
The Story of Ivermectin



Among the many other things about this to be angry about is this thought that came to me. In the doc they mention that ivermectin is effective against the zika virus. Which means that properly used it could have eliminated the need for a lot of toxic pesticide and Bill Gates' genetically modified mosquitoes. Bastards.

Thanks for reading.



The Food and Drug Administration has joined media in mocking users of ivermectin, but the antiviral drug is featured on the National Institutes of Health website as a treatment for COVID-19.

In fact, ivermectin is the second drug listed -- under the highly touted, expensive COVID-19 drug with many side effects, remdesivir -- on an NIH page titled "Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19."

(scroll down for Ivermectin) https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/

NIH points out on its "antiviral agents" page that among the serious side effects seen in patients who take remdesivir are severe renal failure and liver damage. Ivermectin, on the other hand, is "generally well tolerated."

Ivermectin, whose inventors won a Nobel Prize, has been safely administered several billion times around the world, virtually eradicating diseases such as river blindness in Africa.



https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/ Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19 Ivermectin on the NIH's own website says "Generally well tolerated" and links to studies.


My wife is very empathetic and has had a difficult time buying the idea that there could be so much evil and the media is protecting/perpetuating the evil.

Then we got Covid (confirmed positive tests, yes). And we took ivermectin. It helped me get mostly better after only 10 hours of being real sick. Similar experience to Joe Rogan. For her she took it, was getting better, then secretly stopped taking it because she didn’t fully buy what I had told her about it. Then she got worse and worse while I got better. Two days later she said she’d take it again… and within an hour her symptoms went down. This morning (18 hrs later) she seems to be almost over it all.

I showed her that great doc on the history of ivermectin and she’s now finally taken the red pill because she experienced how this drug really does work and if people are suppressing it then… well… evil… and she’s now pissed about it… first major red pill.


I'm thinking about stashing up on some horse paste, just to be on the safe side if the coofs get me. I'm wondering if there are any recommendations on dosage of the stuff? The stuff seems pretty expensive in my country, so I want to make sure I do not buy too much.

Thanks for recommendations!


If you google "Hydra Vulgaris in humans" you'll notice a few interesting things:

1.There's no mention any hydra vulgaris infections in humans or any studies relating to it (Seriously. Nothing. Seems the first thing people would want to know "Can this hurt me?" Why are there no studies done on what this parasite does to humans? I think we know why)

2.It's said to be immortal--that even if you chopped it up in a blender it would regenerate (This is a lie, it CAN be killed, as I'll show shortly)

3.There's no mention of it being a worm or a parasite--only "a freshwater organism" (see: wikipedia)

That is VERY strange. It is, after all, a parasite. See here: https://www.thesprucepets.com/combat-aquarium-pest-hydra-1381228

Hydras do not spontaneously grow; a Hydra is a stowaway that is always introduced from an external source. Once in place though, having plenty of food sources will encourage their speedy growth.

Sounds like a parasite to me.

Well, it turns out, Hydra Vulgaris is very much killable. And wouldn't you know it? It's killed by dewormer. Here's one guy who used Fenbendazole to kill them in his fish tank (fenbendazole is EXTREMELY similar to Ivermectin, by the way).


Some random thoughts:

1.Hydra is the name of the shadow nazi-led global commie-terrorist organization in the Marvel movies.

2.Hydra is the name of the water serpent with 6 heads (interesting number choice) that Hercules fought. When he cut off the heads they would regenerate. He learned he had to cut off the one immortal head and stab the creature with its own blood in order to kill it. How long has humanity known about this creature?

3.Hydras reproduce asexually (interesting, as other posters have noted, Baphomet is an asexual creature, and a pseudonym for Satan, the serpent, and we know the cabal is working hard to erase the meaning of male and female)

4.Ivermectin isn't just the cure to Covid, it's the cure to the Covid vaccine. Maybe not for the graphene oxide--we need other things to combat that (maybe that's what Regeneron is?) but Ivermectin will kill the Hydra parasite, I have no doubt of it.

This I believe is another reason why Trump says "Go ahead and take the vaccine." He knows he has the cure for it. And he knows he's going to use the military to get it out to the millions who end up realizing they need it as the bodies start to pile up from the vaccine.

Also, I'm pretty sure that's what Kodak has been doing with over the past two years--creating these cheap pharmaceuticals so when the military takes over as mass panic ensues after all these famous cabal members start keeling over, we'll have plenty to go around.

Remember, Q said "You and your families are safe."


This OANN.COM video (‘The Story Of Ivermectin’ Sheds Light On The History & Benefits Of The Drug) does a LOT more than the title suggests. Yes, it's a great review of Ivermectin's stellar history and benefits and is worth watching (and sending to your vax-considering friends) but it's much more than that.

The last few minutes focus on the CRIMINALITY of those involved in suppressing Ivermectin and pushing the useless Remdesivir and, ultimately deliberately causing "hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions" of deaths world-wide.

This production does all but call for arrests of the perps. My wife and I watched this at dinner and were stunned. Best of all, One America News Network has a huge and growing audience:

"The latest USA Today/Suffolk poll shows that only a third of Trump voters now consider Fox News as their 'most trusted source of news.' That is down from 58 percent back in 2016. David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, was blunt: The switch from Fox to Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN) is 'a seismic shift in the landscape of trusted news sources for conservatives.'" [Bold added] https://thenewamerican.com/fox-viewership-continues-to-plummet-viewers-moving-to-oann-newsmax/

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