I lost a relative due to this (blind acceptance). Late 50s. Cancer in the esophagus. It was sad. Also, it’s been really sad to see others who were around her not get the message. They will not accept the fact that their ignorance led to her death and the death of so many others.
Sorry to hear that. I have a sister whose cancer returned after a two-year remission and I have to wonder if it is because of her decision to get the shot. I begged her not to, but at the time she decided to, for social reasons. She is currently undergoing chemo and did not want to entertain alternative or parallel therapies (ivermectin, fenben, etc.). I tried.
"Renowned" my ass. To whom? The left? The msm? Fuck that dude. As a doctor, he no.doubt harmed people looking to him for guidance during the covid attack. He can rot in hell.
People confuse highly educated and highly skilled with highly intelligent.......
The vast majority of people with the kind of education and job you have to be "smart" to have, really aren't(all they are is someone with a good memory and a good work-ethic...)
Read these cover to cover including the advertisements The New England Journal of Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet.
Believe every word you read.
You'll be a great doctor. Dead, but a great doctor.
Even celebrities are blaming the “uneducated” public for the criticism against them. It’s all our fault because we reject your “educated/indoctrinated” deductions.
The problem here is people having a stake of some sort in research being put forth and accepted as valid as the end goal instead seeking the truth.
Stakes such as massive research grants using taxayer money being doled out by government seeking the results they want to put forth for reasons other than public health.
This is baffling, why does this keep happening to their best and brightest salesmen?
The doctors are all scratching their heads. Total bewilderment.
He wasn't wrong. Disinformation overcame him. Should have done his research.
And trust the $cience
It's like taking health advice from a tranny running the health depr. No thank you.
Fusilli Jerry.
How many doctors alone have died as a result of their blind acceptance? I'd like to know.
I lost a relative due to this (blind acceptance). Late 50s. Cancer in the esophagus. It was sad. Also, it’s been really sad to see others who were around her not get the message. They will not accept the fact that their ignorance led to her death and the death of so many others.
Sorry to hear that. I have a sister whose cancer returned after a two-year remission and I have to wonder if it is because of her decision to get the shot. I begged her not to, but at the time she decided to, for social reasons. She is currently undergoing chemo and did not want to entertain alternative or parallel therapies (ivermectin, fenben, etc.). I tried.
Praying for her🙏. Also, I appreciate you for trying to help her, too. Keep fighting the good fight! God bless.
Thank you for the prayers. Alll one can do is try, and hope for the best outcome. ❤️
Should have gotten another booster...
Experts a baffled.
He won the silly prize.
"Renowned" my ass. To whom? The left? The msm? Fuck that dude. As a doctor, he no.doubt harmed people looking to him for guidance during the covid attack. He can rot in hell.
People confuse highly educated and highly skilled with highly intelligent.......
The vast majority of people with the kind of education and job you have to be "smart" to have, really aren't(all they are is someone with a good memory and a good work-ethic...)
Oh no, not Bubbles!
Oops, never mind, I thought he was someone else, carry on.
That's DOCTOR Bubbles to you, pal.
They used the same picture?
How it started. How it ended.
Only two rules to becoming a great doctor today:
Read these cover to cover including the advertisements The New England Journal of Medicine, The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet.
Believe every word you read.
You'll be a great doctor. Dead, but a great doctor.
Experts with degrees. Interesting how often they are dead wrong.
Wont be missed!
Another "renowned" nobody bites the dust
Well that's just too bad.
They used the same pic. Kek.
Even celebrities are blaming the “uneducated” public for the criticism against them. It’s all our fault because we reject your “educated/indoctrinated” deductions.
The problem here is people having a stake of some sort in research being put forth and accepted as valid as the end goal instead seeking the truth.
Stakes such as massive research grants using taxayer money being doled out by government seeking the results they want to put forth for reasons other than public health.
Grants like Fusillo took.