TDLR: If there is some element of power of the Continuity of Government (COG) that stays with the former Commander-In-Chiefs (C-I-C) until their deaths, that power is now currently held exclusively by Donald Trump. This element likely would have been created by FDR's 06MAR 1933 "National Emergency" EO or by something George HW Bush Sr./CIA did on or before the suspected "soft coup" of July 14, 1985.
Original Post: " Is there a Continuity of Government (COG) power that former Commander-In-Chiefs (C-I-C) hold until their death? If so, either Carter or Trump holds it right now.":
Carter may have passed away long ago, but the Deep State was apparently trying to keep him "alive publicly" so that if Trump dies, Carter would still get this power, whatever it is. Trump and allies effectively neutralized Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama with all of the gathered criminal evidence and his EOs. Use of Carter's identity was likely a Deep State last ditch effort to try to re-take control of the COG apparatus. Note that Carter lived more than 20 years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and nearly 2 years in hospice care. Average life expectancy once diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is around 9 months.
FDR - X 12APR 1945; Truman takes over C-I-C/COG from FDR National Emergency 06MAR 1933
JFK - X 22NOV 1963; transfer to Eisenhower?; If really died 1-30-21 (or 02AUG 2020), xfer directly to C-I-C Trump?
ASSUMING JFK really dead in 1963 this would be transfer sequence and dates if Carter ineligible
Eisen. - X 28MAR 1969; transfer to Truman
Truman - X 26DEC 1972; transfer to POTUS/C-I-C Nixon or Johnson if eligible
Johnson - X 22JAN 1973; executed? ineligible due to treason/JFK takeout? xfer to Nixon, if had it
Nixon - X 22APR 1994; transfer to Reagan
Reagan - X 05JUN 2004; transfer to Ford
Ford - X 26DEC 2006; transfer to Bush Sr., skip Carter?
Bush Sr. - X 30NOV 2018; (publicly dead) transfer to active POTUS/C-I-C Trump with backup to Carter.
Carter - X 29DEC 2024, but possibly ineligible due to treason? (stolen 1976 election, Soviet agent w/ Mondale?); any backup COG authority transferred to Trump.
Clinton - X XXXXX 2000; (privately dead?); ineligible due to treason (China Doll)?
Bush Jr. - X XXXXX 2020; (privately dead?); ineligible due to treason (9/11)?
Obama - X XXXXX 2021; (privately dead?); ineligible due to being a British citizen born in Kenya (pre-Independence), foreign agent of MI-6, Muslim Brotherhood operative, CIA operative, traitor and/or unlawfully placed as POTUS.
Trump - As of 29DEC2024, ALIVE with full C-I-C and full COG authority after expiration of Carter
Assumption is that Biden did not ever get C-I-C authority due to a SPLIT in Executive power arranged by Trump's PEADs due to being in a "State of War" as of March 2020 due to attack by CCP with Covid-19 bioweapon. Biden holds either a dumbed-down ministerial version of POTUS or President title only. However, he may be President of NOTHING if previously that "President" role was effectively CEO of US Corporation and it has been dissolved. As VP, Biden was never made "acting POTUS".
DoD Law of War Manual (now 2 volumes post 2023 update).
VP Status-Only 6 “alive” incl. Biden & Cheney
All former VPs that had "acting President role" temporarily (and possibly C-I-C) are either dead or ineligible. George HW Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney are the only known VPs to hold temporary power. George is deceased 2018, and Dick Cheney is ineligible due to treason for involvement in 9-11 [And he may be privately dead as well per NoName-type tribunal]. Al Gore, Dan Quayle, and Mike Pence are the only VPs still alive (Kamala does not count due to her ineligibility, and possibly treason despite an attempt on 11-19-21, see note in comments).
Why do you think there might be any power at all transferred to former presidents/CICs?
Sounds very strange to me. I read both posts.
George HW Bush Sr. appeared to be some sort of "President for life" or "Corporation Chairman" until he was charged, arrested (18JAN2017), and likely tribunal'ed. He appeared to use the COG authority on July 14, 1985 to take all power away from Reagan.
It is also suspected that Franklin Roosevelt may have created the "Chairman position" as an early version of COG and safety, and this is why it is suspected that he was replaced and/or murdered by MI-6 operatives in 1945 (since he was the first with this power, presumably per 1933 National Emergency and change of US Republic to US CORP on 15OCT1933).
I believe it restricts Deep State options in terms of a “No President” scenario they may create. Carter publicly dying before Trump’s inauguration confirms that his identity as former C-I-C needed to be off the chessboard for some reason. Originally, I theorized back in 2023 it would be prior to 2024 election, expecting another steal, but with a Trump victory it likely got pushed with the funeral now usable for another whitehat purpose.
Interestingly, in about the 2009+2010 timeframe, Oklahoma had passed a law banning Sharia law with 70% voting to ban Sharia law in OK. This law was overturned by a Court through a lawsuit brought by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Court Strikes Down Oklahoma Shariah Ban - NPR
Although I was living and working In Orlando at the time, I was really irritated about the whole thing. (The irritation was compounded when I saw with my own eyes what went on in Orange County Florida 2012 general election early voting.)
Now I read this about Obama's ineligibility.
It all makes me go hmmm.
I get in trouble with my family (& my church family) for thinking too deeply and asking too many questions. It's true. I have a severe case of connect-the-dot-itis that has not been cured and is exacerbated by posts like this.
Don't ever let anyone or anything stop you from using your GOD GIVEN BRAIN.
I have that same condition!
Yeah. I have dug into Obama. He is clearly a CIA fabrication to “rebrand him” from his MI-6/Muslim Brotherhood identity and to distance him from his grandfather. MI-6 historically uses “colonial assets” with British citizenship to do intelligence operations, and Kenya was still a British colony when Obama was born. He stole a SSN to fake a Hawaii birth certificate then murdered to person that legitimized it through the State of Hawaii docs system.
This is a standard British intelligence play they have used for 400+ years going back to India with the Brahmin families installed as “rulers of India”, some of which you are seeing now with Kamala, Nikki Haley, and Vivek as well as CEOs of MSFT and GOOG (all likely MI-6 assets and from Brahmin families).
British did the same thing in the US, using Dutch agents (used as infiltrators under Dutch rule) they granted British citizenship and privileges to certain families in NYC (New Amsterdam) handover from Netherlands; and then again in the Royal Colony of SC where certain families were granted lands (from the Crown), and then used to foment Civil War twice [1832, 1861] (Strom Thurmond and his family were likely British agents going back 3 generations).
This is you COG Leader :
Likely correct. Under Devolution, C-I-C can delegate his authority to Combatant Commander and/or Civilian Committee commanding Combatant Command depending on how the PEADs were written. Trump appears to have re-established civilian control of the military to keep them on a tight leash and going by-the-book (DoD Law of War).
He's got a lot of oak leaf clusters...
Official announcement from Carter Center - Dec. 29, 2024; "Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Passes Away at 100":
great post. lots to digest.
Can't make head or tail of this
Clinton, Bush 43, and Foebama are all alive
What is being 'transferred'
C-I-C power. Civilian control of Republic military. CORP military is under control of CORP (Joint Chiefs) until CORP bylaws are changed or CORP dissolved. It was usurpation of C-I-C authority. One way to take it back is by splitting POTUS/C-I-C roles via COG/Devolution.
COG is for when there is no POTUS or gov’t is fully compromised by foreign agents. Devolution determines where the COG power goes. Both together determine lawfully who has Constitutional C-I-C authority.
Not sure, the devolution thing seems to have been bogus because Trump was elected again, aka a third time, so the whole thing is kind of unimportant now.
From what I know of devolution trumps election fits in perfectly. There is what people see vs what they don't see. Devolution is happening.
So you think his presidency is now going against the constitution?
I didn't downvote, but I don't see how anyone who ever actually read Jon Herold's Devolution series could conclude that.
He has been elected, but not inaugurated. Re-Constitution of authority cannot happen until after inauguration Jan20 or Mar04. COG is heavily in play during the “Transition Period”. The Transition Authority is currently backed lawfully by the Republic military which is separate from the CORPORATE military.
Note that Pelosi is likely ineligible as well if she was every "Acting President" during the Biden term. From previous comment:
4 official transfers. Note that one does include Kamala on 11-19-21. This one was added recently (likely in 2024):
That Kamala being "acting President" thing was likely created as a talking point for the media to say she has Presidential experience.
It is newly posted. It was not there back in April-May 2024 when I first checked the history on “Acting President”.
This is why when PDJT had to have a procedure done while in office, he did it with no anesthesia so he didn't have to turn power over to Pence.
Also maybe he didn’t trust the governmental doctor/anesthesiologist to finish him off while under anesthesia! Leaving traitorous Pence as President.
Correct. They were attempting a “soft coup” using COG by forcing turnover of power to Pence. Similar to what they did to Reagan on July 14, 1985.
No wonder they keep those fools alive to 100 years old. Does anybody believe 100 year old dude can be president even for COG? Espescially when he was already a puppet.
You just need his “publicly alive identity”. He doesn’t even need to really be alive, literally.
Ya, I think if there’s continuity of government and you know why, you don’t let that ones who overthrew the country have it or know about it.
Correct. That is why the PEADs are highest level secrecy and Adam Schiff has been doing his ALL to get a look at them, unsuccessfully. They cannot undo it if they do not know the details on how it was implemented and who holds which powers.
There is a lot to study here. Thank you so very much for all you have posted here and especially for your detailed replies. I am honored that you would give so much of yourself. Bless you. It is up to us to discern what is true but you have given us a big meal to chew on.
The FDR Emergency act was ended in 1978:
They appear to have pivoted to their “public health emergency” approach under Carter admin (probably as a 2nd National Emergency option). Note that Fauci has been in his gov’t position since 1968, and was around during Carter admin. He came in under Johnson admin, apparently as a last FU to America by LBJ.
Interesting. TY. I suspect George HW Bush Sr. and his cronies implemented a COG modification that they exploited later (1985) just prior to Carter admin taking over after stolen 1976 election (Carter admin was puppet of Soviets just like Biden regime was puppet of Ukrainians/Israelis).
First, this assumes all former potus are dead. No reason to believe this.
Second, a former potus can't just take over or msm would say obama could from 2017 to 2020.
Third, even if trump can based on laws based on how you interpret (which is fine, cause this is an analysis board) trump would not take office until January 20, 2025. Optics means alot. Imagine the msm for the next 4 years doing nothing but talk about trump pushing himself into power like a dictator. The viewers of msm are nothing more then sponges from Dollar General. They would soak that msm shit up and act out like they have in the past.
It is former Commander-in-Chiefs (C-I-C), not POTUS. These are 2 distinct positions that can be separated. Former C-I-Cs do not need to be publicly dead, just ineligible. Theory is that they get removed from COG line of succession upon their death or ineligibility (i.e. known treason or lack of citizenship).
Heart of the theory is that “next in line” during a State of War (COG scenario) is the former C-I-C (or delegate), not the VP, Speaker, or Pres Pro Tem of Senate. It circumvents normal Constitutional succession as designed by the Deep State, but now co-opted by Trump and Republic military to counter the foreign occupation.
That was like trying to read computer code. ELI5? I understand continuity of government as a line of succession in the case of the next in line either being incapacitated or unable to be sworn in as president. It's president, VP, speaker of the house, then a bunch of heads of departments.
Is this thread about something entirely different?
That is “normal succession” while not in a State of War or under a “COG event”, as I believe we are. I believe we are not only in a State of War due to the bioweapon attacks on the homeland (COVID-19, MPox, Bird Flu), and participation in wars in Ukraine and Gaza, but we are currently under foreign occupation as defined in DoD Law of War Manual (now 2 volumes post 2023 update).
More "look at me" posting gibberish.
From “White House Info” Tours website:
My commentary: The most obvious COG plan would be to split the roles of President and C-I-C (see Article II powers) from one man to at least 2, and then to temporarily “devolve” C-I-C power to Republic military combatant command who has sworn oath to the 1789 Constitution. This is what a “Shadow Government” looks like (one form).
These are two distinct powers residing in one man or woman:
Article II, Section 1:
Article II, Section 2:
Last legitimate Presidential election prior to 2016 was Reagan in 1984. This is why they appeared to sideline him on July 14, 1985. Nixon’s wins were legitimate, JFK won in election controlled on both sides, and Roosevelt won legitimately in 1932 in attempt to counter American Fasco-Communists. All other POTUS elections since 1912 either rigged or resulted in the President “dying in office”.
So somewhere around 6 or 8 “real elections” in 112 years.
Yes. It is important to understand why all the shenanigans to interfere specifically with the exercise of POTUS powers. The US President/C-I-C is a VERY POWERFUL combo position, that can quickly devastate foreign powers and ALL their theft/invasion schemes. We are about to see the Tree of Liberty watered by the blood of globalist tyrants from London, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Israel.