7dskei 12 points ago +12 / -0

If you were once in God, there would be no fear in you, yet you admit you are afraid. True faith and trust in God will eliminate this fear, because God is not the author of fear, but of peace.

Whether God exists is for you to know, for you are His creation. Should the created thing not know of its maker? Certainly it should! Just as a child knows their parents, you too should know your Father.

7dskei 2 points ago +3 / -1

What other species form life long homosexual relationships? None of it is genetic!

7dskei 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is important to note that the LG-BBQ-BLT flag contains six colors of the rainbow. However God's Eternal Covenant consists of seven colors.

7dskei 23 points ago +23 / -0

I live in AZ and met with my precinct GOP chairman recently about becoming a precinct committeemen. He said about 6-7 years ago, the whole AZ GOP party was McCain oriented, and that now it is completely MAGA and Trump dominated.

7dskei 1 point ago +1 / -0

Turn to the Almighty Father, God. Realize that all that you have, He has given to you. And all that you have, He can and will take away. The Word of the Bible teaches us not to cling to worldly things, because clinging to them brings despair, sadness, and anger when they are taken away - and they will be taken away.

I am not saying to not love your family and close ones, but rather to put your faith and trust in The Father, Jesus.

7dskei 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just always remember Jesus will give you another chance no matter what!

Lucifer has done a number everyone, but now that you have turned to Jesus the whole game has changed. You will be victorious by His side.

I have gone through a similar situation, and it is a process. But I am proud of where I am and I continue to seek Jesus no matter when I slip up or fail.

7dskei 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd be willing to share the features I have thought of thus far, but I have to admit I have chosen technologies I don't know to make this a learning experience as well, so it has not been going too fast.

7dskei 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've had a similar idea. I have started a project where user's can define relations between various HTTP resources and build trees out of disparate data. I also want to support snapshots (archiving) of the tree at a specific time, and exporting to various formats, like a png.

I also want a UI for drawing markup on the tree, which can then be exported to png, and shared via social media. I'd also allow sharing of the original tree structure.

I agree no commercializing it. I'd ideally like deployment to be so simple that an average user can deploy it locally. A hosted version would be nice as well.

It would ultimately be a entity relationship tool with a specialization towards internet based research.

7dskei 6 points ago +6 / -0

Either way would be a startling result!

If it shows Trump wins the recount, the Dems will be startled! If it shows Biden wins the recount, the Reps will be startled!

7dskei 3 points ago +3 / -0

Turn your mind to Yahweh the Christ and He will put your mind at ease!

7dskei 1 point ago +1 / -0

The precipice is within! Not without!

7dskei 14 points ago +14 / -0

The goal is to introduce this idea into the public opinion in order to normalize it. The media outlets can brain wash listeners into accepting it. Of course they will support it in the end if it means getting more power. After awhile they will say public support for it is growing and they will heed those calls.

7dskei 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was a frequent sale when I worked at Albertsons 6 years ago.

7dskei 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is a cool thing. It's pretty much goggles that provide a HUD over what you are currently seeing. For example, imagine the goggles being able to see light reflecting off a wall that humans cannot see, effectively being able to see objects around corners without having to look around the corner.

7dskei 7 points ago +7 / -0

He is a pastor. He was on Jesse Lee Peterson, and Jesse promptly called him a BETA MALE and a sinner.

7dskei 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is all the fuss about no SOTU? Trump didn't do one in 2017 after being elected, why does everyone expect Biden to do one after being elected?

7dskei -1 points ago +1 / -2

... a Trump adviser told CNN on Monday.


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