I purchased a grounding pad for our son's girlfriend for Christmas. She has autoimmune illnesses and didn't sleep well. She had improved sleep and less pain within days. Since then, our neighbors and a relative purchased and reported almost immediate improvements in pain and sleep.
Never tried it. Never will. I make ice cream from heavy whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk and homemade vanilla extract (from my D-I-L).
2 years ago, I sent an email to Abbott Labs with concerns about sodium azide in their home test kits. Contact with a minute amount of this substance can cause organ failure. A comment mentioned "just follow the directions, and it is safe". As a nurse (now retired) I witnessed many health professionals not "just following the directions" with rapid test kits - and these were "professionals". Even if the directions were followed, the solution could spill out of the test kit in the garbage and then leak out of a torn garbage bag. Cleaning up spillage could be a source of contact. Abbott Labs' response was, "It is just a little bit" (of poison). Dasting, right?
Prescribed SSRI's due to the trauma of recognizing how corrupt our government is.
I think they want people to take another "vaccine" that will cause other health issues so that more and more people are dependent upon big pharma. If they kill the animals, then we become dependent upon lab made "foods", which cause more health issues, which increases dependency upon big pharma.
I agree. He should be the first to go!
He will probably be promoted.
I have my doubts about childhood cancer research. 20 years ago, as a nurse in a pediatric hospital, I learned that 4 out of 5 children with cancer would survive. Now, St Jude's commercials tell us that 80% of them survive. This does not sound like progress to me.
Although this happened in March 2017, it bears repeating for others who may choose to make bad choices. If it were my son or grandson who was killed in the commission of a crime, I think I might consider that a worse outcome would be the death of a victim.
Won't matter much if the perp has already been executed.
Bye, Felicia!
And I don't want to listen to TV commercials in any language but English.
I assumed the Archbishop of Canterbury was a Catholic, but I just read that he is Anglican. I guess the plans include destruction of all Christian Churches. No denominations can claim they are exempt from these issues.
How are so many men homosexuals and pedophiles? I've read that parasites may be involved. How did so many of them rise to the positions of bishop and cardinal? I do not know. I am a cradle Catholic and this has been an issue for most of my life. I agree that these men need to be stopped, and I think many have been, but reparations for those who were harmed in the past is not happening fast enough.
Part of the plan to destroy the Catholic Church was to flood the priesthood with homosexuals and pedophiles.
Perhaps they killed off millions of voters with the poison shot. Who thought that would turn out well?
Everyone here illegally has committed a crime.
This recently occurred to me . . . "My body, my choice" reminds me of Shakespeare's play, "The Merchant of Venice". In the play, a debt collector (Shylock) requests a pound of flesh from a merchant as payment for treating him poorly. The demand was fair, and the judge agreed that the debt collector could take a pound of flesh, but the contract said nothing about the collector taking any blood from the merchant. Thus, women can be in charge of their own body, but the baby's body happens to belong to another, and is not included in mommy's mantra of "my body, my choice".
I was looking for a restaurant which I knew was near a VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital. My phone map finder kept telling me where to turn to get to the "Virginia" Hospital (in North Carolina). lol
Wish I had seen this before I voted early. I think political clothing is a free speech issue. In support of this lady, I would have said "Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump . . ." the entire time I was in the booth!
Um, anyone here illegally has committed a crime. Thus, by her statement, they should all be deported, "no questions asked".
Whatever happened to "2 wrongs don't make a right"? I also am disgusted by the desire to punish a child for the sins of the father. Many women report that the child conceived through rape was a blessing for their lives.
Sadly, there are cures for cancer, but the general public is not permitted to know or have them. Some do die from cancer. My sister died at the age of 66 with melanoma metastasis to her brain (no covid vaxx). She had one tumor removed for identification, but refused chemo and radiation. This was before I learned about the cancer fighting powers of IVM and Fenben. She may have tried them. Another sister's MIL just died from pancreatic CA. She had 2 covid vaxx d/t pressure from at least one of her sons. She developed symptoms (turned yellow) within hours of taking her second Ozempic injection (prescribed for "pre-diabetes"). She was 86 and refused to have a biopsy or treatment. Both ladies died within 3 mo of diagnosis.
I drink a glass of water with about a tablespoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in it at lunchtime each day. As we age, the stomach makes LESS acid. Acid is the chemical signal for the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach to close. So, for many, heartburn is not due to too much acid, but acid in the wrong place. Those drugs you've been taking block your acid producing cells, so the body just makes more of those cells. Without the drugs, you can have extra cells now producing acid. I am not sure if drinking ACV in water will help your situation, but it is worth trying.
I purchased from grooniearthing.com, as did relatives and friends. All had good reports.