As the title says: I'm looking for charities and groups doing humanitarian work to help the people getting dropped off to make it back into life at their destination, because just because they broke our laws, doesn't mean God doesnt love them too.
Google only wants to show me shitty activist charities that try and destroy immigration controls, so um looking to see if anyone knows of any groups on the ground in countries of origin to help people who didn't commit other crimes and fell for the Demorats lies and thought this was the way to come here.
I just feel like its important to both uphold the law and humanitarian standards... because I think we can hold ourselves to a higher standard
That is the home country responsibility. We covered the time they were bunking here. They can take over once they are repatriated...
Some may have many thousand $’s from the US taxpayers on their handy cash cards. I would love to know if those cards work in other countries. If so, they will be just fine.
That’s very kind of you, but I think if you really research NGO’s and charities, they are all taking advantage of your kind heart (and mine too). Probably the only way you can be sure that your intended recipient(s) receive your kindness is to have a personal relationship with the people you’re trying to help, and then aid them directly.
100%. They prey on the kindness of the well-intentioned. And we have no idea where our "support" actually goes.
To the OP and anyone who has the means, I might suggest visiting NC or LA and volunteering something even more valuable...your help those communities rebuild. Or a homeless veteran stateside. There's plenty of cleaning up needed here at home and good causes to support....directly. Unfortunately we can't solve all the world's problem. Best to start in our own backyard (so to speak).
Love this response - so much! We’ve been conditioned “America Last” for so long it will take a while to re-wire our initial reactions 🇺🇸💪🇺🇸
Same everywhere, the ad showing little child crying, that for $20 a month you can help feed, (after the NGO takes its cut).
How much do the managers in NGO’s earn? A lot. Does mass immigration mean more money for them, yes. Do they care about the consequences, no.
Charity is a corrupt business these days, our Christian humanity has been abused and weaponised against us to make lots of money.
Look at some of Katie Hopkins videos;
Immigration is big business.
These people will go back to their home country. Let their Government take care of them.
There are millions of Americans mainly in OH, HI, NC and CA that desperately need help.
Charity starts at home.
This would be a better way to help your fellow Americans. Lots of need in NC and CA among others.
Virtue signaling doesn't look good on a Patriot.
We didn't ask those MFs to invade, and we don't own them shit.
couldn't care less
I don’t care, Margaret.
Honestly, how much of our tax money has been wasted on each individual illegal alien, and you’re telling me you would volunteer to spend more to make their daily life in their home county easier? Donate to the Ronald McDonald House, help your fellow Americans instead of pissing your money away.
You might try contacting embassies and consulates. They’ll probably at least give you an idea of where to start look
There may be a few, but all of these NGOs that claim to do this spend their money on salaries and bribes that only benefit them. Very little of the money goes to the people that need it. Even the churches are in on these scams.
Its not your responsibility. Try and remember most of these guys were in prison in their home countries because they are that bad. They emptied the prisons to clean out their country. So they can put them back in prison where they belong. Most of these people have hurt children so God is not going to do anything for them. Why would anyone want to help rapist and murders. You reap what you sow.
I would pray on it.
All the deportees right now seem to be violent criminals / gang members. I guess the best way to seek help is to turn themselves into the local authorities there.
Foreign aid should be used for food shelter and medicine, not weapons . We have plenty to go around if it weren't for the grifters(aka Clinton foundation) I believe the America's will be united in helping all people
Those organizations don't exist for the most part. Most of the organizations in those countries for the depressed local populations are either doing microfinance loans that benefit the banks at least as much as the people and probably more than the people, or helping them to come here. As TrumpLovinChildofGod says, you probably have to know them directly to help.