Sa-weet! I cannot wait. I grow a lot of our food anyway but would be nice to have real food options for healthy but quick dinners when I work late.
Yep. But the sheep still gonna sheep??
Praise the Lord.
Actually even then it drove the outbreaks. So many died from them. Even the great Jonathan Edwards died from the smallpox vax. Wherever the vax campaigns went out deals followed.
We've been the baddies for a long time--we meaning our evil, corrupt, unelected government
Totally. Don't we know that people are basically developing vaids from the jabs too??
Surest way to cure cancer is stop vaccines, put the entire population on several antiparasitic meds, clean up our food water and air. There. I fixed it.
Color me surprised. But over my dead body would I put any of that garbage in myself. And I'm a cancer survivor
Amen. I'd move there if necessary
I cannot wait for the monarchies evil to be exposed.
I think I heard very early on it was made in NC (chapel Hill or Ft Dietrick) and sent to "Chyna"
But first you have to admit you were duped and damage has actually been done, otherwise you will continue down the same stupid path, expecting a different outcome.
The old book, The Most Dangerous Game" is about hunting people for sport. How long has this been a thing? Sick and evil.
The old ones aren't safe either nor effective. Your 14 yo had smallpox jab??
They knew the shots would kill though, because all the original research on the original SARS showed the jabs caused all the lab animals to die when exposed to the "virus". They can't claim they didn't know.
Sounds interesting.
Would have loved to have been at the polls in Lancaster PA. I live in a huge Amish community, but in a red state so they don't vote here.
I'd need Amazon. What brand?
I pray so. God does ultimately win. his Kingdom will be established on earth as in heaven. I do pray for national and worldwide repentance and faith in Christ alone. The original and second Great Awakenings were both revivals.
Where to purchase?
Yes! How sick can people be??
General chat on FB of multiple school threats, lockdowns in Louisville and across the country. Anyone have info?? We homeschool but there have been a few local incidents in the past few months