I pretty much heard those words in my head on 9/11. As I was watching it unfold, I heard this voice say "I will NOT be mocked". Things are not going to pretty for the perpetrators of all of these events.
They may have paid some homeless to do some but IMO there are videos that make it clear it was DEWs, especially the one where three fires ignite at the exact same time.
sadly, there are casualties of war; collateral damage. Always has been, and for the grace of God, so far, many of us have escaped. . . so far. I am so sorry for all losses.
My mom and I were just doing a Bible Study and I don’t know if there’s some kind of confirmation, but we read one song and one proverb a day. Today’s the 11th, so we read Psalm 11 and proverbs 11.
Psalm 11:6
“Upon the wicked He will rain coals; Fire and brimstone and a burning wind Shall be the portion of their cup.”
I'm reading the Bible cover to cover this year and today my reading was Genesis 19, where the Lord and two angels rescue Lot and destroy Sodom. I felt it was eerily timely.
This event is a good reminder why I should not voice vengence against evil. God is merciful, but when he does take vengence, He does it much better than I could even concieve. Hollywood mocked God spectacularily, and their homes burned in the same manner by fire and incompetence of their elected officials. The icing on the cake is that much of Hollywood are waking up to the incompetence of the people they supported and voted for. Like I said, much better than I could have imagined.
What a great comment. I have always commented in my mind how many movies I've seen were someone finally has the bad guy in their sights and with righteous rage they yell, vengeance is mine! But that's only half the verse, isn't it
I'm assuming these fires are to hide evidence of wrongdoing (Pizzagate style human trafficking). What are the odds all potential forensic evidence in celebrity houses burns days before Trump takes office?
True statement. But, for me at least, saying “in the end”. It’s technically wrong. It won’t be just in the end. Because the enemy never had a chance. So God wins in the beginning, middle, and end. Literally no competition. Yet steps off His throne to come and save us. Our Holy Father. Thank you Lord. Thank you for Jesus. I’m sorry that there are those who laugh at you. They know not what they do. May they, like myself, see you for who you really are. And learn of your love. We are sinners Lord, forgive us please.
— Galatians 6:7
I pretty much heard those words in my head on 9/11. As I was watching it unfold, I heard this voice say "I will NOT be mocked". Things are not going to pretty for the perpetrators of all of these events.
Hope they receive justice soon. Unfortunately they are saved for last for a specific reason
I'm a bit surprised, that no one has yet pinned the blame for these fires on MAGA supporters. I guess the deep state is biding their time on that one.
Based on the gg awards, I'd guess they'd blame Christians.
I bet the majority of fires were set by illegals and homeless, fanned by the winds.
They may have paid some homeless to do some but IMO there are videos that make it clear it was DEWs, especially the one where three fires ignite at the exact same time.
The "triangle" fires where from 2024 . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_California_wildfires
That combined with diversity hires that cut funding to fire department and removing tree brush.
Also, hmmm
🤔 that was interesting.
But THOUSANDS of people who have nothing to do with Hollywood, and who ARE Christians, have lost their homes!
You lay with dogs you will get fleas.
sadly, there are casualties of war; collateral damage. Always has been, and for the grace of God, so far, many of us have escaped. . . so far. I am so sorry for all losses.
nah, thats unacceptable.
Guess the hills of CA got a little mountain DEW.
My mom and I were just doing a Bible Study and I don’t know if there’s some kind of confirmation, but we read one song and one proverb a day. Today’s the 11th, so we read Psalm 11 and proverbs 11.
Psalm 11:6
“Upon the wicked He will rain coals; Fire and brimstone and a burning wind Shall be the portion of their cup.”
I'm reading the Bible cover to cover this year and today my reading was Genesis 19, where the Lord and two angels rescue Lot and destroy Sodom. I felt it was eerily timely.
Oh wow, goosebumps, frog, yeah that's cool when that happens
God is so awesome with timing and scripture isn’t he? He’s so wonderful.
Listen to Lord Huron's tune Yawning Grave. It seems rather fitting for what LA is going through right now.
You mock the Lord and you reap what you sow.
It is funny how that seems to happen
they mock god, your house burns down. sounds kinda jewish.
This event is a good reminder why I should not voice vengence against evil. God is merciful, but when he does take vengence, He does it much better than I could even concieve. Hollywood mocked God spectacularily, and their homes burned in the same manner by fire and incompetence of their elected officials. The icing on the cake is that much of Hollywood are waking up to the incompetence of the people they supported and voted for. Like I said, much better than I could have imagined.
What a great comment. I have always commented in my mind how many movies I've seen were someone finally has the bad guy in their sights and with righteous rage they yell, vengeance is mine! But that's only half the verse, isn't it
You know that Woodsy's house was spared, with devastation all around.
I'm assuming these fires are to hide evidence of wrongdoing (Pizzagate style human trafficking). What are the odds all potential forensic evidence in celebrity houses burns days before Trump takes office?
But tunnels exposed, perhaps.
What is wrong with these people?
Disco inferno!
Mock around and find out.
I guess you could say, in the end God Wins...
True statement. But, for me at least, saying “in the end”. It’s technically wrong. It won’t be just in the end. Because the enemy never had a chance. So God wins in the beginning, middle, and end. Literally no competition. Yet steps off His throne to come and save us. Our Holy Father. Thank you Lord. Thank you for Jesus. I’m sorry that there are those who laugh at you. They know not what they do. May they, like myself, see you for who you really are. And learn of your love. We are sinners Lord, forgive us please.