The difference is that cloud seeding and weather modification are not only documented but they outright admit to doing it while chemtrails is more about claims of poisons, drugs, and vaccines being spread from the air via either secret equipment on airliners that somehow every technician is sworn to secrecy about or claims it's mixed into the fuel and somehow not destroyed by the hundreds of degrees of heat in the combustion process. Also it doesn't address the simple question of "so how do they avoid being affected since it's not like the air stays over that spot of the Earth."
Correct. Cloud seeding is real. In fact, I literally grew up in the cloud seating capital of the planet, Calgary. It's funded by the insurance companies. They dump silver iodide for twin engine beechcraft over the thunderheads in order to get them to dump their hail over non-populated areas.
But so far, no one has come up with a legitimate explanation that adequately explains the airline logistics needed to randomly create six lines over the heads of 200+ random mental midgets on six continents every single day
Kek! Can you imagine little me going from NO social media to the change in the first month after Q's first drop!?! My eyes! 😱 Talk about total immersion! YIKES! 🫣😹🍀
What is the difference between a "legitimate" conspiracy theory and "fringe" one? Is there a list? Censoring here? I don't like that one bit. It's pretty much against all we stand for.
She means me, and I just gave her 3 days to interview the various telegram chemtard groups. She can spend her days having a grand time posting pictures of her local skies and mocking how goofy spaceships look and could they have gone to the moon? NOT HARDLY!
It's becoming more and more clear that this is not the place for you to spend her valuable online time.
Just because people disagree doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk to users about it, and you do this so well. It’s kind of getting old. Perhaps if a mod is not verbally abusive to the users here, it would be a nicer place to want to hang out. 🤷♀️
Every time this specific topic pops up, you turn into a monster. Why is that? Why does this one topic crank your chain so much? Why do you have a bee 🐝 in your bonnet?
I know it must be difficult being a full-time mod, however, being purposefully cruel to the group of people that you’re moderating, is not a good look. Try kindness.
said nothing that warranted your response. She’s not wrong in her comment. You don’t live in America, and yet we are being censored by somebody who doesn’t live in America. 🇺🇸
So am I going to get a three day vacation for just pointing out facts?
All we ask is to be treated with respect, by the mods that moderate this forum. Please and thank you.
This is not 2005. Fringe theories remain on the fringe not because people are unaware of them, but because very few people find them to have sufficient evidence.
I'm not going anywhere but I don't like to be censored. Many of us in this movement would like to know the difference between a accepted conspiracy theory and a fringe one? Ridiculous!
No one likes being censored fren, but we also cannot have people derailing discussions with things like FET etc.
When I was first here many moons ago, and started posting wrt Q, there were loads of people who'd forum slide threads with FET bullshit. That dog don't hunt. It is designed to discredit other conspiracy theories. Those types of theories have zero value here, and there are other win boards for discussing that kind of stuff if you want to do so.
But this is the strategy that the mod team have chosen for strategic reasons and we are open about that.
Other forums have been wrecked just by the taking over of certain subjects. We do our best to get the best compromise between free speech and useful content.
Remember that we are constantly under attack from paid shills from agencies who would undermine what we do, and they are known to use these subjects.
Nope, check out the sidebar. "This is a pro-Q community."
Also from the sidebar:
This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Topics related to flat earth theory, faked moon landings, and chemtrails are explicitly prohibited on The Great Awakening. Visit if that's your thing!
Everyone seems to think that this is a new rule. For the record, the rule against posting fringe conspiracies has always been in the sideboard. We just clarified it by giving some of the top examples of what we consider fringe.
I do not like how the change was made without any input from anyone. It seems heavy-handed and reminiscent of the days when the original The Donald subreddit got all new mods who brought in a ton of changes no one wanted.
The no talk about DEW seems pretty wild when there are so many videos of how things that were blue survived the attacks and plants were untouched but cars melted and buildings burnt to nothing. It just seems to have come out of nowhere and seems like slippery slope as topics get pushed into the "no no" list more and more. This board was having some very deep and interesting threads about DEW but now we are supposed to just censor ourselves and never mention it again?
A ton of people have been helped with health advice on here with all the talk about ivermectin and other tools. I hope we don't see a similar crackdown on that or this site really will have gone off the deep end. I hope that these rules will be reversed and let people speak about what is on their hearts and minds without fear of mods banning them. I expected that on facebook or the old twitter, surprised it's a thing now on here.
'Fringe' conspiracy theories have been banned for a while, you won't know if someone's acc is just taken out. Even Victor Orbin said he needs some new conspiracy theories. If not us it will just be the newagers putting them out there. I really don't understand it. I get that shills should be put out if they are going on an on about aliens or nesara/gesara (or whatever their thing is), but serious mass lie theories eg. about history that are being dug deeply on (not here obvs) should be a part of this work IMO. But then I am not a mod... maybe they just want to keep it mainly modern politics? I wasn't around during covid, were you allowed to post things about Bill Gates and the arm juice?
What I'm saying is that the point you made is without evidence. You could make the same claim about any topic. Now, if you posted proof then you would have an argument. For example, a way back machine archived page or something through, then we could see biblical related comments that were removed by the mods by comparing them to the live post.
Overall, I have to disagree with you. I have seen plenty of biblical discussions here.
"Drop all references re: 'Q' 'Qanon' etc. to avoid ban/termination"
This is referring to social media when doing so could remove you from the battlefield via a ban. It doesn't mean that you are not to discuss 'Q' at all.
Thanks for clarification. I don't particularly care about what's allowed to be discussed on the site, keep the "fringiest" of things at if it can be tied to a Q drop I think that's all that matters, since that is what this win is for. And of course, the great community here.
You got it, fren! This is exactly what we're aiming for. The problem with the fringiest of things is that they just end up going around in circles and spinning wheels. You can spend days trying to prove something that just isn't true. It's a time sponge that will produce no useful results. There are plenty of good rabbit holes to go down, so why waste time on something that, in the end, is inconsequential to the Q mission?
As so much of Q is in code, how do you know exactly what has been said by Q and what hasn't?
In addition it's the expression that matters. Q2622 says the earth isn't flat. I wouldn't have asked Q if it was flat, I would have asked if it is a globe and the answer may well have still been, 'No'. It's clear that Q answered the question they wanted to answer, but that doesn't mean we aren't supposed to dig. It could be a hint that FE is wrong, but that another shape is the truth. Or is could be misdirect... we simply don't know and nor do you.
Most of us don't want to go round in circles, but unless people dig, you don't know if a topic is a spinning wheel or revelation. Knowledge is evolving as people whistleblow or docs are unearthed and that will continue for some time to come. Q4734 is obvs against gatekeeping which is still a big feature in our lives mostly here now, where we should be able to set up frenly digs that are voluntary. When these things are no longer banned on X and FB, anon are able to post info there, but not here? Puzzlement.
I'm guessing my comment above was removed because I can't edit it. For those who don't know me by now after 4+ years, I do like to shitpost (respectfully).
Umm you do know that there is a sidebar link to q proofs?
I dunno where you are getting this idea that this site doesn't allow for q related topics, fren. It's stupid shit like FET they banned.
Right you are.
What’s FET
Something Earth Something or other, I can’t seem to remember the rest. 😈
There is no prohibition or any sort of suppression of Q proofs.
We have long prohibited a few subjects such as flat earth, but as the recent PSA shows, we are clear about it.
This previous post explains why we do this:
The exact reason I posted the PSA is because I do not want anybody to get banned for not observing the site rules so I want to make them clear.
We do not want to ban any more anons.
But, but, muh Flat Erf bro!
All the way down.
I thought it was elephants, THEN turtles!
Um, just to be clear, we’re saying chemtrails is a fringe conspiracy theory but cloud seeding and weather modification is real?
The difference is that cloud seeding and weather modification are not only documented but they outright admit to doing it while chemtrails is more about claims of poisons, drugs, and vaccines being spread from the air via either secret equipment on airliners that somehow every technician is sworn to secrecy about or claims it's mixed into the fuel and somehow not destroyed by the hundreds of degrees of heat in the combustion process. Also it doesn't address the simple question of "so how do they avoid being affected since it's not like the air stays over that spot of the Earth."
Well said, thank you.
The only other bit of context which matters: not once did Q mention weather modding or "chemtrails"
Ok, just making sure.
Correct. Cloud seeding is real. In fact, I literally grew up in the cloud seating capital of the planet, Calgary. It's funded by the insurance companies. They dump silver iodide for twin engine beechcraft over the thunderheads in order to get them to dump their hail over non-populated areas.
But so far, no one has come up with a legitimate explanation that adequately explains the airline logistics needed to randomly create six lines over the heads of 200+ random mental midgets on six continents every single day
Well, that explains a lot. Thanks for the backstory. I didn’t know that. 👍
Yes, but honestly, the whole subject area is so sensitive to the moderation team that it's best approached with that in mind or not approached at all.
1...just 1
Ok, thank you, I just wanted to be sure that I could talk about weather modification appearing to cause anthropogenic climate change.
The safest thing to do is shoot us a modmail on it.
If a mod says it's fine then you're covered.
No worries, I haven’t found any proof for flerfing or chem trails 😁. Thanks for answering my question.
Know that I'm taking the heat here because I'm looking out for the anons and warning about where the minefields are.
Just thought I'd try out one of the new gifs here:
Gosh darnit.. what a terrible time to finish up my 10 year expose on how dews effect flat earth chem trails. 😮💨
I suggest you go spend some time on 8kun or 4chan. You'll very quickly understand why the mods do what they do here.
What a kike jew ni**er thing to say! Go kill yourself! /s
(Right you absolutely are!)
LOL - spitting some old school shit right there!
Kek! Can you imagine little me going from NO social media to the change in the first month after Q's first drop!?! My eyes! 😱 Talk about total immersion! YIKES! 🫣😹🍀
I miss those days lmao
What is the difference between a "legitimate" conspiracy theory and "fringe" one? Is there a list? Censoring here? I don't like that one bit. It's pretty much against all we stand for.
What is the difference? Time.
Awesome answer!
I’m with you. I’m pretty pissed about it. It’s always the ones outside US borders who decide what we can talk about. Not American and it shows.
Thank you.
Point noted.
Although if you mean me being British, know that I am informing you of what has been decided before my time rather than making that decision.
She means me, and I just gave her 3 days to interview the various telegram chemtard groups. She can spend her days having a grand time posting pictures of her local skies and mocking how goofy spaceships look and could they have gone to the moon? NOT HARDLY!
It's becoming more and more clear that this is not the place for you to spend her valuable online time.
Just because people disagree doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk to users about it, and you do this so well. It’s kind of getting old. Perhaps if a mod is not verbally abusive to the users here, it would be a nicer place to want to hang out. 🤷♀️
Every time this specific topic pops up, you turn into a monster. Why is that? Why does this one topic crank your chain so much? Why do you have a bee 🐝 in your bonnet?
I know it must be difficult being a full-time mod, however, being purposefully cruel to the group of people that you’re moderating, is not a good look. Try kindness.
said nothing that warranted your response. She’s not wrong in her comment. You don’t live in America, and yet we are being censored by somebody who doesn’t live in America. 🇺🇸
So am I going to get a three day vacation for just pointing out facts?
All we ask is to be treated with respect, by the mods that moderate this forum. Please and thank you.
God bless you and have a great day 🙏
Nothing that you have said deserved the response that you got from cats. 🤔🤷♀️
Difference is also whether or not Q mentioned it.
The difference is in the amount of evidence.
This is not 2005. Fringe theories remain on the fringe not because people are unaware of them, but because very few people find them to have sufficient evidence.
There aren't as many rules here as there are in some other places.
Please take that win.
I'm not going anywhere but I don't like to be censored. Many of us in this movement would like to know the difference between a accepted conspiracy theory and a fringe one? Ridiculous!
No one likes being censored fren, but we also cannot have people derailing discussions with things like FET etc.
When I was first here many moons ago, and started posting wrt Q, there were loads of people who'd forum slide threads with FET bullshit. That dog don't hunt. It is designed to discredit other conspiracy theories. Those types of theories have zero value here, and there are other win boards for discussing that kind of stuff if you want to do so.
I feel for your position fren, really I do.
But this is the strategy that the mod team have chosen for strategic reasons and we are open about that.
Other forums have been wrecked just by the taking over of certain subjects. We do our best to get the best compromise between free speech and useful content.
Remember that we are constantly under attack from paid shills from agencies who would undermine what we do, and they are known to use these subjects.
Nope, check out the sidebar. "This is a pro-Q community."
Also from the sidebar: This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Topics related to flat earth theory, faked moon landings, and chemtrails are explicitly prohibited on The Great Awakening. Visit if that's your thing!
Everyone seems to think that this is a new rule. For the record, the rule against posting fringe conspiracies has always been in the sideboard. We just clarified it by giving some of the top examples of what we consider fringe.
There is nothing new here.
I do not like how the change was made without any input from anyone. It seems heavy-handed and reminiscent of the days when the original The Donald subreddit got all new mods who brought in a ton of changes no one wanted.
The no talk about DEW seems pretty wild when there are so many videos of how things that were blue survived the attacks and plants were untouched but cars melted and buildings burnt to nothing. It just seems to have come out of nowhere and seems like slippery slope as topics get pushed into the "no no" list more and more. This board was having some very deep and interesting threads about DEW but now we are supposed to just censor ourselves and never mention it again?
A ton of people have been helped with health advice on here with all the talk about ivermectin and other tools. I hope we don't see a similar crackdown on that or this site really will have gone off the deep end. I hope that these rules will be reversed and let people speak about what is on their hearts and minds without fear of mods banning them. I expected that on facebook or the old twitter, surprised it's a thing now on here.
This isn't a change. This has always been the rule. We just added examples of what we consider to be fringe conspiracy theories.
'Fringe' conspiracy theories have been banned for a while, you won't know if someone's acc is just taken out. Even Victor Orbin said he needs some new conspiracy theories. If not us it will just be the newagers putting them out there. I really don't understand it. I get that shills should be put out if they are going on an on about aliens or nesara/gesara (or whatever their thing is), but serious mass lie theories eg. about history that are being dug deeply on (not here obvs) should be a part of this work IMO. But then I am not a mod... maybe they just want to keep it mainly modern politics? I wasn't around during covid, were you allowed to post things about Bill Gates and the arm juice?
Yes. Covid is fair game.
Suck it TF up and quit crying. This is a Q board. If Q mentioned it, it’s fair game.
Go get an X account and drop truth bombs 💣 (something similar)… be a digi-soldier and drive on!
This is literally a Q research board and this is an extra regarded take.
No one is taking away Q proofs. Please spend a few minutes to read the sideboard.
Show one example of a Qproof that won't be allowed here. Just one, I'll be waiting patiently.
Q mentions 'BIBLICAL', 10 times. Does GA allow that to be dug on, considered in depth? No.
When have they stopped that? Users post prayers and other things from the Bible all the time. I've never seen them censor that.
You don't see the censorship. Think about it. You'll never know much of what is taken down or who is banned.
But you could make that claim about anything.
Don't understand your point. There is censorship here about biblical stuff as well as many other areas.
What I'm saying is that the point you made is without evidence. You could make the same claim about any topic. Now, if you posted proof then you would have an argument. For example, a way back machine archived page or something through, then we could see biblical related comments that were removed by the mods by comparing them to the live post.
Overall, I have to disagree with you. I have seen plenty of biblical discussions here.
OK, well I'm not about to put evidence up for obvious reasons, but I assure you biblical discussions are not as welcome here as you believe they are.
We see you.
Q actually said not to talk about Q / QAnon / etc. Why is discussion of Q allowed on this site ? Serious question.
"Drop all references re: 'Q' 'Qanon' etc. to avoid ban/termination"
This is referring to social media when doing so could remove you from the battlefield via a ban. It doesn't mean that you are not to discuss 'Q' at all.
And _censorship install
Thanks for clarification. I don't particularly care about what's allowed to be discussed on the site, keep the "fringiest" of things at if it can be tied to a Q drop I think that's all that matters, since that is what this win is for. And of course, the great community here.
You got it, fren! This is exactly what we're aiming for. The problem with the fringiest of things is that they just end up going around in circles and spinning wheels. You can spend days trying to prove something that just isn't true. It's a time sponge that will produce no useful results. There are plenty of good rabbit holes to go down, so why waste time on something that, in the end, is inconsequential to the Q mission?
Yeah, I totally agree with that.
As so much of Q is in code, how do you know exactly what has been said by Q and what hasn't?
In addition it's the expression that matters. Q2622 says the earth isn't flat. I wouldn't have asked Q if it was flat, I would have asked if it is a globe and the answer may well have still been, 'No'. It's clear that Q answered the question they wanted to answer, but that doesn't mean we aren't supposed to dig. It could be a hint that FE is wrong, but that another shape is the truth. Or is could be misdirect... we simply don't know and nor do you.
Most of us don't want to go round in circles, but unless people dig, you don't know if a topic is a spinning wheel or revelation. Knowledge is evolving as people whistleblow or docs are unearthed and that will continue for some time to come. Q4734 is obvs against gatekeeping which is still a big feature in our lives mostly here now, where we should be able to set up frenly digs that are voluntary. When these things are no longer banned on X and FB, anon are able to post info there, but not here? Puzzlement.
Doesn't seem like a serious question tho
Serious as a heart attack. It says right in the drop to avoid censorship install
I'll follow the rules
Cooperation is appreciated fren. In a perfect world mods wouldn't have to remove a single post.
Agree. I know you guys/gals have to deal with tons of tards and shills (as do regular users here to some extent), so I get it.
I'm guessing my comment above was removed because I can't edit it. For those who don't know me by now after 4+ years, I do like to shitpost (respectfully).