More like put them through all the BS that a lot of Americans have to go through plus maybe make sure that they are minimally qualified to do their job. But wait, you're right, they'll just pay someone off to get it.
Do you remember when some of them refused drug testing during the COVID bullshit? I would be willing to bet that tests may have revealed HCQ and/or Ivermectin, and any other drug that was being touted as unsafe or ineffective…
Hell ya! I've gad to get drug tested most of my work life!
Oh, and don't forget the alcoholism in Congress.
I was disgusted to find out Disneyland doesn't drug test.
I'll actually be more pissed if they test positive for Alzheimer's drugs than if they test positive for narcotics. Any lawmaker who tests positive for drugs that treat Alzheimer's or dementia should either immediately be removed, or submit to cognitive tests weekly. This has been going on for a while.
A strict diversion program on par to what they do to doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, and other professional groups. They won't like it, and would likely resign their position rather than go through that.
Hear ye, hear ye... let us not forget that the Founding Fathers drank like sailors and George himself smoked the wacky-tobaccy. Social lubricants assist lawmaking, compromise.
That's a great idea. Plenty of jobs require drug tests.
Exactly. And they're not above the law.
To become a federal employee you need to do a drug test. Why does this not apply to house and senate.
While they are at it why don't they vote to get rid of insider trading for politicians.
...insider trading is always illegal. They are breaking the law and don't care.
Oh and that pot of money to pay off the people they rape!
Love it,let's extend it to all govt workers above the basic grades.
hopefully got a test for adrenochrome
Let's tack on a cognitive test and an arithmetic test while we're at it.
And immigration/naturalization civics test.
Oh…add in at least Constitution 101
Excellent!! Let's require them to get a Congressional License.
Sounds like a great way to stonewall Americans from ever getting government positions
More like put them through all the BS that a lot of Americans have to go through plus maybe make sure that they are minimally qualified to do their job. But wait, you're right, they'll just pay someone off to get it.
Question 1. The United States is a A.Constitutional Republic B. Democracy C. Tyranny run by a shadow government
🤣🤣🤣 C. ?
Troublemaker, the drug cartels will be out of business. 😂
Price of clean urine just went up😀
I have to take them to prove I am not too impaired to drive a car…they can take them to prove they are fit to drive the nation!
How about adding a breathalyzer test to the list?
Yep, take a test before going into chambers for any vote. Show up with alcohol in your system and the other side gets to cast your vote for you lol.
I was thinking we needed something like this to get rid of Pelosi.
Do you remember when some of them refused drug testing during the COVID bullshit? I would be willing to bet that tests may have revealed HCQ and/or Ivermectin, and any other drug that was being touted as unsafe or ineffective…
Hell ya! I've gad to get drug tested most of my work life! Oh, and don't forget the alcoholism in Congress. I was disgusted to find out Disneyland doesn't drug test.
Some depts, but not entertainment! They wouldn't have enough performers left. Hell, when I was there, one of the Prince Charmings was a dealer🐸
Love this
I would like to add, my Grandfather buried at Riverside would 100% support.
Ha, and breathalyzers too!
Random spot tests weekly.
There is more to this than meets the eye. She obviously knows something. Drug running in the US Congress maybe?
Let’s do it!!! It would be soooo interesting.
But, mah 4th Amendment!!!!
And sobriety tests every afternoon.
include alcohol testing before any house or senate vote.
Breathalyzer before each vote. That would work.
Yes!!! Illegal drug screening and Rx's. We need to know what drugs and medications our supposed elected officials are on.
Let's add the same mandatory injections they let the rest of the country undergo while they made themselves exempt.
She should include all their staff, too. They're the ones that draft all the legislation and insert all the BS that nobody reads before voting on it.
Drug and alcohol tests.
and breathylizers before every vote. If they're too drunk to drive a car they're too drunk to vote on bills
I'll actually be more pissed if they test positive for Alzheimer's drugs than if they test positive for narcotics. Any lawmaker who tests positive for drugs that treat Alzheimer's or dementia should either immediately be removed, or submit to cognitive tests weekly. This has been going on for a while.
Great idea, the ones against it most likely will come up positive.
100% and let's get them paid by their respective states. No more federal pay or retirement.
And then what? If they test positive demanded rehab, resignation, removal?
A strict diversion program on par to what they do to doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, and other professional groups. They won't like it, and would likely resign their position rather than go through that.
Still enough crooks there to bribe or threaten labs to give false reports. Easy way to eliminate any on the other side.
Will it test for adrenochrome?🤔
Hear ye, hear ye... let us not forget that the Founding Fathers drank like sailors and George himself smoked the wacky-tobaccy. Social lubricants assist lawmaking, compromise.