HA Trump just went scorched earth on these Tesla terrorists and those who are funding it. Maybe with El Salvador being a possibility plus the 20 years perhaps these fags and cowards will stop
The only part so far that kind sucked but was understandable was when Peter handed him an easy question on who killed JFK.
But really the last person as President to be naming those involved well he became a part of that very question lol
Not mad about it. But imagine if he dead panned looked at the camera and said multiple intelligence agencies within multiple Governments plus other influencers worked together to kill him. Even that would have been stellar.
i've been watching the Diddy and JayZ lawsuits. i'm hoping once the black population realizes Diddy and JayZ, (Beyonce, Kayne West, etc and all this "black excellence crap") comes out about how horribly they treated their own people, will stop this racism BS for good. (don't get me wrong the Diddler and his associates did horrible things to all races). but if you are a poor black person and think Diddy and JayZ give one shit about you, you are wrong.
so tired of hearing racism this, racism that, when they find out their own people sold them out 'once again' (black democrats screaming loud and proud, while selling their souls to the highest bidder), maybe they will realize, people are people. skin color does not matter.
i never, ever liked that woman. i def had never met her, obviously, was only 1 when JFK got shot, but through the years of watching all of this unfold, i just never seen anything so great about her, ever.
i still wonder where JFK Jr got his good looks from? his sister is homely as hell, his dad was NOT a stud and Jackie was homely, too, imo.
and i still don't like when people compare Melania to her. i think Melania is her own person, has her own style, etc. Jackie O acted more like Big Mike, an i don't want to be here kind of vibe. like she couldn't give two shits about this country. and seeing how her daughter and gkids turned out, i think i'm right about her communistic ways.
a lot of people felt sorry for her because JFK screwed around on her, but i think, after reading some of the documents, that she didn't like him to begin with, didn't think he was attractive, she was just his handler, she honestly didn't care who he screwed.
i think the only reason everyone\anyone was so fixated on Jackie O., was because she was a very young FLOTUS.
from People magazine 3/1/24 "She hardly knows this guy and what is he doing? He goes out the door, he tells everybody,” Leamer says, later adding, "He talks about how Jackie looked more like a man, which is a pretty insulting thing to say about the president’s widow and how incredible looking Lee was."
Lee is Jackie O's sister. they talk about their ongoing feud about jealousy.
just curious that the writer remarks about how much Jackie looks like a man, with all we know now about trannys. i thought was interesting.
I read some stuff about her that she was a slut. She was banging LBJ,
And yes she was not pretty - her off looks remind me of a tranny.
Maybe I'm going through a phase... Like McCarthy who saw communists everywhere, I see trannys 😂
Joe Kennedy (the dad) was a garbage human, rotten to the core. M Monroe was "his" possession and he passed her around to all his sons.
Kek!! i thought the same thing, but then thought, i wonder if he's wearing a bullet proof vest under there?? either way, he def needs a different size jacket.
O think he may have borrowed it from Elon because he left his own in the office, draped over the back of the chair....
It's a fairly standard Military thing to do....
Not like we are expected to wear out our Dress Uniforms in the Infantry, so we don't wear them when we can keep them clean by avoiding use....
We Avoid Eating IN the Jacket, and avoid mostly drinking Sweet Drinks, they leave Stains, hard Liquors mostly notwithstanding, bit sweet Liquors should be avoided, like Candies....
Perfumes and Colognes are 100% OK, but may need to be Dry Cleaned at some point unless you are Consistent with, but should be contained to the underside of the Lapels or mediate inside of the Jacket to avoid Overexposure to others....
Military Etiquette is a long learning experience, must thank those ""Southern Gents"" for this, they thought of Everything that the Yankers copied.....
Question regarding scent: are you saying that perfume or cologne should be applied to the interior lapel of the jacket itself, or to the area of skin that would be covered by presumable a t-shirt and shirt, then the jacket?
And a HUGE thank you for your expertise.
Uniforms need to be redesigned. Please consider throwing your hat in the ring.
As the Lapel folds upon the breast of the Jacket, to keep it from showing Stains, I normally sprayed my Colognes on the back of the Fold....
And I have no dog in the fight for Military Uniforms, but only see that our Long Lost Army Brown and Tans have happily been returned....
Why the ARMY was soo severely Punished and Embarrassed with those dreadful Greens is beyond my thinking, other than someone really Hated the U.S. Army and this messy sloppy Crap Green uniform was the Result....
No scent contact with your skin then. I had never heard of that.
The uniforms that were referred to as "pink and greens" seem to be making a comeback, but frankly, it is all a bit confusing.
FYI: If you've ever seen an image of foxhunting, you will see riders in bright scarlet jackets. Those jackets are called "Pinks", not for the color but for the name of the London tailor.
I think we went from a sharp, easily identified military to well, not. If there is anything that surpasses WWII to Vietnam era uniforms that would be nice and anyone with a good eye should lend a hand, because frankly things have been rough.
PS. I don't know who the Army pissed off but by the look of those uniforms, they did it in a big way.
FFS, for a reporter to ask the President, what's in the JFK files that have been dropped, because it's so big, is ridiculous and lazy. isn't that what reporters do is dig, dig and dig???
would they believe Trump even if he did say what was in them??? why do they waste so much time on stupid shit? it's their job to read and investigate.
The really Sad part of this Military Aircraft Story is that the F-22 Raptor never received the chance to come out and Play with the Aircraft of our Enemies....
An the Raptor isn't like any of the others, it's a Beast in Air Combat....
Anon Arithmetic: If the F-47 prototype has been flying for 5 years, it means that the program had gotten to the point of starting prototype flights IN TRUMP'S FIRST TERM.
it will be interesting to see when the program started and when the production contract was awarded (apparently by today's announcement).
Prototypes come first, then experimental for flight test. I suspect Boeing designed prototype and the experimental planes. DOD doesn't build planes. Would be very strange for one company to do the design and flight test then award manufacturing to another company. And if you are concerned about quality assurance, be aware that Boeing military is not the same organization as commercial division.
I worked for Boeing Phantom Works. I know how it goes. We were in competition for what became the F-35. Prototypes are experimental aircraft. Only very exceptional circumstances to split the award. In the award for the TFX, which became the F-111, the Air Force version (F-111A) was awarded to General Dynamics and the Navy version (F-111B) was awarded to Grumman. The B model turned into a problem and was shelved. The work went on to become the F-14. The work will be performed at the former McDonnell plant in St. Louis. I"ve been there. Though I have a gripe with their management (who oversaw the flaws in Boeing's commercial work), the engineers have kept their noses clean.
They are good people. If they are not listened to, such as what happened in the 787's development, you wind up with a programmatic fiasco. And, if you tell them you don't want to hear about any more problems, they are more intelligent than trained seals and totally comply. Then you get problems like what happened to the KC-46 tanker. It pains me to see good engineers mishandled by poor managers.
I was lucky. Worked for a program that developed the first new technology in flight since the jet. Flight test is never a done deal. Patience, faith, never quit and brains. And pilots who wouldn't take no for an answer.
I just listened to it and I he said experimental and that they are ready to start manufacturing. Been flying for 5 years, which means they have done the major flight testing and are ready for manufacturing. Very exciting, this. (And ya think we got the real answer about drones over NJ?)
Also think the cloud masking capability explained.
One must be cautious. The experimental prototype for the F-35 was the X-35. The full development and production contract was awarded in 1997 and first flight was in 2006, but it didn't get into service until 2015. But that was Lockheed-Martin, and they were building three physically different variants. Boeing has been putting a lot of money into design-to-build capability, as evidenced by the T-7 trainer they are building with Saab.
There is no cloud masking. I don't recall hearing any such reference, and it doesn't make sense. Don't be misled by peek-a-boo publicity photos.
I'm familiar with the Boeing product line. The pre-merger Boeing built the X-32 competitor for the Joint Strike Fighter program, won by Lockheed-Martin with their X-35 (to become the F-35). They were the co-manufacturers of the F-22, with Lockheed-Martin.
Be advised. Right now, if you look for images of the F-47, the search engines will produce images of the World War II P-47 Republic Thunderbolt.
It was a cloud which started to disapait and for a couple seconds a very sleek, v shaped aircraft was partially revealed. The cloud reformed. It was on one of those travel channel shows.
Same place I saw the missile in Washington state which was stupidly "proved" to be a helicopter. (Uhuh says I. Rotors don't disappear just because the camera is recording every other second and helicopters don't go that fast vertically). When I read about the missile directed at AF 1 and the air raid warning in Hawaii, I put it all together.
They will pull all kinds of dramatic special effects for a publicity shot, especially calculated to conceal as much as reveal.
I spent some time analyzing the apparent missile launch in Washington. It is my home territory. The helicopter story was creative, but not convincing to me. I worked in advanced aerospace and to my eyes, the photo was a ringer for the launch of a Trident SLBM. Missile subs are based in Puget Sound. (The helicopter was supposedly approaching, which meant the elevation angle of the navigation light would be increasing. At night, rotors would not be visible.) There was never any possibility of it being a missile directed at Air Force One. The azimuth of the object was to the North, for one thing. And no air defense missile has the range or guidance capability to hit a moving target in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean. I mean, it is not just a quibble; it is an absurdity. The air raid warning in Hawaii was just a fluke.
The meaning of it all? I suspect someone had falsely launched a live nuclear weapon directed at Russia. How they could have done that, I do not know. Q mentioned that it was intercepted by a "special package." For him to say so is the revelation of deeply secret material. I worked in the general field of such "packages." It means the possibility of this kind of event had been foreseen a long time beforehand, and measures were taken to deal with it in advance. Probably unknown to the perpetrator.
There were many conversations here about AF1 changing its route to NK because they found out about the missile launch, and there was enough light coming off that "helecopter" to make the rotors visible. And which lights on a helicopter would make it look cylindrical? Didn't buy it when I saw it. Don't buy it now. Looks exactly like what it was. Have watched a lot of helicopters take off and land. Day and night. That wasn't one I have ever seen.
HA Trump just went scorched earth on these Tesla terrorists and those who are funding it. Maybe with El Salvador being a possibility plus the 20 years perhaps these fags and cowards will stop
YES....called them what they are: Terrorists! 🔥
The only part so far that kind sucked but was understandable was when Peter handed him an easy question on who killed JFK.
But really the last person as President to be naming those involved well he became a part of that very question lol
Not mad about it. But imagine if he dead panned looked at the camera and said multiple intelligence agencies within multiple Governments plus other influencers worked together to kill him. Even that would have been stellar.
Yeah, but guess that's not in the script, Yet.
This 100%
Got to wake up more people first. MLK files, Epstein etc will bring us to the point where Trump can start calling it out.
i've been watching the Diddy and JayZ lawsuits. i'm hoping once the black population realizes Diddy and JayZ, (Beyonce, Kayne West, etc and all this "black excellence crap") comes out about how horribly they treated their own people, will stop this racism BS for good. (don't get me wrong the Diddler and his associates did horrible things to all races). but if you are a poor black person and think Diddy and JayZ give one shit about you, you are wrong.
so tired of hearing racism this, racism that, when they find out their own people sold them out 'once again' (black democrats screaming loud and proud, while selling their souls to the highest bidder), maybe they will realize, people are people. skin color does not matter.
this is good vs evil.
Agreed fren..
I think Jackie O was one of the shooters.
i never, ever liked that woman. i def had never met her, obviously, was only 1 when JFK got shot, but through the years of watching all of this unfold, i just never seen anything so great about her, ever.
i still wonder where JFK Jr got his good looks from? his sister is homely as hell, his dad was NOT a stud and Jackie was homely, too, imo.
and i still don't like when people compare Melania to her. i think Melania is her own person, has her own style, etc. Jackie O acted more like Big Mike, an i don't want to be here kind of vibe. like she couldn't give two shits about this country. and seeing how her daughter and gkids turned out, i think i'm right about her communistic ways.
a lot of people felt sorry for her because JFK screwed around on her, but i think, after reading some of the documents, that she didn't like him to begin with, didn't think he was attractive, she was just his handler, she honestly didn't care who he screwed.
i think the only reason everyone\anyone was so fixated on Jackie O., was because she was a very young FLOTUS.
You and me both...
Dunno if it was the resting bitch face or my intuition...
from People magazine 3/1/24 "She hardly knows this guy and what is he doing? He goes out the door, he tells everybody,” Leamer says, later adding, "He talks about how Jackie looked more like a man, which is a pretty insulting thing to say about the president’s widow and how incredible looking Lee was."
Lee is Jackie O's sister. they talk about their ongoing feud about jealousy.
just curious that the writer remarks about how much Jackie looks like a man, with all we know now about trannys. i thought was interesting.
Well her chiselled face and lazy eye didn't do her any favors that's for sure.
I read some stuff about her that she was a slut. She was banging LBJ,
And yes she was not pretty - her off looks remind me of a tranny.
Maybe I'm going through a phase... Like McCarthy who saw communists everywhere, I see trannys 😂
Joe Kennedy (the dad) was a garbage human, rotten to the core. M Monroe was "his" possession and he passed her around to all his sons.
AMEN to that!
Rumble link:
Broadcast started at 10 am ET, waiting for POTUS
edited to correct time
Will someone PLEASE get Pete to a Good Tailor so his Jacket fits him an doesn't make him look Bloated....
He also doesn't need a Bigger Jacket, just a Better Tailored one with the Midriff Button about 3.5 Inches LOWER....
An maybe double breasted, he is Sec Def after all....
Kek!! i thought the same thing, but then thought, i wonder if he's wearing a bullet proof vest under there?? either way, he def needs a different size jacket.
It really isn't the size at all, it's all in the Tailoring....
That Jacket isn't His Jacket, it's Borrowed, probably from Elon....
Yes. Arms look too tight and actually look too short.
O think he may have borrowed it from Elon because he left his own in the office, draped over the back of the chair....
It's a fairly standard Military thing to do....
Not like we are expected to wear out our Dress Uniforms in the Infantry, so we don't wear them when we can keep them clean by avoiding use....
We Avoid Eating IN the Jacket, and avoid mostly drinking Sweet Drinks, they leave Stains, hard Liquors mostly notwithstanding, bit sweet Liquors should be avoided, like Candies....
Perfumes and Colognes are 100% OK, but may need to be Dry Cleaned at some point unless you are Consistent with, but should be contained to the underside of the Lapels or mediate inside of the Jacket to avoid Overexposure to others....
Military Etiquette is a long learning experience, must thank those ""Southern Gents"" for this, they thought of Everything that the Yankers copied.....
Awww. Never would have occurred to me. Learn something daily. Thank you.
Hat tip::
No Problem Pilgrim....
Question regarding scent: are you saying that perfume or cologne should be applied to the interior lapel of the jacket itself, or to the area of skin that would be covered by presumable a t-shirt and shirt, then the jacket?
And a HUGE thank you for your expertise.
Uniforms need to be redesigned. Please consider throwing your hat in the ring.
As the Lapel folds upon the breast of the Jacket, to keep it from showing Stains, I normally sprayed my Colognes on the back of the Fold....
And I have no dog in the fight for Military Uniforms, but only see that our Long Lost Army Brown and Tans have happily been returned....
Why the ARMY was soo severely Punished and Embarrassed with those dreadful Greens is beyond my thinking, other than someone really Hated the U.S. Army and this messy sloppy Crap Green uniform was the Result....
No scent contact with your skin then. I had never heard of that.
The uniforms that were referred to as "pink and greens" seem to be making a comeback, but frankly, it is all a bit confusing.
FYI: If you've ever seen an image of foxhunting, you will see riders in bright scarlet jackets. Those jackets are called "Pinks", not for the color but for the name of the London tailor.
I think we went from a sharp, easily identified military to well, not. If there is anything that surpasses WWII to Vietnam era uniforms that would be nice and anyone with a good eye should lend a hand, because frankly things have been rough.
PS. I don't know who the Army pissed off but by the look of those uniforms, they did it in a big way.
Oh God no!!
American Soldiers deserve more respect than to be put into those horrible Coats....
Even the Dress Greens have a better looking Jacket than the Fox Hunting style thing....
NO, no, no, no.
I was commenting on the name "PINK" that is used in two instances in men's clothing that clearly isn't pink.
For example: US military uniform is tan-ish, and foxhunting coat is red. Neither is the color pink.
At no point have I ever harbored the delusion that the actual color pink should be used in a US Uniform. Shudder.
FFS, for a reporter to ask the President, what's in the JFK files that have been dropped, because it's so big, is ridiculous and lazy. isn't that what reporters do is dig, dig and dig???
would they believe Trump even if he did say what was in them??? why do they waste so much time on stupid shit? it's their job to read and investigate.
These people are stupid and hungry for a scoop
The fifa trophy..
Soccer ball to Putin..
Is there a connection?
Oh man this is about to get rough the next few months as DOGE digs into that dark pit!
Tim Walz thinking he can kick most of the republican voters asses. (he's probably giddy thinking about taking on an 80 y/o man or woman).
let's start him out with Mike Tyson. Mike seems to love Trump, i think he probably voted for Trump, so lets have Walz's first fight be with Tyson.
Two hits; Tyson hits Walz, Walz hits the mat. done.
That would be sweet to see...BAM! 💪
(6)+ 4+ 7
The really Sad part of this Military Aircraft Story is that the F-22 Raptor never received the chance to come out and Play with the Aircraft of our Enemies....
An the Raptor isn't like any of the others, it's a Beast in Air Combat....
[D]ay [Of] [D]ays Q
DOD wow
47th president.
No body was ‘killed’. Yes. But one was MURDERED.
Anon Arithmetic: If the F-47 prototype has been flying for 5 years, it means that the program had gotten to the point of starting prototype flights IN TRUMP'S FIRST TERM.
it will be interesting to see when the program started and when the production contract was awarded (apparently by today's announcement).
Prototypes come first, then experimental for flight test. I suspect Boeing designed prototype and the experimental planes. DOD doesn't build planes. Would be very strange for one company to do the design and flight test then award manufacturing to another company. And if you are concerned about quality assurance, be aware that Boeing military is not the same organization as commercial division.
I worked for Boeing Phantom Works. I know how it goes. We were in competition for what became the F-35. Prototypes are experimental aircraft. Only very exceptional circumstances to split the award. In the award for the TFX, which became the F-111, the Air Force version (F-111A) was awarded to General Dynamics and the Navy version (F-111B) was awarded to Grumman. The B model turned into a problem and was shelved. The work went on to become the F-14. The work will be performed at the former McDonnell plant in St. Louis. I"ve been there. Though I have a gripe with their management (who oversaw the flaws in Boeing's commercial work), the engineers have kept their noses clean.
I've worked with Boeing engineers. Talented, dedicated people. Most are pilots. They LUV flight and flight test.
They are good people. If they are not listened to, such as what happened in the 787's development, you wind up with a programmatic fiasco. And, if you tell them you don't want to hear about any more problems, they are more intelligent than trained seals and totally comply. Then you get problems like what happened to the KC-46 tanker. It pains me to see good engineers mishandled by poor managers.
I was lucky. Worked for a program that developed the first new technology in flight since the jet. Flight test is never a done deal. Patience, faith, never quit and brains. And pilots who wouldn't take no for an answer.
I just listened to it and I he said experimental and that they are ready to start manufacturing. Been flying for 5 years, which means they have done the major flight testing and are ready for manufacturing. Very exciting, this. (And ya think we got the real answer about drones over NJ?)
Also think the cloud masking capability explained.
One must be cautious. The experimental prototype for the F-35 was the X-35. The full development and production contract was awarded in 1997 and first flight was in 2006, but it didn't get into service until 2015. But that was Lockheed-Martin, and they were building three physically different variants. Boeing has been putting a lot of money into design-to-build capability, as evidenced by the T-7 trainer they are building with Saab.
There is no cloud masking. I don't recall hearing any such reference, and it doesn't make sense. Don't be misled by peek-a-boo publicity photos.
Well ok. It was one of those man on the street videos with a phone camera.
The v22 was bell and boeing.
I'm puzzled. What was it you saw?
I'm familiar with the Boeing product line. The pre-merger Boeing built the X-32 competitor for the Joint Strike Fighter program, won by Lockheed-Martin with their X-35 (to become the F-35). They were the co-manufacturers of the F-22, with Lockheed-Martin.
Be advised. Right now, if you look for images of the F-47, the search engines will produce images of the World War II P-47 Republic Thunderbolt.
It was a cloud which started to disapait and for a couple seconds a very sleek, v shaped aircraft was partially revealed. The cloud reformed. It was on one of those travel channel shows.
Same place I saw the missile in Washington state which was stupidly "proved" to be a helicopter. (Uhuh says I. Rotors don't disappear just because the camera is recording every other second and helicopters don't go that fast vertically). When I read about the missile directed at AF 1 and the air raid warning in Hawaii, I put it all together.
They will pull all kinds of dramatic special effects for a publicity shot, especially calculated to conceal as much as reveal.
I spent some time analyzing the apparent missile launch in Washington. It is my home territory. The helicopter story was creative, but not convincing to me. I worked in advanced aerospace and to my eyes, the photo was a ringer for the launch of a Trident SLBM. Missile subs are based in Puget Sound. (The helicopter was supposedly approaching, which meant the elevation angle of the navigation light would be increasing. At night, rotors would not be visible.) There was never any possibility of it being a missile directed at Air Force One. The azimuth of the object was to the North, for one thing. And no air defense missile has the range or guidance capability to hit a moving target in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean. I mean, it is not just a quibble; it is an absurdity. The air raid warning in Hawaii was just a fluke.
The meaning of it all? I suspect someone had falsely launched a live nuclear weapon directed at Russia. How they could have done that, I do not know. Q mentioned that it was intercepted by a "special package." For him to say so is the revelation of deeply secret material. I worked in the general field of such "packages." It means the possibility of this kind of event had been foreseen a long time beforehand, and measures were taken to deal with it in advance. Probably unknown to the perpetrator.
There were many conversations here about AF1 changing its route to NK because they found out about the missile launch, and there was enough light coming off that "helecopter" to make the rotors visible. And which lights on a helicopter would make it look cylindrical? Didn't buy it when I saw it. Don't buy it now. Looks exactly like what it was. Have watched a lot of helicopters take off and land. Day and night. That wasn't one I have ever seen.
Thanks mod frens! 🫡
Now get the money behind these terrorist. The guys fundingnit need ropes.