Hmmm! You could be right, but first learn to count. I only see one i, not three. Must be from your grade three education.
Wow! I’m impressed. It’ll go well for you when you die and meet your maker.
Really? Are we sure it was Israel that blew up the pages? Why, because MSM tells us. Remember, the same MSM told us about the Russia hoax, the classified papers in Mar-a-lago, and countless other BS stories to be proven false. Maybe we need to look closer to home and possible some Clowns In America were responsible.
Wow! Your name has satan in it, me thinks something is afoot.
Who is they? The deepstate. Pretty sure Bill and Hillary aren’t involved. They are more successful when someone is Arkansided.
This post should be in the general chat.
One of these traitors hope to get the footage of the shooting.
This post should be in general chat, nothing to do with the Great Awakening.
The msm claims there is only a 2% difference with Kamala usually in the lead. If this was true, then they wouldn’t worry about taking POTUS out as they know they could rig a couple of points in the election. BUT, the truth is Trump is so far ahead they know their only chance is to take him out.
Jim is very based, but is very careful about giving out info. He want us to do our own research, as he has said he values his life and that of his family.
The Bible was written to control humans, as with all religions. Think about this, every religion believes they are right and the rest are mistaken.
Do some research. We were created by Enki, using the dna from homo erectus and the Annunaki to create Homo sapiens. That is why Darwin could never find the missing link.
Earlier he said he has seen the list but values hid life and that of his family. That is why he will not name anyone on the list. I agree with that reasoning.
I heard that a husband and wife team were assigned to the detail. They both left their post. He went inside some building and she headed towards Crooks where she dropped three shell casings.
Are you serious. I thought this board was the Great Awakening, not help me find a job.
When Trump was in office he declared the JFK files were declassified and was talking of having them released back then.
I understand that the courtroom in Gitmo was expanded due to the amount of criminals to be tried. The newsies will be in a separate building on the mainland. Wasn’t there an article several years ago when POTUS was in asking for newbies to apply for the trial coverages, with the base being in Georgia area?
Sorry to hear about Andrew, but I believe this site is not a site to solicit off topic requests. This should be under general chat. No offense meant.
Can we all say, “election interference?”
The problem with this post is it is clickbait. The more you call them influencers, the more they’ll believe they actually have some value in social media.
You need to read between the lines. The costs of goods are going up because living is getting more expensive, which means that prices are getting higher. Higher prices are causing things getting more expensive which then drives prices up. This was all handed to us 3-1/2 years ago which has caused the prices to go up. We are working on the prices to let the people know that things are costing more which in the long run makes things more expensive. Build Back Better will help the American people by babysitting your children using elderly people. This will be funded by us, which will not cost you anything. It will come out of our budget, not yours.
Why is this even stickied?
My wife as a dental hygienist says the angles are different, so it is tough to tell 100% whether different, but we both say the eyes and ears seem different.
My point is that neither was/is eligible to be president
As we are anons and should be respectful of each other, your answers lead me to believe you are either a bot or an inbred hillbilly.