Question Dr. Marc Siegel now and see if he still believes what he spouted. The vax is very effective in: increasing the number of miscarriages and stillbirths. I guess we will find out how effective it was in causing: neurological disorders including lower IQ, future sterility in these infants in their reproductive years, childhood cancers via breast milk and crossing the placental barrier, as well as immunization of Covid via shots age 6 months and up.
How fair was it for health care systems to fire workers, hire unvaxed travel nurses, and now those who got vaxed are being worked to death with unsafe patient:nurse ratios? It isn’t only nurses, but also radiology techs, etc. For me, it wasn’t a hard choice because I had months ago told my boss I was retiring at the end of 2021. I just left 2 months earlier. For the younger workers, it was a more difficult decision. But if you are dead or seriously injured, you wouldn’t be working to pay those bills anyhow. No employer has the right to control your body and I hope those who got the Covid shot sue them all into oblivion. They were being coerced and without full disclosure of side effects.
I was a registered nurse: 43 in hospital, and 4 years inout-patient. 1994 I was strongly encouraged to take the hepatitis B vax; with the 3rd shot I suffered permanent vocal cord damage. This was when I began to get suspicious. After 2010 we were strongly encouraged to take the yearly flu shot, I declined. Then they started requiring masking, if you refused the flu shot. I worked around it, I won’t tell you how, but I was not going to take the flu shot nor mask. 2021 the hospital system mandated the Covid and flu shot and wanted us to sign a release that our vax status could “be shared with any entity to further their business model.” I refused and retired 2 months early. With the increase in childhood vaccines and increase in autism, if I had it to do over, I would never vax my children.
Doctors are baffled!