Trump should "get sick" and not show up on 1/10. He should stay safe and warm at Mar-a-lago until inauguration per doctors orders. On 1/20 Kash Patel should pen a letter to Merchan's daughter and every Democrat that paid her to retain their records and hire an attorney. Game on.
Is this just more drawing attention to the two sided two face system like Elon with the H1B visa is bringing attention to maybe wake people up? If they aren’t awake yet I think they are brain dead or living in a hole
“We find his reasoning is not compelling” (Fuck you, the entire world knows this was political persecution)
“We find imposing a sentence would not be an injustice” (He’s an honest man, about to be sworn in as president. Every single thing about this is an injustice).
Please Christ let Trump’s new justice department go after all these people with a giant sandpaper dildo
OK Mr. Judge, this guy has had you Deep State whores on his back since before the escalator ride and you want to really piss him off just before he takes over the Presidency of the United States for his final time? Great plan!
Military is the only way.
Trump can be insulated in the joint while military does clean up duty
M O V I E.. Frennnn 😊🐸
I want to see this fake judge tried for treason on January 20th at 12:01pm. Literally the first act from the military under Trump.
Yes put it in the movie also !!!!! I want Leo to play the white hat 🐸 GBY. Fren. KEK!!! 👽🗣️
Trump should "get sick" and not show up on 1/10. He should stay safe and warm at Mar-a-lago until inauguration per doctors orders. On 1/20 Kash Patel should pen a letter to Merchan's daughter and every Democrat that paid her to retain their records and hire an attorney. Game on.
Nah I think Trump should show up and get sentenced. The optics would be good for us and then we can get the show started.
Mugshot 2.0? Sure!
good point, if they've "gotten rid of trump" then nobody can blame him when everything goes to crap
EDIT: I just saw something about the judge deciding not to imprison him, so I guess that's probably off the table :P
Hahahaha. Fuck Right Off Judge Mercunt
In his face!
He made the move because he had to. Somebody's got him by the balls. Welcome to your new role Sir... sacrifice. Pack a toothbrush.
Next stop use this to try and delay the certification 🙄
Oh my God
January 10 is TEN DAYS from the inauguration...
The Democrats plan to use this sentencing to try to keep President Trump's election from being certified. You just watch...
The appeal cannot start until this "judge" is finished.
After Jan. 10th, the "judge" is finished. Then Trump can appeal and have this false conviction overturned.
He can piss off.
Oh boy, here we go...I expected nothing less from these morons.
Will that will start the 10 days of darkness.
That would certainly make some sense.
There's a sale on at Penneys.
Is this just more drawing attention to the two sided two face system like Elon with the H1B visa is bringing attention to maybe wake people up? If they aren’t awake yet I think they are brain dead or living in a hole
Jesus that conclusion is the same peak leftist arrogance we’re all so fuckin sick and tired of.
“We find presidential immunity doesn’t apply” (it DOES)
“We find his reasoning is not compelling” (Fuck you, the entire world knows this was political persecution)
“We find imposing a sentence would not be an injustice” (He’s an honest man, about to be sworn in as president. Every single thing about this is an injustice).
Please Christ let Trump’s new justice department go after all these people with a giant sandpaper dildo
Merchan huh? Did he appear live to read this? There's rumors. GITMO. A rope. Just sayin'.
Trump would still do more for this country from prison than Obama and Uncle Joe did in 12 years.
OK Mr. Judge, this guy has had you Deep State whores on his back since before the escalator ride and you want to really piss him off just before he takes over the Presidency of the United States for his final time? Great plan!
So judges can just keep things in limbo till when ever they want?
Judge stated he would not get prison time
Nice legal precedent you setting up there! Too bad not all politicians have presidential immunity! History Books!
They don't have the balls to put him in jail.
Is this another part of the movie?
That’s ok. Trump can ‘serve’ his sentence in the White House which is more secured than any maximum security prison in the US 😁
I wonder if he'll be 'mugged' before Jan 10th ...