Susan Collins (R)ino) won her re-election in the SAME ELECTION as Biden. It was a very partisan election with hard-line Trump/ Collins voters and hard-line Biden/Sarah Gideon voters. signs and bumper stickers everywhere. Then Susan Collins and Joe Biden both won, with the EXACT same voters.
Return the jewels.
Democrats win state races where they run. We got the 50+1 votes but we wouldn't have control of the committees without those 3. They're in a tough spot and when we need their votes for a victory we should be able to count on them. Let's see how things go in time
The only one in a tough spot would be Collins. Kamala won Maine by 7 points. Trump won Alaska by 13 and Kentucky by 37 or something. McConnell and Murkowski told the people of their State to fuck off with this vote.
From the county by county voter distribution map, it looks like Maine is low key one of those states controlled by a large city population. The coastal area is blue but the rest of the state is shades of red. Allowing for the usual liberal city slicker trend, I wonder if the resettlement of African refugees combined with voter fraud at play in those areas that tips the state blue.
You're welcome. Now I need you to get down to business. For example see our president after three days in office. I want you to be a similar busy beever.
Time to fire up the military investigations into high ranking officers who committed crimes, broke their oath to the constitution, etc. Alex Vindman comes to mind....
How much more voting with Demonrats does it take for something to be done about Collins and Murkuntski. Surely there must be something in the statute books by which they can be summarily dismissed for amply provable treachery.
The states are responsible, they voted them into office. Not much if anything Trump can do. I would have the FBI investigate both of them, or just share the dirt they already have on them.
As an Alaskan, there IS something President Trump can do - make voter fraud impossible. Some of it he is already doing: Voter ID, same day voting, 24 hour count. But we also need Dominion voting machines to go away, mail-in voting to be severely curtailed, and ranked choice voting to be outlawed. Murkowski is the Queen of Cheat, starting with having her daddy appoint her to her seat.
Some of that sounds like it has to come from the congress critters. States tend to have the control of how elections are handled. Not sure what Trump can do about that other than threaten to withhold federal funds.
Could he have congress pass the federal election voter ID? Is Congress in charge of federal election laws? Or state legislatures only? Idk - why I'm asking
Why the senators thought a combat veteran wouldn't drink is beyond me. If anything, he understands what the hell he's going to be asking others to do and how to keep them safe
During the swearing-in, Vance answered a question: "You know as I learned with the Buckeyes just a week ago, when you win the championship you don't give a damn what the score was. We won the championship on this."
Hegseth's kids were elated. "Dad, you won on overtime."
If it's overtime for Patel, RFK and Bondi, then Hegseth is in good company.
And FU McConnell, Murkowski and Collins.
All three of these people are getting voted in with voter fraud
Susan Collins (R)ino) won her re-election in the SAME ELECTION as Biden. It was a very partisan election with hard-line Trump/ Collins voters and hard-line Biden/Sarah Gideon voters. signs and bumper stickers everywhere. Then Susan Collins and Joe Biden both won, with the EXACT same voters. Return the jewels.
Democrats win state races where they run. We got the 50+1 votes but we wouldn't have control of the committees without those 3. They're in a tough spot and when we need their votes for a victory we should be able to count on them. Let's see how things go in time
The only one in a tough spot would be Collins. Kamala won Maine by 7 points. Trump won Alaska by 13 and Kentucky by 37 or something. McConnell and Murkowski told the people of their State to fuck off with this vote.
Perhaps, let's see how it plays out over the next 1-1/2 years so we know who to primary them with
From the county by county voter distribution map, it looks like Maine is low key one of those states controlled by a large city population. The coastal area is blue but the rest of the state is shades of red. Allowing for the usual liberal city slicker trend, I wonder if the resettlement of African refugees combined with voter fraud at play in those areas that tips the state blue.
Anyone here from Maine? Can you chime in?
They're done
Hope so.
McConnell is a goddamn communist.
You're welcome. Now I need you to get down to business. For example see our president after three days in office. I want you to be a similar busy beever.
Time to fire up the military investigations into high ranking officers who committed crimes, broke their oath to the constitution, etc. Alex Vindman comes to mind....
How much more voting with Demonrats does it take for something to be done about Collins and Murkuntski. Surely there must be something in the statute books by which they can be summarily dismissed for amply provable treachery.
The states are responsible, they voted them into office. Not much if anything Trump can do. I would have the FBI investigate both of them, or just share the dirt they already have on them.
As an Alaskan, there IS something President Trump can do - make voter fraud impossible. Some of it he is already doing: Voter ID, same day voting, 24 hour count. But we also need Dominion voting machines to go away, mail-in voting to be severely curtailed, and ranked choice voting to be outlawed. Murkowski is the Queen of Cheat, starting with having her daddy appoint her to her seat.
Some of that sounds like it has to come from the congress critters. States tend to have the control of how elections are handled. Not sure what Trump can do about that other than threaten to withhold federal funds.
Could he have congress pass the federal election voter ID? Is Congress in charge of federal election laws? Or state legislatures only? Idk - why I'm asking
Never back down. Never give up. Never surrender.
Goooooooo Hegseth!!!
It shouldn't have to come down to a tie-breaker. That entire room is filled with fake and gay voter fraud. Drain the swamp Mr. President!
Why the senators thought a combat veteran wouldn't drink is beyond me. If anything, he understands what the hell he's going to be asking others to do and how to keep them safe
he is going to make serving in the military cool again
Nerve wracking
Patel and RFK Jr and Bondi - people who pose the biggest threat to the deep$tate cabal - will be similarly tough
During the swearing-in, Vance answered a question: "You know as I learned with the Buckeyes just a week ago, when you win the championship you don't give a damn what the score was. We won the championship on this."
Hegseth's kids were elated. "Dad, you won on overtime."
If it's overtime for Patel, RFK and Bondi, then Hegseth is in good company.
Pete and Reee!Pete
Maybe a deep investigation of the Three Rinos is in order...