everyone says DS does the same thing over and over, well we aren't any better. every dirty dick gets to just quit, either get a great pension or get a cushy new job and continue to live their pdf life.
If he were fired outright, there would be a case for contest in proving any cause for firing. If he resigns...and doesn't slink out of Dodge...he is available for interrogation and investigation, to facilitate future prosecution. Remember, the White Hats must be meticulous in the current uncertain judicial environment. "Well, Mr. Dennehy, before we start the questioning, is there any states' evidence you would like to offer in mitigation of your circumstances?"
They gave him the option. Either retire willingly or you’re fired. Not sure if they can charge him with a crime instantly or perhaps they wanna dig up some more dirt to stick on this POS. Remember they have to do everything by the book.
i remember Q saying they have it all......so.......WTH, do something besides letting them retire in luxury or allowing them to get another cushy job and rape more kids. how much more time do they get to roam free??? they have already committed crimes why allow them more time to cause more damage?
how many death sentences can one person get??
if we play by Q's rules, if we kill one or 100 we will still be allowed to wallow around free cause, well you know, rules and by the book and all, FFS. our children deserve better.
How could Bondi not know what many on this site have known for years. Really that clueless? Or is she just acting dumb for some reason. She’s supposedly friends with Kash, wouldn’t he have discussed this with her? Doesn’t seem to add up.
I guess if she had just fired him or whatnot the news would have been like she's a tyrant. So for optics she'd have to play dumb and let public sees the obstruction of justice the roaches did
Yeah you have a point but from years of witnessing White Hats at work, they do have a motto : Show, don't tell.
Perhaps if it's recorded in History book, "showing" solidifies the narrative for future generations. We're just fortunate to witness this process firsthand.
Well, at some point, something is going to have to actually change for us to ever get to a point where any narrative is made for it to be solidified.
It's not like all of a sudden, decades from now people are going to spontaneously just start changing their mind because of something they read in history books.
And those History books with all this stuff that is supposed to be shown will never get printed if something doesn't change soon.
I mean, do you get where I'm going with this? I'm suffering some mean brain fog today and I'm sure my point isn't coming through very clearly here.
I think you're perhaps getting impatient. It is frustrating to witness something so simple being executed in a roundabout way. I'm more of a Point A to B type of person myself. This whole movement really trained me in the art of Patience :)
Just remember we're fighting a century old swamp and not just one body of "government".
I'm not the one setting the time tables. I'm not the one running around saying this and that is going to happen on such and such date.
My point is that this entire forum is full of that type of thing. The goalposts are constantly being moved, and if you point it out that they're being moved, then people act like you're the one moving the goalposts.
It's all optics. Trump and his supports have to win the court of public opinion. Everything has to go to hell publically for Trump to initiate public military control which we've had since the 2020 election.
That's what the four years of Biden was supposed to be. Things going to hell so the court of public opinion would fall in favor of Trump.
But that didn't happen. After four years of Biden, the court of public opinion still hasn't swung his way.
So now we have to have things go to hell even more while Trump is in office in order for public opinion to change?
People are going to somehow magically become more in favor of Trump if shit gets worse while he's President?
In what world does that make sense?
Also, if we've secretly had military control since 2020, why do we need to do anything to make it public now? I mean, he's President. He gained public control of the military when he was sworn in. He doesn't have to do anything more in order to get public military control. He already has it.
Are you new to this? Or are you a tree in a cliff? Hm.
Optics is easy to understand. The economy from the Biden years pushed Trump to the win. Now he's on a tear to complete his task in four years. Part of that task involves waking the rest of the people up to just how criminal our global government is.
What do I mean? Well, let's take a look at Optics:
I saw an interview tonight where Ilhan Omar was telling the interviewer that Minnesota will go dark without the electricity that Canada sells them. This is a pants-on-head level of bullshit. But that's what the news is highlighting about the Tariffs about to hit Canada. Not the huge amount of Fentanyl being manufactured by Chinese agents running gangs and laundering drug money through Canada. Nope. MN will be in the dark ages. BECAUSE OF TRUMP. It doesn't matter that we can literally produce over 130% of our electrical demand, but don't because of government interference in the name of "climate change" and our grid is interconnected, so we can generate it anywhere in the US and feed MN's grid to keep them from having to drink toilet water. Nope. MN is literally already doomed, guiz.
Taking that level of bullshit, what do you think would happen if the FBI agent in charge wasn't forced to resign? I can see the headlines: 'Epstein docs released, but this poor FBI agent who only ever wanted to fight crime and is as pure as the driven snow won't see his children this winter because of TRUMP, the evilest man who ever eviled.'
So, what's more important? Some midlevel agent that can toss in the slammer in a year or releasing the Epstein information?
No, I'm not new to this. Didn't you read where I spoke of what people here have been saying for the past 4 years?
My point is that the story keeps changing. Want me to point you to conversations saying that, because of optics, Biden was supposed to completely tank the economy and everyone was supposed to suffer miserably in a collapsed economy with a failed fiat system, and only when things got that bad would all the normies realize how horrible liberals are and will vote in Trump, who would fix everything as soon as he was in office.
But now, things are supposed to get even worse, again, for optics? Because we still need normies to see how bad things get?
Sometimes I wonder if I just have a remarkable memory, that I can remember all these things, or if everyone else just has the memory span of a goldfish.
This movement has been around for more than 4 years, though, and you ignored all of my points.
What is the right answer to getting out of bed in the morning? In general, the answer is 'you should get your ass up'. But tomorrow, it's learned that you are an asymptomatic carrier for typhoid. Why do you then get mad at the people who were trying to help what they thought was depression and guided you to the wrong choice?
If you've been here, then you know that this isn't the Church. There is not a line of doctrine, and many have views that are inconsistent or downright at odds of others.
You fell for date faggers and those that had theories that didn't pan out. Instead of lashing out at other theories, why did they not pan out? What parts are true and what parts were false? Use your memory - do you remember a time like now where so many accepted a conspiracy theory as fact against the MSM's narrative?
You must not be very familiar with office politics (or politics in general). All this was suspected, no doubt. But they are going through this as a kabuki drama in order to PLAY TO THE AUDIENCE. And who is the audience? Just about everyone. So, this is a classic "police procedural," in which everything is done by the book in an impeccable operation.
Now they will get LOTS of material. And they have it in black-and-white that agents of the FBI broke their oath of office to defy orders and traduce justice. How do you get them to had it to you on a silver platter? Ask for it very nicely! (And follow through with SWAT teams and door rams.)
First, they force them out of their job one way or the other, so they no longer have control and access over anything. Second, once they have the opportunity and time to check out everything, all the evidence, when they’re certain they have a solid case, then, and only then, do they file charges and make any arrest.
Why is his house not raided and he arrested? We are quick to forget on the right side. We still think resigning is good. Until that changes he will still be rich and connected to his criminal base.
Arrested for what crime? Where is the indictment? Now he is a Person Of Interest in an ongoing investigation. He will be under strict surveillance. Any attempt to contact anyone will be noted and recorded. He will keep. Indictments can take their own time. You should be approving of this approach.
So you are saying when a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it this tree makes no sound because their is no proof of the sound because there was no witness?
It does make a sound because the tree fell and afterwards we can see the tree fell.
Have you noticed the wolves have taken off their cloths once again and now are wearing the same cloths as their opposition? They believe they are slick for doing this but it will not work either.
They were slime when they wore the cloths of the antifa, they were slime when they wore the cloths of blm, they were slime when they wore the Patriot front cloths, they were slime when they wore the white hats. Now they still think they are smarter than their opposition. Yet they still can not stop exposing themselves.
To appease the outcome of this guy is hilariously funny.
I don't follow your allusion to an old Greek philosophical dilemma. But if there is no one present (vacant planet), it makes air vibrations but no sound. Sound is a sensory response, and requires sentient beings for it to register.
All we would have on this guy is a failure to follow an order. That is not a crime, so there can be no arrest for that. It would be a basis for firing the person, but the Civil Service has a bothersome procedure that would take up time and get in the way. Easier to remove the guy under his own steam and keep him on a leash as a person under investigation. He can be punished retroactively, say by disallowing his pension. Or, he might be found implicated in a crime arising from failure to conform to the statutes pertaining to the handling of evidence, indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced. All in good time.
I'm not sure I'm quite getting the wolves and their clothing metaphor. Right now, it seems like they are all wearing Democrat uniforms. Maybe that is what you are getting at. More generally, I am beginning to suspect they are manifesting the symptoms of drinking too much of their own bathwater. They are living in an alternate reality, and too much of that becomes a full-blown psychosis. Makes for poor decisions.
James can't figure out why? It's time for these people who are trying to actively sabotage our Country, prevent the Duly Elected President from carrying out his duties, to face the consequences of their actions. Resigning is not enough. Regular American citizens if committing crimes face consequences. These people do not deserve to "resign", receive a pension, and write books which are essentially paybacks for playing along. If they committed a crime, they gotta do the time and lose their Pension. They have had NO Consequences. Rant off.
Have any of you considered that Kash and Pam are in no hurry to arrest Agent Dennehy because he just may not be the biggest fish? Because he isn't...
Maurene Comey (Former Director Comey's daughter) still works as an assistant US Attorney at SDNY. She prosecuted the Maxwell case, the Epstein case, and is now working the Diddy case.
Why would the Epstein docs be hidden at SDNY? She prosecuted the cases so James Comey sent them there. I'd assume the Diddy files are also there. Same for the Maxwell files. I wonder if Kash and Pam requested those as well to review? They can't make her docs public because there are still pending issues but there may be more info than what is in the Epstein stuff.
If I were Kash or Pam I certainly wouldn't arrest Dennehy yet. I would wait until he is out of DC and pay him a visit. I'm sure they would give him a deal to get to both Comeys and whoever above James (Garland/Harris/Biden) they could get to. He would know the dirt. I also think James Comey would sing on Garland.
I don't think we will hear anything about Dennehy until a deal is in place and 1 or both of the Comeys are arrested.
Resign? How about fire him, charge him with an obvious federal crime, have a quick trial, then prison for life.
Traitor and most likely a P-D-File PoS.
seems we use the same ole' playbook as well.
everyone says DS does the same thing over and over, well we aren't any better. every dirty dick gets to just quit, either get a great pension or get a cushy new job and continue to live their pdf life.
Turns out we were playing the long game in order to catch the big fish. The biggest fish can best be caught with smaller but super tasty fish.
Sadly, if they earned their pension they will get it-even if in jail. But I am not against charging them and trying them in a "normal" court of law.
That's what I'm afraid of, although a few posters have an interesting take on by the book to eventually (hopefully!) prosecute these creeps.
You can resign,quicker than they can fire you.
It takes a few days to put together the paperwork.
If he were fired outright, there would be a case for contest in proving any cause for firing. If he resigns...and doesn't slink out of Dodge...he is available for interrogation and investigation, to facilitate future prosecution. Remember, the White Hats must be meticulous in the current uncertain judicial environment. "Well, Mr. Dennehy, before we start the questioning, is there any states' evidence you would like to offer in mitigation of your circumstances?"
Interesting. Sounds plausible.
Because the two tiered justice system is still intact
They gave him the option. Either retire willingly or you’re fired. Not sure if they can charge him with a crime instantly or perhaps they wanna dig up some more dirt to stick on this POS. Remember they have to do everything by the book.
i remember Q saying they have it all......so.......WTH, do something besides letting them retire in luxury or allowing them to get another cushy job and rape more kids. how much more time do they get to roam free??? they have already committed crimes why allow them more time to cause more damage?
how many death sentences can one person get??
if we play by Q's rules, if we kill one or 100 we will still be allowed to wallow around free cause, well you know, rules and by the book and all, FFS. our children deserve better.
Got it.
How could Bondi not know what many on this site have known for years. Really that clueless? Or is she just acting dumb for some reason. She’s supposedly friends with Kash, wouldn’t he have discussed this with her? Doesn’t seem to add up.
She has to appear to be fair,I guess.
Now everyone knows he should be fired.
Just playing that blonde part in this movie....
Who is "everyone"? Because there are plenty of normies who don't think that.
Sorry I forget I don't know any commies or live in a commie state.
Lucky you.
But yeah. Kind of hard to speak for everyone when you're not surrounded by idiots.
Everyone i know then....
Again, lucky you. But you really should remember that what you personally experience isn't what everyone else is experiencing.
I don't like to waste a lot of words.
Most people can keep on scrolling......
Dems don't care to be fair when they are in charge. Legal or not, they just do it and the willing 4th arm, the media, gives them cover.
I guess if she had just fired him or whatnot the news would have been like she's a tyrant. So for optics she'd have to play dumb and let public sees the obstruction of justice the roaches did
Really? Who would have thought she was a tyrant if she had fired him? The same people who already think she's a tyrant?
Yeah you have a point but from years of witnessing White Hats at work, they do have a motto : Show, don't tell.
Perhaps if it's recorded in History book, "showing" solidifies the narrative for future generations. We're just fortunate to witness this process firsthand.
Well, at some point, something is going to have to actually change for us to ever get to a point where any narrative is made for it to be solidified.
It's not like all of a sudden, decades from now people are going to spontaneously just start changing their mind because of something they read in history books.
And those History books with all this stuff that is supposed to be shown will never get printed if something doesn't change soon.
I mean, do you get where I'm going with this? I'm suffering some mean brain fog today and I'm sure my point isn't coming through very clearly here.
I think you're perhaps getting impatient. It is frustrating to witness something so simple being executed in a roundabout way. I'm more of a Point A to B type of person myself. This whole movement really trained me in the art of Patience :)
Just remember we're fighting a century old swamp and not just one body of "government".
I'm not the one setting the time tables. I'm not the one running around saying this and that is going to happen on such and such date.
My point is that this entire forum is full of that type of thing. The goalposts are constantly being moved, and if you point it out that they're being moved, then people act like you're the one moving the goalposts.
It's all optics. Trump and his supports have to win the court of public opinion. Everything has to go to hell publically for Trump to initiate public military control which we've had since the 2020 election.
See, this right here is what I don't understand.
That's what the four years of Biden was supposed to be. Things going to hell so the court of public opinion would fall in favor of Trump.
But that didn't happen. After four years of Biden, the court of public opinion still hasn't swung his way.
So now we have to have things go to hell even more while Trump is in office in order for public opinion to change?
People are going to somehow magically become more in favor of Trump if shit gets worse while he's President?
In what world does that make sense?
Also, if we've secretly had military control since 2020, why do we need to do anything to make it public now? I mean, he's President. He gained public control of the military when he was sworn in. He doesn't have to do anything more in order to get public military control. He already has it.
Are you new to this? Or are you a tree in a cliff? Hm.
Optics is easy to understand. The economy from the Biden years pushed Trump to the win. Now he's on a tear to complete his task in four years. Part of that task involves waking the rest of the people up to just how criminal our global government is.
What do I mean? Well, let's take a look at Optics:
I saw an interview tonight where Ilhan Omar was telling the interviewer that Minnesota will go dark without the electricity that Canada sells them. This is a pants-on-head level of bullshit. But that's what the news is highlighting about the Tariffs about to hit Canada. Not the huge amount of Fentanyl being manufactured by Chinese agents running gangs and laundering drug money through Canada. Nope. MN will be in the dark ages. BECAUSE OF TRUMP. It doesn't matter that we can literally produce over 130% of our electrical demand, but don't because of government interference in the name of "climate change" and our grid is interconnected, so we can generate it anywhere in the US and feed MN's grid to keep them from having to drink toilet water. Nope. MN is literally already doomed, guiz.
Taking that level of bullshit, what do you think would happen if the FBI agent in charge wasn't forced to resign? I can see the headlines: 'Epstein docs released, but this poor FBI agent who only ever wanted to fight crime and is as pure as the driven snow won't see his children this winter because of TRUMP, the evilest man who ever eviled.'
So, what's more important? Some midlevel agent that can toss in the slammer in a year or releasing the Epstein information?
No, I'm not new to this. Didn't you read where I spoke of what people here have been saying for the past 4 years?
My point is that the story keeps changing. Want me to point you to conversations saying that, because of optics, Biden was supposed to completely tank the economy and everyone was supposed to suffer miserably in a collapsed economy with a failed fiat system, and only when things got that bad would all the normies realize how horrible liberals are and will vote in Trump, who would fix everything as soon as he was in office.
But now, things are supposed to get even worse, again, for optics? Because we still need normies to see how bad things get?
Sometimes I wonder if I just have a remarkable memory, that I can remember all these things, or if everyone else just has the memory span of a goldfish.
This movement has been around for more than 4 years, though, and you ignored all of my points.
What is the right answer to getting out of bed in the morning? In general, the answer is 'you should get your ass up'. But tomorrow, it's learned that you are an asymptomatic carrier for typhoid. Why do you then get mad at the people who were trying to help what they thought was depression and guided you to the wrong choice?
If you've been here, then you know that this isn't the Church. There is not a line of doctrine, and many have views that are inconsistent or downright at odds of others.
You fell for date faggers and those that had theories that didn't pan out. Instead of lashing out at other theories, why did they not pan out? What parts are true and what parts were false? Use your memory - do you remember a time like now where so many accepted a conspiracy theory as fact against the MSM's narrative?
You must not be very familiar with office politics (or politics in general). All this was suspected, no doubt. But they are going through this as a kabuki drama in order to PLAY TO THE AUDIENCE. And who is the audience? Just about everyone. So, this is a classic "police procedural," in which everything is done by the book in an impeccable operation.
Now they will get LOTS of material. And they have it in black-and-white that agents of the FBI broke their oath of office to defy orders and traduce justice. How do you get them to had it to you on a silver platter? Ask for it very nicely! (And follow through with SWAT teams and door rams.)
This is clearly all an act. They've known this for years. Lol. Now they are exposing it slowly so the remaining sheep/zombies can follow along.
Just because he "Retired" doesn't mean he's off the hook.
Forced out? Why wasn't he arrested?
First, they force them out of their job one way or the other, so they no longer have control and access over anything. Second, once they have the opportunity and time to check out everything, all the evidence, when they’re certain they have a solid case, then, and only then, do they file charges and make any arrest.
Why is his house not raided and he arrested? We are quick to forget on the right side. We still think resigning is good. Until that changes he will still be rich and connected to his criminal base.
Arrested for what crime? Where is the indictment? Now he is a Person Of Interest in an ongoing investigation. He will be under strict surveillance. Any attempt to contact anyone will be noted and recorded. He will keep. Indictments can take their own time. You should be approving of this approach.
So you are saying when a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it this tree makes no sound because their is no proof of the sound because there was no witness?
It does make a sound because the tree fell and afterwards we can see the tree fell.
Have you noticed the wolves have taken off their cloths once again and now are wearing the same cloths as their opposition? They believe they are slick for doing this but it will not work either.
They were slime when they wore the cloths of the antifa, they were slime when they wore the cloths of blm, they were slime when they wore the Patriot front cloths, they were slime when they wore the white hats. Now they still think they are smarter than their opposition. Yet they still can not stop exposing themselves.
To appease the outcome of this guy is hilariously funny.
I don't follow your allusion to an old Greek philosophical dilemma. But if there is no one present (vacant planet), it makes air vibrations but no sound. Sound is a sensory response, and requires sentient beings for it to register.
All we would have on this guy is a failure to follow an order. That is not a crime, so there can be no arrest for that. It would be a basis for firing the person, but the Civil Service has a bothersome procedure that would take up time and get in the way. Easier to remove the guy under his own steam and keep him on a leash as a person under investigation. He can be punished retroactively, say by disallowing his pension. Or, he might be found implicated in a crime arising from failure to conform to the statutes pertaining to the handling of evidence, indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced. All in good time.
I'm not sure I'm quite getting the wolves and their clothing metaphor. Right now, it seems like they are all wearing Democrat uniforms. Maybe that is what you are getting at. More generally, I am beginning to suspect they are manifesting the symptoms of drinking too much of their own bathwater. They are living in an alternate reality, and too much of that becomes a full-blown psychosis. Makes for poor decisions.
Drip,drip,drip I’m comfy.. have patience my frens.
Bill Barr better be atoning for his father's crimes! From what I understand his father gave Epstein his first job as a teacher! Imagine that!
Ohhhh ...so THAT'S the "narrative" is it?
oh man, an early retirement. that sucks so bad for the guy
Dennehy is not the big fish we want who was controlling him
James can't figure out why? It's time for these people who are trying to actively sabotage our Country, prevent the Duly Elected President from carrying out his duties, to face the consequences of their actions. Resigning is not enough. Regular American citizens if committing crimes face consequences. These people do not deserve to "resign", receive a pension, and write books which are essentially paybacks for playing along. If they committed a crime, they gotta do the time and lose their Pension. They have had NO Consequences. Rant off.
Not “hiding”.
That evidence is gone.
Have any of you considered that Kash and Pam are in no hurry to arrest Agent Dennehy because he just may not be the biggest fish? Because he isn't...
Maurene Comey (Former Director Comey's daughter) still works as an assistant US Attorney at SDNY. She prosecuted the Maxwell case, the Epstein case, and is now working the Diddy case.
Why would the Epstein docs be hidden at SDNY? She prosecuted the cases so James Comey sent them there. I'd assume the Diddy files are also there. Same for the Maxwell files. I wonder if Kash and Pam requested those as well to review? They can't make her docs public because there are still pending issues but there may be more info than what is in the Epstein stuff.
If I were Kash or Pam I certainly wouldn't arrest Dennehy yet. I would wait until he is out of DC and pay him a visit. I'm sure they would give him a deal to get to both Comeys and whoever above James (Garland/Harris/Biden) they could get to. He would know the dirt. I also think James Comey would sing on Garland.
I don't think we will hear anything about Dennehy until a deal is in place and 1 or both of the Comeys are arrested.
I also found this article while searching for Maurene cases. Jesse Watters thinks the same thing about her as I do.
Does the delay make more sense now?