AlexAmore 1 point ago +2 / -1

If it was me in this position, I would just take an honest interest in her and her subjects (Satanism, Paganism...etc). Maybe start with building a relationship with her (crazy, I know). She just wants to be heard and valued (like anyone in a relationship), rather feeling like she needs to fall in line.

I'm 35 and great with my young nieces and nephews because I treat them like they're on my level. I build relationships with them like I would with anyone else. I take them seriously and they sense it.

I would highly encourage starting here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCmDUquKAUQ

AlexAmore 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's Meryl Nass. She's a Maine Physician and activist against the Plandemic. Good people. I wouldn't be fooled by the background. She gets around, but she's not one of them.

AlexAmore 4 points ago +4 / -0

Strange, indeed. I was just watching a funny 1980's Price is Right highlight that Youtube recommended last night. The comments were talking about how amazing it is that he's still kicking at 99. Now I wake up and, boom, he's dead.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also could be a way to fake his death. Who knows.

AlexAmore 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't know about that transition and I'm not surprised one bit. Good catch. A lot of my research started with the book "Bechamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology". It's a dry read, but it destroys Germ Theory.

Dr. Hamer provides the only explanation for disease and illness, I've seen, that is completely outside the realm of Germ Theory and actively dismisses it. Even a lot of alternative medicine still buys into it.

AlexAmore 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm convinced it's a lie. The entire cancer industry is a scam, just like vaccines. Heck, Germ Theory is a lie. AIDs was lie. It was all funded and perpetuated by the Rockefellers.

Much of it is based on false positive tests followed by lethal drugs and then blaming the "cancer" or "AIDs".

Research Dr. Hamer. He was an oncologist who realized the truth about what causes cancer from his own patients. It's based closer to the Terrain theory. He found all his cancer patients had experienced severe shock just prior to developing cancer. These shocks were often a death of a child, divorce...etc. He ended up doing a ton of research, brain scans and so on to further his research.

The same people who are skeptical of this will buy into the notion that the sun is bad. lol. It's a joke.

Dr. Hamer ended up going on the run and was imprisoned.

AlexAmore 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you have other siblings and are you among the youngest? I've heard there's a disproportionate amount of gay people with many older siblings. It's like something physiologically changes in the mom after many kids. This is something I read about years ago. Maybe it's all bunk.

AlexAmore 12 points ago +14 / -2

Agreed. We don't live in a natural world, and so a lot of these people are just fucked up by technology perverting their senses.

It also doesn't make sense, from an evolution standpoint, to mate with one's own hand to pixels on a screen. Obviously nothing good can come from this. Most MAP people are simply severe porn addicts who can't get off to vanilla stuff anymore.

Porn is the real demon here. Here's what Ted Bundy says about porn: https://youtu.be/d6VAN7ELkk0?t=19

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not disagreeing with you. I certainly vote and I voted for Trump, who I think decided to destroy the system from within using "accelerationism" as his strategy.

Many Anarchists think the system will destroy itself so they're fine making it happen faster and Trump did that with "Warp Speed".

You'd be surprised how epic the scale of corruption is at a state level, even in little ol NH. We have certain laws in our books that make NH a great money laundering state, similar to Ukraine. So we have $100s of millions being laundered through here for massive cartels and politicians throughout the country. Our judges are bought and paid for to look the other way. Our governors are selected. We absolutely voted for Trump over Biden, but we have Dominion.

Biden got 5th place in the primaries here. NH LOVES populist candidates on the left and right. Then Biden smoked Trump in the general even though he had no ground game and no enthusiasm. How Biden did WAY better than Hillary Clinton in NH makes No. Fucking. Sense.

AlexAmore 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the reading suggestions. It's been a long time since I've delved into Ancap literature and my memory is fuzzy on what I've read.

Some of my reading included: Hayek, Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson, Hans Hermann Hoppe's Democracy The God That Failed. People need to learn that Democracy is poison.

Stefan Molyneux was a big influence on me in my early exploration of Anarchism, but I ended up not agreeing with his deontological approach. I don't think natural rights exist, though I did for a long time. So I'm on the side of David Friedman's consequentialist take. As George Carlin said:

“Boy everyone in this country is running around yammering about their fucking rights. "I have a right, you have no right, we have a right."

I think rights were a nice narrative weapon or tool to use in our quest for freedom, but now people are comfortable and complacent. Now everyone has a right to use whatever bathroom. As you said, this is how far we've fallen.

I will say the reason we have any freedom at all is because of our culture and our culture was influenced by the idea of rights. But I like to be specific and not pretend something actually exists because we get into trouble that way with dumb people believing in positive rights which leads us right back to Communism. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

A big part of my political views comes from just being a big history and philosophy buff. I'm amazed historians can be left leaning, as many are.

AlexAmore 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm firmly in the Anarchist camp, but I find politics entertaining as they bicker over the terms of my enslavement.

I was a staunch Ron Paul Republican back in 07' and volunteered heavily for the campaign in NH. I met a lot of Anarchists during this time and I thought they were crazy. Lysander Spooner's No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority converted me instantly. It's on Youtube in audio format.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's my hunch. I think I give people too much credit. I can divorce the ideas from the person, but a lot of people can't.

AlexAmore 4 points ago +4 / -0

I went down some rabbit holes regarding Ted. I think his manifesto and his other writings are mindblowing and spot on. However, I think the CIA was heavily involved in Ted, the killings, his manifesto and the newspaper releasing it. Ted is a major psyop in some way or another. The colleges he attended and taught at are major CIA hubs. I just can't figure it out. Why the CIA would allow that manifesto to reach the masses is a headscratcher.

AlexAmore 10 points ago +10 / -0

Most feminists are extremely pro-porn and prostitution. Their whole shtick is about destroying male and female conventions which is what porn promotes perfectly.

Then you have maybe 5% of feminists who got red pilled and realized the "free love" experiments of the 70s have only led to skyrocketing rates of depression among women and have renounced the experiments and now understand how important men are to society. These women will still use "feminist" terms to describe the situation at hand.

Check out Louise Perry as an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_t4FtpR58w&t=1s

AlexAmore 8 points ago +8 / -0

#6 reminds me of a funny podcast moment the other day.

Dave Smith is an Ancap and leader of the Mises caucus of the Libertarian Party. He also has a podcast called "Part of the Problem". He's not a big fan of Trump and nitpicks him all the time. Recently, he caught himself complaining about Trump and inadvertently red pilling himself at the same time.

He was complaining about Trump locking everyone down compared to DeSantis and said "...and thanks to Trump everyone knows who...pauses and realizes how dumb this sounds...Dr. Fauci is...."

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, you live in Australia. I read Turkey banned social media and stuff like that. If they're banning the excesses of western media, I could understand it more since it's literally being used as a weapon for the NWO. So are we banning speech or preventing the frontlines of the NWO from entering one's country?

I'm happy to hear that about Turkey. With all this "woke" bullshit, I've given serious thought about, at the very least, visiting countries that haven't succumbed.

AlexAmore 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a cool trade. Everything you said is 100% spot on and I agree with your nuanced take on pride in one's work vs in one's self. That's a better way to put it.

AlexAmore 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not a Christian, but I'm sympathetic to a lot of Christian ideals. Pride means forgetting all the forces and people that helped you get to where you are.

I could be proud of my painting company and the beautiful rooms and exteriors I've created, but it NEVER would have happened without an incredible amount of help over the years starting with the people that taught me my skills, Youtube channels people have created, family and friends that loaned me money to get through the tough parts and allow me to buy expensive equipment, the incredibly patient and understanding customers I got at the beginning who referred me so much work. I could go on and on.

The mindset of gratitude will get you farther than pride. The saying "Pride comes before the fall" has a lot of truth and it's why the saying lives on. Pride is an exaltation of one's self and since you are not perfect, all powerful, all knowing, or totally independent of others you are playing with fire to exalt yourself. In Christianity, even if you can't think of who to be grateful for, you always have God. Christianity has a nice mechanism for never becoming prideful or exalting another human, such as a king. Notice many kings, politicians and celebrities become prideful....how does that usually end?

AlexAmore 22 points ago +22 / -0

CS Lewis considers pride the number 1 sin. Every other sin branches off from pride. He has some good stuff on the topic of pride.

AlexAmore 3 points ago +3 / -0

While there does seem to be a lot of BIG money behind many seemingly "alternative" voices, she does say at the end that it doesn't mean all big money insiders are necessarily bad. We could have well connected, higher ups with deep pockets who don't align with the globalists.

I always thought our battle against the globalists meant we're teaming up with other cartels/mafias/insiders/flipped who don't align with them. This is probably a very dirty war, with the "good" guys breaking a lot of laws in this fight. A lot of them probably only want to get rich, but know the globalists will fuck them over.

A lot of times when you see big busts of cartels or some seemingly good thing happening, it was just another cartel outing them to take out competition.

AlexAmore 5 points ago +5 / -0

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