I live in a rural part of a red state. The metro areas are purple, but in my neck of the woods 70 percent voted for trump (which means a shit-done of people still don't understand, but that's a different point).
Anyway, Walmart is just a fact of life in this small town. I buy from local mom and pops when I can, but the Walmart is unavoidable for bigger grocery runs.
In the last two years I have witnessed a huge explosion of Hispanics working at our Walmart. I have not asked them if they are here legally, so my opinion that a bunch of illegals are working at Walmart is just my educated guess.
They have been tasked with the pick and deliver. They push the "semis" through the isles and pick groceries for those who choose that service. When I ask them where to find something, every single time the answer is "No eeeng-glase" .
There are dozens and dozens of them.
I've made it a point to go to Walmart more often so as to do my "research" , and to walk around a bit when it is zero outside.
Anyway, the point is this: as the deportations continue, I imagine that my Walmart will be raided someday, and the illegals removed. But will corporate Walmart be fined or penalized? If there were not easy ways to "make it" in america via these greedy corporate entities, then maybe the illegals would not be so enticed to come.
Any thoughts on what Trump may do to fortune 100 companies that have been doing whatever the fuck they want?
Trump has been disturbingly quiet re: Corporations using illegals. IMHO using illegal labor in the USA is worse than making products overseas.
Well it looks like a whole lot of Americans are going to get jobs. That’s a great thing. Don’t worry about the likes of Walmart, they’re billion $ companies. If they go under, then another company waiting in the background are waiting to step up to the challenge.
Here's what Grok says fren.
When U.S. companies knowingly hire illegal aliens, they can face both civil and criminal penalties:
Criminal Penalties: Knowingly hiring unauthorized workers can lead to criminal charges, particularly if there's a pattern or practice of such hiring. Employers can face imprisonment for up to six months if they engage in a "pattern or practice" of hiring undocumented workers. There are also fines involved, which can go up to $3,000 per unauthorized alien for each instance in this context. If an employer hires ten or more unauthorized aliens within a 12-month period with actual knowledge of their status, they could face fines up to $250,000 for an individual or $500,000 for the company, along with the possibility of up to five years in prison.
Additionally, there's the potential for loss of business licenses in some states, and businesses might have to change their hiring practices to conform to federal immigration laws. The enforcement of these penalties has seen variations over the years, with some administrations focusing more on civil fines while others have escalated to criminal prosecutions, especially since 2006 when there was a shift towards more criminal liability for employers.
In summary, the penalties for knowingly hiring illegal aliens in the U.S. include significant fines, potential jail time, and business repercussions, varying based on the frequency and severity of the violations.
Disclaimer: Grok is not a lawyer; please consult one. Don't share information that can identify you.
There have always been laws such as this. They have been ignored.
The delivery drivers at Walmart work for "Spark". They have been taken over by non english speaking people. Door dash as well, I work in a restaurant and about 50% of the drivers speak english.
Amazon hires them also.
All the call centers and banks and other companies that have hired in India and other countries. I no longer want to be asked to push a number for English and I want to speak to Americans not foreigners. Then they wonder why all these people are being scammed. IMHO I believe that these foreigners get our information from the companies they work for and either sell it or get paid to provide it to scammers in their countries.
When a company hires an employee, they have to verify it thru the U.S. government within 3 days of that employee starting work. Big fines to the company that doesn't comply. My assumption would be a major audit coming very soon to see if this step was not completed in the last 4 years. Major fines will be enacted (like 20k per employee) and they will be required to verify citizenship. Now, thee verification happens through a government system. Whether or not that is corrupted is highly possible.
Today the manager of my grocery store communicated all pages in Spanish only. I was watching her and she loved seeing the English only citizens look around in confusion. Tell me you are butt hurt without telling me how butt hurt you are. I feel sorry for any native speaking Americans working for this bitch. What? Did she say? What, what does she want done. Retarded.
A large corp like that will usually follow local and state regulations or whatever loopholes their paid bots carved for them, like H1b visas or what not. If they are hiring illegals they would be using a subcontractor and then becomes someone else’s business.
Hiring illegals is NOT legal. They have to have a green card to work. No card, no work.
My dad lived in rural red TX and has told me the exact same thing. Walmart just can’t be avoided if you want to eat. Also when driving around (ie to a DR appt) he points out all the mobile home and shack communities that popped up in a matter of days where the illegals live. Sure wish I could convince him to move closer to my red metro city.
Based on an experience in my area, I also wonder how many have forged papers/documents and are using stolen SS#s to work.
Depends on how they handle themselves most likely. I mean, how did they ever survive doing business before the surge of illegals swooped in to take all the local jobs? IMO, it will be balanced. On one hand fine them into the ground, on the other hand, they may just have to prove they are only willing to hire Citizens because, if they were to be fired into the ground, it would hurt the local citizens On the other hand that, I borrowed from my sister, the local citizens need to step up and do the work and take the jobs, if they do not then, I guess having that store to shop at or not was never that big of an issue to them.
keep in mind that any border crosser who stopped at a legal border crossing, collected their phone and SSA/ FEMA debit card are proboly not going to be considered "illegal". It is my understanding that right now they are deporting undocumented migrants (those too stupid to get the free phone and money and slipped in under the radar.
Well, if that SSA was found to be a illegal or non constitutional thing to be doing in the first place, none of that matters. No standing?
I want to know who the 4 dudes were outside our local grocery store. There were 4 twenty something Hispanics with two full carts and another well dressed guy with a notebook with them. They were at the front outside of the store awaiting a ride. They were speaking in Spanish.
I believe they are here for a reason besides “the American dream”
I'd be fine with seeing this break the spine of giants like Walmart and America having a return to mom and pop businesses
Mom and pop businesses were once the backbone of this country.
They will be once again.