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Who are these people... they need to be gone ftom our country.
Nothing nice to say.. say nothing
I am 5, please explain this to me. Seems crooked
I don't care ... its about time merit and grades mean something again.
She's a pig
If he accomplishes this. I hope they they write this is only for Biden 1 time and no substitutions will be allowed. Then original law is reinstated.
Money laundering 15 mil into EPA, for what? They did nothing
Oh we give another nation permission? That's very fishy...smells rotten too.
Feds have nothing better to do except interfer in an election in a small town...let the country burn down but that's ok
They knew what they were doing, all part of their evil plan
PROOF... noone should be allowed in our government without passing a rest on our Constitution. Kick them all out.
Nintendo can go to he ll
Well then, we definitely don't need Biden... case closed
AA should not be patronized... they were horrible when the bioweapon was pushed now they blame little girls for what a pedo flight attendant did. Shame shame and it should go viral and shut them down.
Hope he's gone for good resting uncomfortably in he ll with his master
Sames chills went through me and pride
Should be arrested for damaging the environment lol. I mean bashing branches, come on..
He's lucky he is still alive
We are carbon based. This left wing charade was all about depopulation and killing off our foid supply then our lives.
Her internal ugliness always comes through. She can't hide it.
I think FREE is too much
Think she misread the meaning of the painting... I read it as light will expose HER darkness.
Team Flynn for the win!!!
A vision of thrilled...
Jail him like he has done to actually innocent J6ers. Keep him there without trial fir 4 plus years.
Who are these people... they need to be gone ftom our country.