CIA is perfectly capable of messing with equipment don't you think? The de-icing for example? Even capable of messing with people/making them extra sick to break their concentration. Not saying I'm positive but the possibility is there
Your article has zero data.
Nigeria? No actual named or published data? No journal? Just an article throwing out words about universities in Nigeria.
Ivermectin isn't new. Been around a long long time.
Oh they are reaching far now 👀 the covid shot is much much much worse. Ivermectin is even safe when you are breastfeeding a baby. Hardly any side effects
To me this makes 100% sense. They have come out against ivermectin so rabidly that since we know (they hate us and want us dead) ivermectin could very well be a miracle drug that they have secretly kept from us. Secretly meaning..... Telling people it was merely for scabies or worms. Meanwhile....the cancer industry is poisoning and killing people for millions of dollars every year. I believe you. I think they LIE any chance they get.
Please add in the care of the thousands being rescued from tunnels.and dumbs......the children must be helped! We can't let rounded up after parents death and put in the trafficking pipeline. We will absolutely do what we can
They literally put her on a different grading scale than others to make the games more fair. That's horrendous- I don't blame her. The Olympics have lost their minds.
Horse paste. Not injectable or pour over
Tractor Supply Company. Horse Paste....go by weight. Doesn't take much
Do you have the specific telegram link? Super interesting.
Gene Decode has actually said this. Sending them on a one way trip to inescapable prisons.
Been a loooooong time since I saw those meat prices
Huber. The shooters name was Huber?! How many coincidences.....
I have always always always seen the Vulgarian royalty as the child hating deep state! Even as a child! The premise of going after a sweet quirky homeschool family that thinks outside the box is so based. ?
There is a very creepy video posted by Mr. Pool showing an aerial view of a portion of Kuwait.
Thousands of them underground. Research DUMBS on duck duck go. Its terrible and heartbreaking. Some of these kids have never seen the light of day. Just farmed like lab animals. Evil completely.
Snow White, Alice in Wonderland (book too), Sum of all Fears, Hunt for the Red October
I thought they were using uv lights? I know some salons use uv to dry nails...... I have seen cheap uv lights at big box stores in manicure sections ?
You guys........NONE of these people were there last night! None of the normal old crowd!
Aren't all.beers plant based? This is weird!
Tyler Perry was great though
Just turned it on and it is SO WEIRD. Strange background music... Harrison Ford sounds like he has 1 or both feet already in the grave, and I recognize NO ONE
Not getting the vax!!!