Well said! This will actually blow her mind. And should wake them up (some) because she understands the EO and how there has been cheating in both elections. She just has the wrong candidate. This will be interesting to see who gets it and who clings to the matrix.
She thinks Trump is being targeted by a yearslong sting operation that they have had to keep quiet? And yet all we heard for years was RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA at the same time they were keeping all this quiet? Yeah.... somehow I don't think this lady's smugness is justified.
Nothing is about understanding or misunderstanding. It's all about positioning oneself against a story in order to get clicks, like, reshares. I so hate this frigging social media thing where every body and their brother/sister is posturing for another click.
Thanks for letting me vent.
P.S. I swear, the first time I come upon a scene where someone is in need to assistance, and a crowd of famefags is standing there with the phone up in the air, I am going to put a taboo curse on all of them.
Can't wait till her hopium balloon gets popped, can someone share the video of her cries of rage when she realizes she's wrong? Because you know she will do a video of her crying about how upset she is, they always do.
They have set so many precedents while trying to stop President Trump but have only succeeded in painting themselves into a corner. They can no longer charge President Trump with anything they haven't already done a thousand times over. NCSWIC. Period. Full stop.
This is like being overwhelmed and excited!!!!1!1…while telling Clark Kent about Superman. And then using Kent’s own literature to say he’s wrong…man. I feel bad for her. She’s literally talking about Trumps EO…and she thinks it’s against himself. Oh me. I don’t even know what level of messed up she is. Like a misfiring toaster.
It's a classic Loser mentality, just like we were taught as children. Fucking piece of shit LOSERS just want to drag others down and theywill say and do anything to feel superior even when all indicators reveal them as the sad LOSERS they are. Watch, next they will cling to the idea of forgiveness, and other spiritual bypass. Losers know tricks to relieve the pain of being one. Incredible.
This is almost too good. Is she a white hat plant? She sounds like us except for her Trump hate and her annoying glibness. If it’s real, it is amazing and hilarious.
whatever preserves some illusion of control. This is the line that divides us. Those people can be tricked by their own indwelt biases that help to maintain the illusion of shared purpose and some control over uncontrollable circumstances they find themselves in. We cannot.
The boomerang is going to destroy her psyche. She may have to be institutionalized. lol
For sure.
Well said! This will actually blow her mind. And should wake them up (some) because she understands the EO and how there has been cheating in both elections. She just has the wrong candidate. This will be interesting to see who gets it and who clings to the matrix.
I like the part where she forgets who wrote that "Execute" Order.
Jesus, I had to stop watching at about 3 minutes...
She thinks Trump is being targeted by a yearslong sting operation that they have had to keep quiet? And yet all we heard for years was RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA at the same time they were keeping all this quiet? Yeah.... somehow I don't think this lady's smugness is justified.
Her misunderstanding is truely astonishing
Nothing is about understanding or misunderstanding. It's all about positioning oneself against a story in order to get clicks, like, reshares. I so hate this frigging social media thing where every body and their brother/sister is posturing for another click.
Thanks for letting me vent.
P.S. I swear, the first time I come upon a scene where someone is in need to assistance, and a crowd of famefags is standing there with the phone up in the air, I am going to put a taboo curse on all of them.
Misinfo is required. White Hats. They have to be shown. They heard these mantras and are trying to use them for comfort. No mystery.
Somebody needs to cut back on their use of hopium.
I'm sure they all hit the same pipe Hunter does which sure explains a lot.
Can't wait till her hopium balloon gets popped, can someone share the video of her cries of rage when she realizes she's wrong? Because you know she will do a video of her crying about how upset she is, they always do.
It lives in a plastic bubble 🫧
I needed a good laugh today, thank you
😂😂😂😂They got Trump this, Season 9.
We'll see a video of her in her car screaming and shaking the steering wheel here in a few weeks.
Sooo, Trump created this EO and then just hoped it would never apply to him?! Dear Lord.
Why doesn't she just use the popcorn that she bought to celebrate Trump losing the 2024 election?
No no! Execute order & she said it twice.
Execute? Or executive?
"Execute Order"... she's got a room temperature IQ...
Cold storage temp is more accurate
They have set so many precedents while trying to stop President Trump but have only succeeded in painting themselves into a corner. They can no longer charge President Trump with anything they haven't already done a thousand times over. NCSWIC. Period. Full stop.
Two more weeks! It’s good to see we aren’t the only ones getting played by CIA info ops.
Maybe both are true lol. What if we just went back and forth between this every election year for the rest of eternity.
I almost want to follow her, but I can't look at car wrecks
I couldn’t handle 1 minute of her. Shut it off real quick
Yeah, I couldn't take it either.
Ole Dixie dumpy pants
clown world finally produces backwards fren. 😫
This is like being overwhelmed and excited!!!!1!1…while telling Clark Kent about Superman. And then using Kent’s own literature to say he’s wrong…man. I feel bad for her. She’s literally talking about Trumps EO…and she thinks it’s against himself. Oh me. I don’t even know what level of messed up she is. Like a misfiring toaster.
how do you get discovery? maybe thats the trick she over heard and is attempting to apply.
Ummmm. Didn't Trump make that EO? LOL
I don't think her headboard is padded enough.
They're steeling our shit, man! 😂
They take joy from other's pain and misfortune. Even if it isn't real or correct. All they want to do is hurt others and be self righteous about it.
It's a classic Loser mentality, just like we were taught as children. Fucking piece of shit LOSERS just want to drag others down and theywill say and do anything to feel superior even when all indicators reveal them as the sad LOSERS they are. Watch, next they will cling to the idea of forgiveness, and other spiritual bypass. Losers know tricks to relieve the pain of being one. Incredible.
cannot play it, but, oh my, we are in trouble frens... kek
There's a reason their movement is referred to as blue anon ...
This is almost too good. Is she a white hat plant? She sounds like us except for her Trump hate and her annoying glibness. If it’s real, it is amazing and hilarious.
Are these dumbasses serious? Don't they know this has been in effect since 2018?
This will definitely give blue anons blue balls.
So they have their own version of behind the scenes white hats who are going to save their ass at the last minute. How interesting.
I've been there lady! It ain't going to happen.
I mean, it kinda sounds like some stuff i heard round these parts in 2020-2022
wow a low IQ talking politics. Is she for real?
She turned off commenting on her tik Tok video haha
Wow, and I thought Maddow was confusing.
Remember our disappointment in 2020 before we knew about this 4 year exposure period? We get 2025, she'll get nothing ever again.
Wtaf is she believing? Donnie dumpy pants? Orange boogie man? Someone give her a link to Qagg Sheesh!
Lets see her video the day after Trump gets back in.
wait til this one crashes and burns.....epic...couldnt listen to the whole thing...the delusion is strong with this one
What a moron... It says they're going to release the information slowly, a little bit at a time so people have time to absorb it all.
You know what that's called right? BRAINWASHING
We call The Plan.
phishhook is set
We are the plan…
exactly. and so is she!
its basically a cousin of "i meant to do that".
whatever preserves some illusion of control. This is the line that divides us. Those people can be tricked by their own indwelt biases that help to maintain the illusion of shared purpose and some control over uncontrollable circumstances they find themselves in. We cannot.
Yes, Which proves one of my points… some so-called people are just not ready to wake up yet to the truth.
And I myself don’t wanna sit around waiting for them. Time to take action, not more words!
Once we get Trump in I feel the time for talk is OVER
feelings are proof enough!