"A View from the Couch: The Real Reason They Won’t Release the Epstein Files
They want you to think the Epstein files are just about a sex trafficking ring. They’re not. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. The real reason they can’t release them? Because, like the JFK, RFK, and MLK files… like the financial crimes of Sam Bankman-Fried and Ross Ulbricht… like the corruption investigations tied to Diddy… it all leads back to the same place.
A global blackmail and financial control network—one that traces through intelligence agencies, deep-state operatives, and the old power structures that have ruled from the shadows. The CIA, Mossad, the Nazis who fled to South America, and the Prussians entrenched in the Bank of England. This isn’t a collection of isolated scandals—it’s a worldwide Ponzi scheme of power and control.
The only way to release the truth is all at once. That’s why they stall. That’s why they cover up. Because if one domino falls, they all do.
There can be no better explanation at this point. This operation is about literally saving the world. Expectations need to be tempered. We are not privy to perhaps 80% of the information those in the know and part of the plan have...
A reasonable reason things, other than the flight log name list, haven't been released is that they are evidence that would be used in criminal trials. If that information is just thrown out to the public, it would make it difficult to perform successful prosecutions.
To think that they can’t say it bc it could corrupt hearings while at the same time leading us to that conclusion just doesn’t hold water.
It’s “”seems”” likely that many have already had their day in court out of the public eye. There’s a few here that get rubbed raw over this way of thinking due to secret hearings not being what the founders had intended, I GET IT.
But,,, imagine what it might be like if in a year from now we’ve got 100s/1000s of deeply scandalous hearings on the corruption of prominent figures all taking place simultaneously.?. It would be like everything we had just gone through was for nothing. We would have at least a decade of highly publicized hearings happening in realtime with all the same emotions and opinions we’ve been dealing with since Trump arrived on the scene. If you thought the country was on the tip of collapse during Trump’s first term that would pale in comparison to going through those hearings.
It would also severely jeopardize/slowdown the corrective course we are on now because ppl wouldn’t have the bandwidth to absorb and debate whether those things are good ideas or not. It would just cause waaaay too many variables to the point that the agreed upon outcome would constantly be in jeopardy.
That said, I ABSOLUTELY believe that the vast majority of hearings that “have occurred” will be available for public consumption. They have to be or Americans will always question what really happened.
We are not privy to perhaps 80% of the information those in the know and part of the plan have...
This. Or maybe closer to 90%.
The way I like to say it is: Everything we know, Trump and the white hats also know, plus ten times more.
So with each new shocking, mind-numbingly horrific piece of info that comes our way about what the demons of the deep state have been doing, we can always relax in that comforting knowledge. "Trump's got a plan for this."
white hats cant save all of the still missing children until normal people promise not to hurt everyone. We have to be protected from them at the expense of the children.
"A View from the Couch: The Real Reason They Won’t Release the Epstein Files
They want you to think the Epstein files are just about a sex trafficking ring. They’re not. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. The real reason they can’t release them? Because, like the JFK, RFK, and MLK files… like the financial crimes of Sam Bankman-Fried and Ross Ulbricht… like the corruption investigations tied to Diddy… it all leads back to the same place.
A global blackmail and financial control network—one that traces through intelligence agencies, deep-state operatives, and the old power structures that have ruled from the shadows. The CIA, Mossad, the Nazis who fled to South America, and the Prussians entrenched in the Bank of England. This isn’t a collection of isolated scandals—it’s a worldwide Ponzi scheme of power and control.
The only way to release the truth is all at once. That’s why they stall. That’s why they cover up. Because if one domino falls, they all do.
And that moment is coming."
There can be no better explanation at this point. This operation is about literally saving the world. Expectations need to be tempered. We are not privy to perhaps 80% of the information those in the know and part of the plan have...
A reasonable reason things, other than the flight log name list, haven't been released is that they are evidence that would be used in criminal trials. If that information is just thrown out to the public, it would make it difficult to perform successful prosecutions.
Came here to say just that, “Nahhh”.
To think that they can’t say it bc it could corrupt hearings while at the same time leading us to that conclusion just doesn’t hold water.
It’s “”seems”” likely that many have already had their day in court out of the public eye. There’s a few here that get rubbed raw over this way of thinking due to secret hearings not being what the founders had intended, I GET IT.
But,,, imagine what it might be like if in a year from now we’ve got 100s/1000s of deeply scandalous hearings on the corruption of prominent figures all taking place simultaneously.?. It would be like everything we had just gone through was for nothing. We would have at least a decade of highly publicized hearings happening in realtime with all the same emotions and opinions we’ve been dealing with since Trump arrived on the scene. If you thought the country was on the tip of collapse during Trump’s first term that would pale in comparison to going through those hearings.
It would also severely jeopardize/slowdown the corrective course we are on now because ppl wouldn’t have the bandwidth to absorb and debate whether those things are good ideas or not. It would just cause waaaay too many variables to the point that the agreed upon outcome would constantly be in jeopardy.
That said, I ABSOLUTELY believe that the vast majority of hearings that “have occurred” will be available for public consumption. They have to be or Americans will always question what really happened.
This. Or maybe closer to 90%.
The way I like to say it is: Everything we know, Trump and the white hats also know, plus ten times more.
So with each new shocking, mind-numbingly horrific piece of info that comes our way about what the demons of the deep state have been doing, we can always relax in that comforting knowledge. "Trump's got a plan for this."
You'll find this helpful, anon:
A doomfagging thread went up yesterday. You'd like it there.
Made me laugh. On point : ]
Do you still think Joe Biden was really President? ;)
His son is untouched like it
It never happened and joe is dead.
And they can't release them while indictments are still sealed, right? and more are being added.
The declass was never specifically for US, the declass was to get the information into the hands of people that can and will hunt them.
"That's why they stall". Who is THEY? WH or BH?
white hats cant save all of the still missing children until normal people promise not to hurt everyone. We have to be protected from them at the expense of the children.