
Fair enough, I'm not great at apologetics nor do I post often so here goes:
The office did not exist at this time, so yes this is true.
You're referring to celibacy of the clergy. This was not mandated at this point, of course even Peter was married. Celibacy has never been stated as a dogma, doctrine, or tenet of the faith. It's a discipline which was adopted over time. Besides, these are pastoral letters and not the words of Jesus himself. The entire bible is Divine Revelation, and you don't get to follow just the parts of scripture that fit your own beliefs.
mUh CatHOlIcS woRsHip MaRY. Do you talk to grandma, dead friends, etc. whom you assume to be in heaven? So why is it a problem to talk to the Mother of God, or someone who lived a saintly life? Are they not good examples of Christian living?
Translations have never been banned, the requirement was that it needed to be approved by the bishops to ensure bad actors (Calvin, Jews) weren't changing things. The bible has always been translated back to antiquity.
OK, so where do you draw the line at when tradition stops being a good thing?
See my comments re: the pastoral letters, again you're cherry picking what fits your narrative.
How can you call a group who's name means "protest" and broke away from the church, faithful. Yes the church was in need of reform then, and it was largely underway. Luther himself wasn't looking to break off and start a new church. It was all about GREED, the greed of the nobility that wanted to get their hands on church property. It took on a life of it's own. The persecution under Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and the Vendee all speak for itself. The entire thing was a massive transfer of wealth.
For the most part I don't doubt the good intentions of prots. They're taught 30 or 40 verses, no history, and no context. They deploy the same easily debunkable falsehoods over and over, which are misconceptions at best and lies at worst. There are a hundred other things to say here but I'm not going to convince anyone. I would just say to treat this like any other rabbit hole you see around GAW. Check out Candace's conversion story, and read City of God or Belloc. Consider that when someone leaves the church they are >90% of the time pissed off and angry; yet when someone comes TO the church it is said they are coming home and have found peace.
I think you replied to the wrong anon.
Although I do agree with whom you quoted. And I did share my opinion which is in stark contrast to yours.
God bless.
Nah you pointed it out so I just hit reply. Same to you
When Jesus told Peter, "And upon this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), the "rock" He referred to is best understood in the context of Peter’s confession of faith and the broader teachings of Scripture. Here’s a breakdown:
Just prior to this statement, Peter declared, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).
The "rock" is Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. This faith in Christ is the foundational truth upon which the church is built.
Throughout Scripture, Jesus Himself is repeatedly referred to as the "rock" or cornerstone:
“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11).
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22; Ephesians 2:20).
“That rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4).
Thus, the ultimate "rock" is Christ Himself.
The Greek wordplay in this passage is significant. Jesus says:
"You are Peter (Πέτρος, Petros, meaning ‘stone’), and on this rock (πέτρα, petra, meaning ‘large rock or bedrock’) I will build my church."
Peter (as an apostle) plays a foundational role in the church, but the "rock" is not Peter himself, as he is a fallible man. Instead, his role is tied to proclaiming the truth of Christ, the true foundation.
The church is built upon the apostles and prophets with Jesus as the cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). The "rock" signifies the truth of Christ’s identity and mission, revealed to Peter by God (Matthew 16:17).
The "rock" Jesus referred to is the truth that He is the Christ, the Son of God. While Peter was instrumental in the early church, Christ Himself remains the ultimate foundation and cornerstone upon which the church is built. This interpretation aligns with the rest of Scripture, which consistently points to Christ as the unshakable foundation.
Thank you!
To be fair I have a very customized and trained LLM / AI that I have made just for theological discussions and inquiries that I used to generate that.
It saves me time and helps me explained and spread solid theology. has some custom ones that you can step right into and get the perspectives from theological greats like Spurgeon and otherwise if you take a look. They're not perfect but they're better than chat GPT
Isn't he making the Love sign language symbol? That's not devil horns with the thumb sticking out.
These types of videos are meant to discredit when they insert stuff like that.
Came here to say this. I'm deaf, if that isn't obvious with my screen name, but yes you're right, that's the "I Love You" sign, the one where you stick out your thumb, index finger and pinky finger out, while your middle and ring fingers are retracted into a "fist".
The reason why we do this is because in sign language, the letter "I" is signed with the pinky finger sticking out only, the letter "L" is signed with both the thumb and the index fingers sticking out only, and the letter "Y" is signed with both the thumb and the pinky fingers sticking out only.
You can see here by looking at the first letter of each word:
So it's a combination of letters signed out in one sign, "ILY", as seen here in the middle right picture:
With the thumb joining the middle and ring fingers in retracted form, to form the "horns" sign (only the index and the pinky fingers are sticking out), that's like the "rocker" or the "longhorns (Texas)" sign but yes I know, it has been used to symbolize the Devil as well.
They don't listen. Catholics are obliged to pray for everyone's soul, Jews Prots and Muslims alike. Prots on the other hand are for the most part nasty and judgemental towards Catholics, yet tolerant of Jews and Muslims. Go figure
Nah. We Protestants know how to read history of what evil the papacy (and later) Jesuits have spread in this world.
All in the name of God. Sickening.
I love regular Catholics, but I hate the corrupt Catholic system.
2 pope hand-sign images/vids are offered. The first where pope is next to another man making the same sign- that's the i love you. The next where pope is behind the pulpit- no thumbs out. Satanic Church symbol.
yes, i've had this discussion with people before. imo, 'they' hijack everything good and pure and turn it evil. could be innocent, it might not be.
before the Alphabet group hijacked the rainbow, i would see kids wearing it and think aww. but now when i see it, my mind goes right to the Alphabet people and what they stand for.
this is another reason people think anons are crazy or conspiracy theorists because we see what 'they' are doing to our regular every day symbols and making them evil. this is just my opinion.
As people are now pointing out Israel’s sins, the same kind of mischief can be found in the Vatican.
The globohomos are international and pervasive throughout many societies.
Every government and every religious hierarchy has been infiltrated and subverted.
When "Romanism" entered the church ---about 400 AD---the church incorporated every pagan festival into the Roman Church. When Constantine was the Roman Emperor and made Christianity the state religion, his Empire had many Pagan religions and as a good statesman, he had the Church incorporate all the festivals of thes Pagan religions into the NEW state religion like Saturnalia--Christmas, and Easter--a fertility festival--in place of Passover, the "Mother" goddess of Mary, all the sacraments. It is a Universal religion and is becoming more universal every year. The Pope said there are many ways to God going directly against what the Bible teaches.
The fake pope is evil. Your misinformation helps the evil. Please look into "what Catholics believe," for the history of holy days and symbols because it will surprise you. There are quite a few things that the early church was doing that got co-opted by others later. Nothing replaced Passover, that's ridiculous. The Last Supper WAS Passover, every Christian knows this. Well, every Catholic at least. Kek. You're going to have to defend your position with things that didn't exist when some Holy Days were established.
Thought I might trigger a reaction from some Catholics! Kek
Are you ready for some scripture?! 🤘🎸
So what have the popes thrown?
I'd tune in to see the pope thrown off the balcony.
Their offer to counter:
"Would you settle for just beating the Bishop" ??? ♟️♟️♟️
Yeah, they got some 'splainin' to do.
I love how GAW encourages free thinking, skepticism, and doing research for oneself; yet so many alleged free thinkers around here yell "GOTCHA" any time they see something they don't like from the Vatican. No outrage though for bad behavior from prots.
People see what they want to see. BTW anyone who thinks Christ INTENDED for the 12 to all go their separate ways and teach their own individual message is a fucking retard. Here's an idea, next time you want to deploy one of the 40 or so verses Pastor Jeff in his gay ripped jeans has taught you, how about reading the entire chapter for some context.
I don’t bother arguing with Prots online anymore. Anyone who can’t recognize the fact that Sola Scriptura is a basic circular logic fallacy isn’t worth engaging with. Debates between Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism however, I find pretty interesting.
"There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing."
"As a matter of fact, if we Catholics believed all of the untruths and lies which were said against the Church, we probably would hate the Church a thousand times more than they do."
"If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hates. Look for the Church that is hated by the world, as Christ was hated by the world."
Is the Pope infallible??
Yes, but this concept is widely misunderstood. It does not apply to his conduct nor off the cuff comments. It applies to matters of doctrine faith and morality.
The pope is human and sins just like everybody else. How many times did Christ rebuke Peter? Here is something that will explain it better that I can.
The Pope claims to be The Vicar of Christ. This not biblical, dangerous and leads to massive corruption.
Also this pope is a Jesuit. He took the Jesuit Oath… you should read it fren.