I seriously HOPE he does, but suspect he knows it'll blow too many minds, and/or they'll call him delirious. If he does, he'll have to do so with extreme subtlety. Releasing JFK info not so much. Even the sheeple have been marinating on that for decades, and have produced films/documentaries that virtually prove it could've been anyone. People haven't had as much time to noodle over 9/11. And hec even still some conservatives I know trust the Bush family.
It's like a civilizational i.q. test, if someone has to be told by Washington D.C. that the media/mic cabal did 9/11, it doesn't really what they believe
He passed that all on to the military as (States Secrets) and it is all under investigation, is my understanding. Separately, there is a report on Lyme Disease, as well as on the assassination of MLK Jr. I want to see all the files on me!
Everything, once hidden, comes to light! Trump pretending to be lost about many topics is a tactic to achieve goals by other means! Peace is the prize! How it's achieved is irrelevant! Many have no idea of what it means to live in a brave new world! Expand your thinking!
NYC is a town with a zillion cameras within it. How come we only see a couple of angles of the planes hitting the towers? Shouldn't there have been some tourists who caught the magic moment and shown more detail? I've always been suspect that the CIA had captured the visuals to its own advantage instead of showing the American people the true happenings of that day. Were there even tourists within the towers who snapped pics and then the cameras recovered later and the film exposed?
He can't accomplish what I'm hoping he wants to accomplish with those type of secrets still in existence. I for one will not trust him if by the end of his term he hasn't disgorged those secrets, to include all the hidden technology. He's got one shot at revamping this country and quite honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about whether people can handle the truth or not.
I was watching NewTreason call in show the other day and a caller called in wishing something would be revealed. Dave made an excellent point, if it was revealed, how would normies react?
We want to awaken people, not shut them down. If too much is revealed too quick it's too much for many to process let alone deal with. Especially such large events as 9/11. There's lots I'd like to see brought to light, but I'm eager to see how it's done almost as much as to see the truths.
It's essentially the deep state all wrapped up in a single event. If you reveal all that is known about the 9/11 attacks, you reveal all that is known about the deep state.
Trump may not but he will let someone else release it.
I certainly hope you are correct. But he didn't let the Kennedy investigation out in his first term and he said he would release it.
The first term was way different than the second.
All them New York Jews better go into hiding or move to their holy land of Palestine or they will have a bad time when the truth comes out.
I seriously HOPE he does, but suspect he knows it'll blow too many minds, and/or they'll call him delirious. If he does, he'll have to do so with extreme subtlety. Releasing JFK info not so much. Even the sheeple have been marinating on that for decades, and have produced films/documentaries that virtually prove it could've been anyone. People haven't had as much time to noodle over 9/11. And hec even still some conservatives I know trust the Bush family.
my heart says yes, my money would say no
But Kash has stated that he has seen the report and that people will be pissed off so there is that.
Declassify what they did in Maui:
Video: https://x.com/TWCommun1ty/status/1696302959296962769?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1696302959296962769%7Ctwgr%5Ee1245e673308fa10fa225598ed86ad1e94dfbbdb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgreatawakening.win%2Fp%2F16c2WCLtmY%2Farea-in-lahaina-that-didnt-burn-%2Fc%2F
It's like a civilizational i.q. test, if someone has to be told by Washington D.C. that the media/mic cabal did 9/11, it doesn't really what they believe
Going forward Trump must build a CULTURE of transparency and the expectation of it into the masses.
There shouldn't even be a need for FOIA.
He passed that all on to the military as (States Secrets) and it is all under investigation, is my understanding. Separately, there is a report on Lyme Disease, as well as on the assassination of MLK Jr. I want to see all the files on me!
<[] <<<
And Las Vegas, Benghazi, chemtrails, MKU, etc., etc.
Everything, once hidden, comes to light! Trump pretending to be lost about many topics is a tactic to achieve goals by other means! Peace is the prize! How it's achieved is irrelevant! Many have no idea of what it means to live in a brave new world! Expand your thinking!
The good guys must stop making excuses for why the truth needs to be hidden.
NYC is a town with a zillion cameras within it. How come we only see a couple of angles of the planes hitting the towers? Shouldn't there have been some tourists who caught the magic moment and shown more detail? I've always been suspect that the CIA had captured the visuals to its own advantage instead of showing the American people the true happenings of that day. Were there even tourists within the towers who snapped pics and then the cameras recovered later and the film exposed?
He can't accomplish what I'm hoping he wants to accomplish with those type of secrets still in existence. I for one will not trust him if by the end of his term he hasn't disgorged those secrets, to include all the hidden technology. He's got one shot at revamping this country and quite honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about whether people can handle the truth or not.
It will hurt big tech so no.
Why would putting out the truth about 9/11 hurt big tech?
Because we were fooled. It would so that Big Tech censored for the government. Big Tech support is the only thing Trump is working for.
I was watching NewTreason call in show the other day and a caller called in wishing something would be revealed. Dave made an excellent point, if it was revealed, how would normies react?
We want to awaken people, not shut them down. If too much is revealed too quick it's too much for many to process let alone deal with. Especially such large events as 9/11. There's lots I'd like to see brought to light, but I'm eager to see how it's done almost as much as to see the truths.
No. There are bigger fish to fry.
I think 9/11 is a whale, not a fish.
It's essentially the deep state all wrapped up in a single event. If you reveal all that is known about the 9/11 attacks, you reveal all that is known about the deep state.
Very true!