AllowMeToExplain 12 points ago +13 / -1

Because Rush can never be equaled by anyone. Even Tucker.

Tucker has to get somewhere in front of the largest possible audience to be the most effective. That is probably on twitter. Facebook would work if not for being cucked. His nightly viewers pale in comparison to the short clip retweets across the internet. Most of them come from the internet; and not directly via fox. Just as well go to the source of the views. Radio isn’t big enough nor does it reach the target audience needing to be reached.

AllowMeToExplain 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Fox/Dominion lawsuit was expected to net Dominion considerably more than the $787M they settled for. So why settle for less?

They would never have got this kind of money. The question should be why would fox settle for hundreds of millions MORE than a worst case scenario. And frankly, Dominion could never have won this under any circumstance in an uncucked court.

This is definitely financing the steal. But it is also to make muh election deniers look like complete imbeciles. Its a boost to Dominion...or at least that was the intention behind it.

AllowMeToExplain 6 points ago +6 / -0

One thing we often forget is that it is possible to be liberal and not a Bolshevik. In fact, I’d argue that MAGA is one of the most liberal movements in US political history. This is because liberals from 25 years ago are on the right side of the spectrum now. Woke commies have swung that pendulum so far left that liberals from the 80s and 90s now look like full on fascists. MAGA is a conglomerate of left and right. Defeating the woke mobs and the cuckservatives.

We don’t even agree on everything. We don’t have to. All we need to agree on is that the Constitution matters, we should look after our own country and not others, we need strong borders or we aren’t a country, we shouldn’t let the elites loot our treasury to enrich themselves, children’s innocence should be preserved, and strong families are important. Plus, we want accountability for the prior rackets and disgusting human abuses perpetrated by those deviants. Beyond that, we got a lot of variety in our opinions.

MAGA should rename itself to the Great Reset. Because it is the greatest realignment in our political history. Resetting to an earlier time when rule of law mattered and we didn’t have a permanent political ruling class.

AllowMeToExplain 22 points ago +22 / -0

Normally I'm pretty good at sorting through things like this and having an idea what is being said. This one might as well have been in ancient Mycenean to me. Someone plz break this down for me when able. Dummies need to understand too ya know!

AllowMeToExplain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. But look at it this way:

This is a flagrant civil rights violation. § 1983 lawsuits were made for this. Short term inconvenience for retirement level payout in a few years. We could only hope the government is this dumb and continues doing this. A few of us might end up financially able to bankroll all sorts of anti deep state investigations while hanging out on a tropical beach somewhere.

AllowMeToExplain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Where is The Prince of Zimbabwe and his unreal talent for NPC videos? Does this guy post new stuff somewhere else besides youtube? A damn tragedy that these are all old. Dude is a legend.

AllowMeToExplain 4 points ago +4 / -0

They were already in it. Back at the end of february they filed a motion to inspect plaintiffs property in custody of law enforcement for the criminal investigation of the executive they arrested. This was opposed by plaintiffs.


It was granted by the judge the first week of march. Then they filed a motion to appoint a special master. Konnecht opposed this but did not get around to filing a response. Before the court could order it, they dismissed the case.


The actual order dismissing the case isn't on this docket. The judge may not have signed an order yet. But the stipulated motion says "without prejudice" which means they can refile it if they decide to later.


I didn't realize they got the cucked judge who jailed them to recuse. That was entertaining. I also didn't realize that the 5th circuit panel that reversed the contempt order took that judge's ability to issue contempt orders away in this case and required submission to that panel to decide those issues. That is pretty emasculating for a judge. Must be more cucked than as cucked as we believed him to be.

AllowMeToExplain 3 points ago +3 / -0

downvoters don't want to consider alternative explanations just as valid as the evidence-less based assumptions they make to the contrary.

AllowMeToExplain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unless it was dismissed with prejudice, it can always be re-filed; presuming the statute of limitations on the cause of action hadn't expired.

AllowMeToExplain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Courts only enforce judgements upon petition by the party trying to collect. However, newscorp is a publicly traded company. I would think their quarterly earnings reports would have to show that payment or the start of a series of payments. I'd be shocked if they ever pay anything like that amount.

X22 phoned it in on this issue yesterday and it was depressing. Dave was like "see the precedent set here?" As if this somehow sets the table for Russia collusion media payments and other hoaxes. How does a uniparty circle jerk settlement out of court for hundreds of millions more than could ever be proven at trial set a precedent that can be used against other media for other media hoaxes? That was a bad one. Dave should retract that as "sorry, wasn't thinking very hard there, that was a bad theory..."

AllowMeToExplain 18 points ago +20 / -2

Just read what she wrote. There’s no need to provide this much detail on the “conspiracy” and no detail on the “deboooonk” if you weren’t trying to red pill. The lack of detail in the deboooonk is purposeful so that the only argument you are seeing that is actually supported in her narrative is the red pill one. It’s sleight of hand to get around the mods. Apparently the mods busted her “husband’s” response and deleted it for wrongspeak lulz…

AllowMeToExplain 1 point ago +1 / -0

He never said that. So no sauce.

AllowMeToExplain 0 points ago +1 / -1


No, he isn’t Trump. And I would not ever vote for a democrat for president….except if somehow a rino manages to steal the primary from Trump. I’ll gladly vote RFK jr over a rino. For the first time ever, I’d vote democrat there.

Read his page. It’s not 1 issue we have in common. He’s against endless wars, and wants us out of the Ukraine conflict. Guns aren’t even a position on his website. I couldn’t find anything about his position on guns. The only thing I’ve seen is him attacking the NRA. Which is a corrupt grifting organization that takes money from members to eat at Ruth’s Chris steakhouse without inviting the members. And stops very little gun legislation. In fact, their most financially supported members voted for the red flag bullshit. So ya, they are endangering America by pretending to lobby for gun owners.

RFK Jr doesn’t use the words “climate change.” Which is a major improvement. And something we all ought to agree on is cleaning up pollution to the extent reasonably possible. We probably don’t agree on the best policies to do that; and I would bet I would be against a lot of his ideas. But you can work with this position and that is more than you can say about any other democrat.

He is anti deep state. Wants to clean out corruption. He wants to dismantle the censorship industrial complex. He wants to cut down on the defense budget by not having 800 bases overseas and getting engaged in coups and other cover shenanigans. He wants honest government. He wants to roll back the surveillance state that has grown into a leviathan from 9-11. He wants to restore freedom of speech and defend the bill of rights.

I’m not trying to tell everyone to vote for him; Trump will be the republican absent major horse shit. But in the event that major horse shit happens, the next best thing we can get is him.

AllowMeToExplain 1 point ago +2 / -1

While I have my own issues with this fixation on “optics” I don’t know how that requirement is kept by having Trump win in 2024 and handling all the clean up. Either it doesn’t get cleaned up till after 2028 (omfg that would deflate me) or it gets done before November next year (seems like a mega stretch). Maybe it would be RFK jr cleaning up. He has a vendetta against these clowns too. Not sure how to reconcile this optics thing that seems to be the cope that hinders accountability.

AllowMeToExplain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Texas Constitution is designed to minimize central authority over criminal prosecutions. Only the district/county attorney can prosecute crimes. The Texas AG cannot do so unless upon request of the appropriate district/county attorney. It would appear that the framework to prevent institutionalized corruption has actually worked to enshrine it in particular counties with no recourse. Something has to give.

by wrmevlp
AllowMeToExplain 2 points ago +3 / -1

I've considered the possibility of the house impeaching these judges, notwithstanding the unlikelihood of the senate removing them. It would force these judges to hire lawyers to defend themselves. They don't have campaign money they can spend. And it would seem pretty far fetched that the DOJ ought to represent them for this. They'd have to go on the record with this bullshit and I am certain none of them want to do it.

The problem I have not been able to reconcile is the impact on the prosecutions of defendants by those judges while these proceedings are going on. One could good faith argue that this taints the process. But what is the fix? Of course everyone will say that they should drop the charges. Except that is short sighted without thinking of the implications. If democrat friends are facing trial, a dem controlled house could cause chaos by simply voting to impeach the judge. That isn't exactly the smartest process for us to pursue for obvious reasons.

So I have not been able to walk all the way down this path to an ending that seems better than doing nothing yet. There might be some way, but someone else will have to try their mind at finding it.

by wrmevlp
AllowMeToExplain 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's cuz he only has a sleep button and a shill button.

by wrmevlp
AllowMeToExplain 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing says you can't be indicted after being impeached and removed

AllowMeToExplain 5 points ago +5 / -0

I also find it hard to believe. But if someone asked you how hard it was to believe that complete dipshits that could do something like that are out there in large numbers, that is pretty easy to believe isn't it?

My cousin in Australia asked me what the deal was with this shooting. He said it has been all over the news there as if it happened somewhere in Australia. I told him that I honestly had no clue; that there are 2 narratives - the first one being that he just rang the doorbell, and another saying he entered the house. Obviously ringing a doorbell then getting shot is not lawful self defense. But entering the house and getting shot is another story altogether.

The fact that Oz media is acting like it happened there is a red flag psyop sign. So I am inclined to believe that narrative is bogus. But until we get something definitive on it, I have nothing to go on. I cannot assume anything in clown world. Evidence only.

AllowMeToExplain 4 points ago +5 / -1

The people all in on this cannot be saved nor reasoned with. They cope harder than woke leftists about it. Lost cause.

AllowMeToExplain 5 points ago +5 / -0

These 3 clowns look like a special needs mariachi band and they write lawsuits similarly. It is retard level 11 the arguments in their suits. Like so bad you have to wonder how purposeful it is. Are they doing it for lulz or to make anyone promoting it look retarded? You have to wonder…

You can’t persuade anyone that has gone all in on these bogus suits. They don’t even realize that all the gibberish in the pages preceding their claims for relief doesn’t have any bearing on their claims for relief. Think of the idiocy of claiming that a lower court judge can remove a justice of the Supreme Court with zero explanation of how the constitution says judges serve for life but Congress can impeach and remove.

Then imagine that 2.5 years after egregious election fraud in 2020 and batting .000 in court on election fraud suits, a retard mariachi band trio inventing their own bogus legal theories and plucking their own remedies out of thin air are going to succeed when even the suits with merit failed to get anywhere.

Every single post promoting this case is lining their pockets with pure snake hopium oil grifting. These fags would fail an undergrad political science con law class. Believing this group to be part of some plan is pure unadulterated cope. Cope concentrate.

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