Apology not accepted.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Hollywood glamorized this for a reason.
Yes please
For the last three days I have been reading about an enormous amount of military activity not just in the U.S. but worldwide. There have been tanks reported in Savannah Georgia, Blackhawks in Ohio and Texas, military in San Diego, military vehicles in N.C....massive military over Larkspur CA, military spotted at a truck stop in Southington CT, B2 Spirit bombers flying over Minnesota, military all over Philidelphia PA, military convoys seen traveling on hwy 20 in South Carolina, Osprey activity over Los Angeles, CA, tanks in Idaho, military over Cairo and military vehicles seen all over Canada. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
Said the wannabe dictator who armed our Internal Revenue Service.
The "Wannabe Dictator" is a dumbass.
Those demons won't "apologize" while the noose is being hung around their necks.
Thank you, Forefathers, for our Second Amendment Rights.
Keeping enemies close?
To hell with NATO and to hell with Zelensky.
One would think. Alos, those who knew are already dead. The kill list is pretty long.
Amen ladies!!!! So wonderful to hear this!
This is the first time I've seen anybody call it for what it is. A coup.
Killer response
The smoke made it all the way to Virginia. And yes, it smelled toxic. It made some people sick. I got a bad headache and could smell it in my nose wherever I went.
John Kerry must stop breathing to meet 'Zero Tolerance' Goals for 'Traitors.'
Stay on that narrow path, fren. God loves you and He has wonderful plans for you.
I believe Space Force sees all. In real time.
I've always loved numbers. Especially math. Numbers don't lie. There are no opinions involved, It is what it is when done properly. Also, God has a thing about numbers. With all of the Q posts about it being Biblical...I'm on board.
September 16, 2016
Exactly fren. No coincidences. NCSWIC!
I absolutely love this.