There's no such thing as a perfect algorithm. They all optimize for something. That's what makes them an algorithm. Quantum computing optimizes for time and efficiency, not quality or "opportunity".
FB optimizes for views. X optimizes for "unregretted time spent". Amazon optimizes for click through rates. Etc. They all produce waste by a function of their design naturally.
For example, Laura Loomers posts have been labeled as regretted time spent by Xs algorithm, but some still slip through due to processing issues. Quantum computing will ensure none of hers ever appear on the main algorithm.
Computing science 101. It really is taught that early. There are free lessons online if you want. Not trying to be mean but quantum computing is still a function of computing...which is still a function of people who write the logic. It's not magic.
Their issue here is they really don't like the Executive Branch having control over the executive branch. All these agencies are Executive Branch agencies. Not Congressional agencies.
Congress can only control funding and define legal authority of what an executive branch agency has the ability to do its stated function, and that used to mean "you can't have the money to create this new agency" or "OK heres the money and here is the laws the agency is allowed to enforce" but now it means "NO PLEASE SPEND MORE MONEY! YOU CAN'T JUST NOT SPEND MONEY!" and after EPA vs W Va Congress has to specifically say they have authority to do things like fine companies out of business... But can't say Executives can't manage Executive employees and hire or fire executive branch employees. When it comes to oversight and management of Executive Agency jobs and functions, literally that is the purpose of the Executive branch. Not spending enough money has never been an issue before, and they are losing it realizing that Congress doesn't have the power to force more spending in branches of government they can't control.
Court knows this but refuses to say it.
If you think they are losing it now, wait until this gets to the ATF. That agency hasn't been lawfully given authority to do most of what it has done for the last century. They have made and changed laws based on "opinion letters" that change constantly with zero Congressional backing and I suspect its going to be as drastically addressed as other agencies are seeing now. But with much more news because the ATF acts as a gatekeeper to keep the masses safe to oppress. Its an Executive agency that has a history of corruption and needs some Fast & Furious investigation to make sure cartels aren't still using it to supply themselves and using its own exposed corruption to push more gun control which makes corruption safer for the corrupt. I suspect the Courts will be forced to step in, but then it gets dicey because past Decisions already established things like Machineguns and "assault weapons" and standard capacity magazines are all in common military use which means they are unbannable. Its going to be a huge propaganda thing to try and keep the ATF from any oversight while avoiding court scrutiny that would end so much of what they worked for.
Their issue here is they really don't like the Executive Branch having control over the executive branch.
No, they don't like President Trump having control of the executive branch.
As for the rest, I think we have not even scratched the surface on what the supreme court's ruling on chevron doctrine is going to do. The corrupt US government has slowly and steadily built an unaccountable, unelected juggernaut of a deep state that they never in their wildest dreams thought would be turned against them.
They would be saying the same things about anyone else with the balls to be doing what Trump is doing right now. They fixate the hate on him but they aren't limited to him. As you say, its the corruption being undone that they really hate most. The whole return to taxation as it was a century ago - repealing income tax and replacing it with sales taxes and tariffs - should be applauded by them as a justification for illegal aliens - that means more people will directly contribute taxes that currently don't right? Yet they fight against their own interests, proving their actual intent is not what they claim. And thats just surface level lies on their part.
In simple terms, the Dems always do things 180 degrees opposite of their labels. The affordable care act make things more expensive, No child left behind means nobody gets ahead. So, if Obama created a Dept. of Government Efficiency, it was simply a way to figure out how to make things more expensive and grift a piece of the action for himself.
January 20, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. This Executive Order establishes the Department of Government Efficiency to implement the President’s DOGE Agenda, by modernizing Federal technology and software to maximize governmental efficiency and productivity.
Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) “Agency” has the meaning given to it in section 551 of title 5, United States Code, except that such term does not include the Executive Office of the President or any components thereof.
(b) “Agency Head” means the highest-ranking official of an agency, such as the Secretary, Administrator, Chairman, or Director, unless otherwise specified in this order.
Sec. 3. DOGE Structure. (a) Reorganization and Renaming of the United States Digital Service. The United States Digital Service is hereby publicly renamed as the United States DOGE Service (USDS) and shall be established in the Executive Office of the President.
(b) Establishment of a Temporary Organization. There shall be a USDS Administrator established in the Executive Office of the President who shall report to the White House Chief of Staff. There is further established within USDS, in accordance with section 3161 of title 5, United States Code, a temporary organization known as “the U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization”. The U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization shall be headed by the USDS Administrator and shall be dedicated to advancing the President’s 18-month DOGE agenda. The U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization shall terminate on July 4, 2026. The termination of the U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization shall not be interpreted to imply the termination, attenuation, or amendment of any other authority or provision of this order.
(c) DOGE Teams. In consultation with USDS, each Agency Head shall establish within their respective Agencies a DOGE Team of at least four employees, which may include Special Government Employees, hired or assigned within thirty days of the date of this Order. Agency Heads shall select the DOGE Team members in consultation with the USDS Administrator. Each DOGE Team will typically include one DOGE Team Lead, one engineer, one human resources specialist, and one attorney. Agency Heads shall ensure that DOGE Team Leads coordinate their work with USDS and advise their respective Agency Heads on implementing the President ‘s DOGE Agenda.
Sec. 4. Modernizing Federal Technology and Software to Maximize Efficiency and Productivity. (a) The USDS Administrator shall commence a Software Modernization Initiative to improve the quality and efficiency of government-wide software, network infrastructure, and information technology (IT) systems. Among other things, the USDS Administrator shall work with Agency Heads to promote inter-operability between agency networks and systems, ensure data integrity, and facilitate responsible data collection and synchronization.
EDITORS NOTE: They should use open source QUBES or Fedora/OpenSUSE or something for government computers. It's free, and better than windows in terms of secure computing and interoperability. QUBES may be too difficult for avg government user, so fedora/opensuse may be better; or they can make their own gov distribution by using the best of all distros: 1) immutable, 2) selinux and other security by default, 3) xfce because its low resource, basic and 'just works', 4) flatpaks by default, 5) whonixlike, apps and worksets run in vm containers if they aren't flatpaks....userspace should be backedup but the system doesn't need to be (ie: strict separation) and every gov employee in IT at the minimum or people who produce work products like reports need to 'git' with the program and learn minimal version control like git add, commit, etc
(b) Agency Heads shall take all necessary steps, in coordination with the USDS Administrator and to the maximum extent consistent with law, to ensure USDS has full and prompt access to all unclassified agency records, software systems, and IT systems. USDS shall adhere to rigorous data protection standards.
(c) This Executive Order displaces all prior executive orders and regulations, insofar as they are subject to direct presidential amendment, that might serve as a barrier to providing USDS access to agency records and systems as described above.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
While I support DOGE, there's not really much that it's doing to cause multi-generational change. Im glad bureaucracy is being trimmed, but Trump himself has to be working on bigger stuff. USAID is a fraction of a percentage of US spending at best. It's good, not amazing.
Amazing stuff turning their own bureaucracy against them. Barry's looking nervous, he must see it in real time.
There’s a sweet sense of satisfaction in seeing all of these bureaucratic tools that they created being turned against them.
That's what bathhouse Barry wanted to talk to Trump about during Carters funeral
Sun Tzu's Art of War States that the means to defeat an enemy often is provided by the enemy.
The rest of the post:
In Quantum Computing logic, you never let any opportunity go to waste.
I'm sure you're being sarcastic but this is the opposite of quantum computing logic
What makes you such an expert? They operate on perfect algorithms. There is no waste .
There's no such thing as a perfect algorithm. They all optimize for something. That's what makes them an algorithm. Quantum computing optimizes for time and efficiency, not quality or "opportunity".
FB optimizes for views. X optimizes for "unregretted time spent". Amazon optimizes for click through rates. Etc. They all produce waste by a function of their design naturally.
For example, Laura Loomers posts have been labeled as regretted time spent by Xs algorithm, but some still slip through due to processing issues. Quantum computing will ensure none of hers ever appear on the main algorithm.
What is you background that you can throw down such Wisdom on the issue?
Computing science 101. It really is taught that early. There are free lessons online if you want. Not trying to be mean but quantum computing is still a function of computing...which is still a function of people who write the logic. It's not magic.
Their issue here is they really don't like the Executive Branch having control over the executive branch. All these agencies are Executive Branch agencies. Not Congressional agencies.
Congress can only control funding and define legal authority of what an executive branch agency has the ability to do its stated function, and that used to mean "you can't have the money to create this new agency" or "OK heres the money and here is the laws the agency is allowed to enforce" but now it means "NO PLEASE SPEND MORE MONEY! YOU CAN'T JUST NOT SPEND MONEY!" and after EPA vs W Va Congress has to specifically say they have authority to do things like fine companies out of business... But can't say Executives can't manage Executive employees and hire or fire executive branch employees. When it comes to oversight and management of Executive Agency jobs and functions, literally that is the purpose of the Executive branch. Not spending enough money has never been an issue before, and they are losing it realizing that Congress doesn't have the power to force more spending in branches of government they can't control.
Court knows this but refuses to say it.
If you think they are losing it now, wait until this gets to the ATF. That agency hasn't been lawfully given authority to do most of what it has done for the last century. They have made and changed laws based on "opinion letters" that change constantly with zero Congressional backing and I suspect its going to be as drastically addressed as other agencies are seeing now. But with much more news because the ATF acts as a gatekeeper to keep the masses safe to oppress. Its an Executive agency that has a history of corruption and needs some Fast & Furious investigation to make sure cartels aren't still using it to supply themselves and using its own exposed corruption to push more gun control which makes corruption safer for the corrupt. I suspect the Courts will be forced to step in, but then it gets dicey because past Decisions already established things like Machineguns and "assault weapons" and standard capacity magazines are all in common military use which means they are unbannable. Its going to be a huge propaganda thing to try and keep the ATF from any oversight while avoiding court scrutiny that would end so much of what they worked for.
No, they don't like President Trump having control of the executive branch.
As for the rest, I think we have not even scratched the surface on what the supreme court's ruling on chevron doctrine is going to do. The corrupt US government has slowly and steadily built an unaccountable, unelected juggernaut of a deep state that they never in their wildest dreams thought would be turned against them.
They would be saying the same things about anyone else with the balls to be doing what Trump is doing right now. They fixate the hate on him but they aren't limited to him. As you say, its the corruption being undone that they really hate most. The whole return to taxation as it was a century ago - repealing income tax and replacing it with sales taxes and tariffs - should be applauded by them as a justification for illegal aliens - that means more people will directly contribute taxes that currently don't right? Yet they fight against their own interests, proving their actual intent is not what they claim. And thats just surface level lies on their part.
In simple terms, the Dems always do things 180 degrees opposite of their labels. The affordable care act make things more expensive, No child left behind means nobody gets ahead. So, if Obama created a Dept. of Government Efficiency, it was simply a way to figure out how to make things more expensive and grift a piece of the action for himself.
Sec. 3. DOGE Structure. (a) Reorganization and Renaming of the United States Digital Service. The United States Digital Service is hereby publicly renamed as the United States DOGE Service (USDS) and shall be established in the Executive Office of the President.
10 Years of the U.S. Digital Service: Transforming government for the digital age
WikiLink The United States Digital Service is a technology unit housed within the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The USDS was launched on August 11, 2014 by President Barack Obama
Appreciate the links.
welcome o7
This is among the greatest things I've ever read
Thanks a million, OP
The post was deleted but here is the link
404 Not Found
Classic Art of War move. Love it! 🐸
Que Ha Ha meme
I love it! Trump team is so brilliant & there's nothing they can do because if it was allowed by 'Bama, it's allowed by him. Period, slam dunk!
Murphy's Law is hitting the Cabal hard these days.
"If anything can go wrong, it will." Captain Edward A. Murphy
Now tell me Q isnt a by-the-book MIL operation!!
Whew, lad. Now THAT's some nimble navigation...
Brilliant move!
This is beyond fatality, this is a brutality. Pure pwnage.
sword is double sided
GO READ THE EO!!!!! Its right there in black and white.
Is there a link to read the EOs?
EDITORS NOTE: They should use open source QUBES or Fedora/OpenSUSE or something for government computers. It's free, and better than windows in terms of secure computing and interoperability. QUBES may be too difficult for avg government user, so fedora/opensuse may be better; or they can make their own gov distribution by using the best of all distros: 1) immutable, 2) selinux and other security by default, 3) xfce because its low resource, basic and 'just works', 4) flatpaks by default, 5) whonixlike, apps and worksets run in vm containers if they aren't flatpaks....userspace should be backedup but the system doesn't need to be (ie: strict separation) and every gov employee in IT at the minimum or people who produce work products like reports need to 'git' with the program and learn minimal version control like git add, commit, etc
Thank you friend
Can find them all at Id assume.
I so love that picture of Obama crying.
While I support DOGE, there's not really much that it's doing to cause multi-generational change. Im glad bureaucracy is being trimmed, but Trump himself has to be working on bigger stuff. USAID is a fraction of a percentage of US spending at best. It's good, not amazing.
FFS Handshake it’s been like 2 weeks.
That's the point☝️
Sounds like an SES retread or competitor to SES
(senior executive service)
Yes, or taking out the trash with a bulldozer
is SEC.GOV and FINRA going to get audited as well? Because they've kicked the can of naked short selling scam out another year just now :(