Allergic_to_Blueshit 12 points ago +12 / -0

My spouse is a few years younger than me and was raised in a very tv-strict household. They also, however, work in tech. Somehow they had zero clue about Billy Gates' freaky mind melt of a testimony before he disappeared from them public eye just to reemerge as a um..."medical scientist.

Gates is nuts. Bucking Futs. And, no one should listen to him.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

inhales eeeeeeeeeYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!! He can join Don le'mon and eat an entire bag of floppy dicks.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

sigh yep. I gotta give the DS credit, they have almost perfected the art of mind-fuckery and making sheeple. Too bad for them there are folks who can see through it.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got a visceral reaction to msm. An anger and rage -now that the scales on my eyes have fallen off and I can see through their lies and manipulation. And I can't shout loud enough for other people to see it. They can't see it

Allergic_to_Blueshit 7 points ago +7 / -0

Movie: Tropic Thunder

It is probably one of the most Politically Incorrect movies in the modern/contemporary era what's ironic about that is Robert Downey Jr plays someone in complete black face but that's some how okay for him and Ben Stiller plays someone who is well uh...."You never go full retard"

Worth a watch...if not just for the hypocrisy.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also, this has been widely debated on his site the past week. You may be edified by searching DoD 10 days of Darkness and reading folks' thoughts on it. It may help you decide where you ultimately land on the question.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn't matter. If that is the natural progression of all humans then that is a function of conception then, just like ears and hands, gets developed during the gestation of that person. But the important part is recognizing that the trajectory of A PERSON'S SEX is at conception and NOT assigned at birth.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amazing. I am going to check if any of them do wrongful termination

Allergic_to_Blueshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

As Americans, we don't do well with subtlety. This is why the dark ones/derp-state have incrementally boiling us like frogs. Our short term memory weakness is exploited as their weapons.

The genpop will need to see big, obvious movements in devastating sussesion with a Q drop stapled to it in the msm/or viral online to "get it"...

Just add this election needed to me too big to rig. Q drops have to be too obvious to deny.

[Not just read-in 'coincedences' that aren't coincidences]

Allergic_to_Blueshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it a betrayal though? Because I didn't think he would vote Yes because he's a RINO ...so what's the betrayal?... he did exactly what he was going to do, you know, be a shitty human being

Allergic_to_Blueshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 2024 US population was estimated to be 340,110,988. 4% of that 13,604,439 people.

That's still 13million people.

That tracks.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

...yeah. And it is crazy to me that people think they are all contrails. Contrails disappear may 50feet behind the plane. Chemtrails legit stay up for hours. When I grew up the skies did not look like the marks in a cutting board.

I hate them. I truly hate them.

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